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Cosmoconsciousness, or cosmic consciousness, is a term used to characterize a transcendence of the limits of self-consciousness. As an ultra-state of illumination of the mind, the roots of the conception are embodied in the quest for a spiritual connection with multi-dimensional cosmos. This quest searches for spiritual development as a pathway to human excellence, and can be associated with the mystics of ancient wisdom, as well as contemporary psycho-spiritual analysts. After its emergence in the late 19th century, cosmic consciousness rapidly became a source of inspiration for transpersonal psychology, moral therapy, and a thoughtful link to mystical quantum physics. By encouraging a spiritual way of perceiving the real world, cosmic consciousness also provides a source of inspiration for human excellence as the central idea of global ethics. In this perspective, the world cannot be changed for the better without changing individual consciousness. Global concerns, including ecological issues, violence and acts of terrorism, materialistic gratification and hedonism, could not be addressed effectively unless people’s consciousness is changed. Cosmic consciousness, by the very perception of the inner life, has the potential to struggle with global concerns, and hence, it holds a promise of human excellence. This book discusses cosmic consciousness against the backdrop of the emergence of the rational and autonomous conception of the self, and the modern psychological depiction of selfhood. It places the idea of cosmic consciousness at the centre of contemporary arguments on the nature of consciousness.
This book of readings is designed to accomplish two tasks: to philosophize on Igwebuike and to honour Professor KANU, Ikechukwu Anthony, O.S.A. These two tasks or goals go hand in hand because Igwebuike is Professor Kanu’s philosophy. The book clearly demonstrates why Kanu deserves honour as an African philosopher who has introduced a way of doing African philosophy. It is an approach of doing philosophy that takes into account African ontology and cosmology. Igwebuike as a systematic African thought is exploratory in nature. It investigates issues with a view of seeing how they are related. Doing philosophy in this way takes into account not only the African context but the world as a complex entity with myriads of challenges. The myriads of challenges facing humanity have a representation in this book. For this reason the book is bound to have a global impact. In terms of philosophizing, this book demonstrates that Africa is confronted with many discourses. Discourses that are already going on but need a more systematic African philosophical approach. Some of the discourses are on the environment, governance, infrastructure, human and material resource among others. — Denis Odinga Okiya Maryknoll Insitute of African Studies, Nairobi, Kenya
The theory of modernization basically reduces the meaning of development to economic growth often measured by Growth Domestic Product of the country or overall purchase power parity of the nation. This approach ignores the variety of perspectives on development, hence excludes the role of culture, identity, and spirituality as social determinants of good development. More importantly, modernization theory which informs the mainstream view on development ignores the structural causes of underdevelopment, including colonial heritage or the current unbridled capitalism in many societies. Against reductionist views of development, fundamental questions are raised about the theory and programming of development. From what perspective is the conception of development perceived? Who should decide and depict development goals? What kind of development could result in desirable changes? Is it morally desirable to dictate an exclusively Western understanding of development to others? Is there any link between development and a right of nations to self-determination? Who is morally accountable for global inequality or ‘bad development’? The novelty of this book lies in its multidisciplinary approach in exploring the role of ethics and spirituality as the curing alternates for the gamut of ills which originate in global inequality. All authors are academics based in a variety of countries and specialize in questions concerning development and spirituality.
In one of the classic books on the mystical experience, Buck outlines the development of various faculties in the history of man and the growth of an individual. He believes we are witnessing a continuous psychical revolution and that people like Buddha and Jesus, to name a couple, are the forerunners of the beings who will eventually inhabit the earth.
The book takes a practical look at the complexity of the nature of violence/terrorism in Nigeria, in the light of the Catholic social teaching on non-violent resistance. With the critical analyses of some policies/strategies used to address the problem of Boko Haram terrorism in Nigeria, the book explores a range of questions: Does severe punishment work effectively as deterrence against possible involvement in terrorism? Does applying “lex talionis” reduce or exacerbate recidivism? What are the right mechanisms to stop terrorism/violence in Nigeria? This book is convinced that nothing is resolved through violence, and that, violence begets violence, alluding that, responding to terror with terror is a retaliatory method that is self-defeating. On the whole, it has been noted that the principle or law of retaliation (Lex Talionis) alone cannot stop armed insurgency in Nigeria, thus, the book suggests non-violent resistance as the best way to address terrorism and violent conflicts. Non-violent resistance does not mean condoning violent attacks against innocent civilians. Based on the Christian ethical principles of the dignity of the human person and justice, this book explicitly declares that the killing of innocent civilians is absolutely immoral. The book explores the use of the term Islamic terrorism and the Islamic ethics of justice, peace and nonviolence, and underlines that the Islamic core moral principles in no way support terrorism. While stating that terrorism is morally wrong, this book states that the causes of terrorism must be addressed with justice and fairness. On this basis, the book insists on critically investigating the following: religious extremism, corruption, bigotry in politics and religion, the glaring sense of apathy among the political elite to the suffering of the oppressed, and the mismanagement and abuse of political positions or the nation’s resources for selfish interest. There must be a rethink aimed at finding the best way to build an ethical society – a framework for justice and peace.
