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1958 Professor Hotema went back to the Antediluvian College of the Ancient Astrologers, who produced the only Science of Anthropology the world has ever had, and who taught the Neophyte the:Nature of the UniverseNature of LifeNature of ManAs you proceed you will learn that the Ancient Astrologers skillfully concealed the gist of their esoteric knowledge in strange symbols, parables, fables, fiction, allegories, and by other means.Content: Cosmogony; Darkness; Cosmography; Universal Equilibrium; Science; Man Is Born; Cave Man; Great Stone Book; Traces of Primitive Man; Sunken Continents; Before Mountains Rose; Human Paleontology; Biological Kingdom; Atomic Creator; Constitution of the Body; Cosmic Intelligence; Birth and Death; Search For God; etc.
The Language of Creation is a commentary on the primeval stories from the book of Genesis. It is often difficult to recognize the spiritual wisdom contained in these narratives because the current scientific worldview is deeply rooted in materialism. Therefore, instead of looking at these stories through the lens of modern academic disciplines, such as sociology, psychology, or the physical sciences, this commentary attempts to interpret the Bible from its own cosmological perspective.By contemplating the ancient biblical model of the universe, The Language of Creation demonstrates why these stories are foundational to western science and civilization. It rediscovers the archaic cosmic patterns of heaven, earth, time, and space, and sees them repeated at different levels of reality. These fractal-like structures are first encountered in the narrative of creation and then in the stories of the Garden of Eden, Cain and Abel, and the flood. The same patterns are also revealed in the visions of Ezekiel, the book of Daniel, and the miracles of Moses. The final result of this contemplation is a vision of the cosmos centered on the role of human consciousness in creation.
This is the story of the cosmic background radiation, the "afterglow" of the Big Bang in which the Universe was born. Fifteen billion years after the event, the afterglow still permeates all of space, making it the oldest relic in creation and providing an imprint of the Universe as it was in its infancy. But the most astonishing thing about the afterglow of creation is that it wasn't discovered until 1965, and then only by accident - despite the fact that it had been predicted in 1948 and the technology to detect it existed during World War II. Chown brilliantly weaves a tale of the search for the origins of the Universe. Beginning in the 1920s and culminating with the flight of the COBE satellite and what it found, this book uncovers the secrets of the Universe.
The Art of Cosmic Creation is the quintessential guide to living a fully expressed life that's filled with purpose, meaning, and joy. Written by Lavender Moon as channeled through Amber Tawn, this book is designed to help you begin a conversation with yourself about who you truly are, who you're meant to be, and how you want to live your life. It will enlighten and empower you to let your creativity bloom and allow your beautiful soul's brilliance to shine. This impactful guide will teach you how to change your life, shape your reality, and lead you on a path to true joy.Amber Tawn's mission is to empower others to trust their authentic selves and follow their intuition. She is a natural communicator and communicates with a collective consciousness she calls Lavender Moon. Through Lavender Moon, Amber translates messages. She operates a YouTube channel dedicated to helping people expand their awareness, connect with what brings them joy, and do what's necessary to shape their lives into an expression of their true spirit. Amber's YouTube channel of the same name, "Lavender Moon" is where she teaches tarot as a tool to develop intuition and self-trust and shares the messages of Lavender Moon.
An introduction to the interdimensional cosmos: home study lesson course.
Alan Lightman, the internationally bestselling author of Einstein's Dreams, presents Mr g, a celebration of the highs and lows of existence, on the grandest possible scale: the story of Creation, as told by God. Once before time existed, Mr g woke up from a nap and decided to create the universe. In the shimmering Void, where he lives with his Aunt Penelope and Uncle Deva, he creates time, space, and matter. Soon follow stars, planets, animate matter, consciousness,and intelligent beings with moral dilemmas. But the creation of space and time has unintended consequences, including the arrival of Belhor, a clever and devious rival. Belhor delights in needling Mr g, demanding explanations for the inexplicable, offering his own opinions on the fledgling universes, and maintaining the necessity of evil. As Mr g’s favorite universe grows, he discovers how an act of creation can change everything in the world—including the creator himself.
This is an alternative theory of the physics of the Big Bang and the creation of the cosmos. It examines the events of cosmic history from perspectives that are upside down, backwards, and inside out from the standard Big Bang model.
This book examines the experimental measurements that are used to verify Einstein's theories of special and general relativity and his ideas about relativistic cosmology that eventually became the Big Bang. It examines the differences between the calculations of Einstein's metaphysical assumptions and the physical principles of the Living Cosmos. The Living Cosmos makes the same astronomical measurements as relativity but does so from perspectives that are upside down, backwards, and inside out from standard model Big Bang theories. The book presents new principles for atomic physics and gravity based on the physical measurements of mass, space, time, and gravity instead of relativity's metaphysical assumptions of equivalent force and "pure" photon energy. The creation of the Living Cosmos is revealed as a sequential, non-synchronous, evolutionary process in which the galaxies were created first, then the stars, and finally our atomic matter. The true and absolute nature of gravity experiments is revealed.
Stenger alternates his discussions of popular spirituality with a survey of what the findings of 20th-century physics actually mean in laypersons terms--without equations.