This book explores the spiritual potential of faith, mysticism and transcendence in answer to the dangers of a mythologised state and the sacro-sanctification of (liberal) democracy and its rule of law. It searches for a curative for the pathological transformation of these institutions into – so called – political religions. Along this line, it explores the importance of spirituality and transcendence for political legitimacy, democratic participation and international cooperation, law and politics. There being no general agreed-upon definition of ‘spirituality’, the authors examine what may be seen as ‘spiritual’ dimensions of the political. These dimensions have in common a focus on transcendence as a vanishing point of rationality and rational justification. This vanishing point may become manifest, for example, in a primordial requisite of becoming an individual person; in responding – in freedom – to the call of theocracy; in the phenomenon of prophecy or political wisdom; in the remaining shards of formerly all-pervasive religious institutions; in tenacious hope for a democracy-to-come; in the courageous resilience and resistance of citizens of ‘non-’ or ‘un-democratic’ states; etc. The authors of this book, philosophers, theologians, psychologists, jurists and others, are more or less suspicious of the Modern theories of the social contract allegedly justifying democracy. It may turn out, however, that the inexhaustive and unfathomable dimension of ‘faith’ which comes up as an alternative is not so easy to handle as a ‘rational argument’. This ‘impracticality’ of faith and transcendence might be the irreducible yet indispensable predicament of democracy.
Critical Realism and the Objective Value of Sustainability contributes to the growing discussion surrounding the concept of sustainability, using a critical realist approach within a transdisciplinary theoretical framework to examine how sustainability objectively occurs in the natural world and in society. The book develops an ethical theory of sustainability as an objective value, rooted not in humans’ subjective preferences but in the holistic web of relationships, interdependencies, and obligations existing among living things on Earth, a web believed to have maintained life on Earth over the last 3.7 billion years. It proposes three pillars of sustainability ethics: contentment for the human existence given to us; justice (beyond distributive justice); and meaningful freedom (within ecological and moral limits). Using abductive reasoning, the book infers that there is an out-of-this-world Sustainer behind the Earth’s sustainability acting as a metaphysical source of all being and value. It argues that sustainability value, accepted as a shared understanding of the common good, must guide individual decisions and socio-economic development efforts as a matter of deliberate choice, as well as be built on the awareness that there are non-negotiable, pre-established conditions for our planet’s sustainability. This book will be of interest to students and scholars across fields of inquiry, including sustainability, sustainable development, environmental philosophy and ethics, philosophy of science, and ecological economics, and to whoever may wonder why seasons exists and why humans have creative minds.
This book explores how mystical traditions of either Abrahamic or non-Abrahamic religions hold the potential to challenge the discourse of political Islam and its terrorist intentions. It discusses the urgent need to reconsider mystical messages of love and recognition of difference against the poisonous evil of terrorism issuing from religious contexts. Throughout the publication, the editors draw together the main ideas and perspectives surrounding mystical Islam in real life and the practice of mystics alongside illustrating common beliefs and practices of Islamic mysticism. This book analyses the message and impacts of mysticism on the battle against the evil of religious terrorism, whilst examining successful stories and cases against violence and religious terrorism.
A 2023 Choice Reviews Outstanding Academic Title Beauty in African Thought: A Critique of the Western Idea of Development investigates how the concept of beauty in African philosophy and related qualitative social sciences may contribute to a richer intercultural exchange on the idea of development. While working within frameworks created in post-colonial and arguably neo-colonial times, African thinkers have reacted against the mainstream view that restricts the meaning and scope of good development to economic growth and western-style education. These thinkers have worked toward a critical self-understanding of the potentials inherent in cultural, spiritual, and political traditions since pre-colonial times. Edited by Bolaji Bateye, Mahmoud Masaeli, Louise Müller, and Angela Roothaan, this collection explores branches of thought from wisdom or oral traditions to political thought and philosophy of culture. This book is urgent reading material for any policy maker, scholar, or student wishing to attend to the voices of African(ist) thinkers who search for alternative approaches to global questions of development in a time of climate change and increasing socio-economic inequality.
This scholarly monograph initiates an open dialogue with an open mind, with scientists, philosophers, and social activists on symbiosis of science and spirituality. It discusses the generation of innovation in Science for human survival. Part I investigates creativity in science, Part II explores symbiosis of science and spirituality, Part III deals with science, education, and ethics. Part IV- discusses A New Vision on Earthquake and Tsunamis.