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The AYERM code is a computer program which has been developed for the high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) safety research program. It is a conjunction of the heat conduction code, AYER, and a set of special subroutines. This modified AYER code can predict the time-dependent release of volatile fission products from a reactor core during a hypothetical loss-of-forced-circulation (LOFC) accident. The computation scheme is based on the finite element method. The function of the AYER code is to compute the temperature distribution and the temperature history of a reactor during an LOFC accident. The subroutines perform two functions. One group of the subroutines provides the essential input data, such as the properties, configuration, initial and boundary conditions, etc., of the reactor core. The other group combines the computed instant local temperature with the fuel model parameters (i.e., the decay and release constants, and the irradiation history of the fuel) to perform the fission product release calculations.
The design features of the modular high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) have the potential to make it essentially invulnerable to damage from postulated core heatup accidents. Simulations of long-term loss-of-forced-convection (LOFC) accidents, both with and without depressurization of the primary coolant and with only passive cooling available to remove afterheat, have shown that maximum core temperatures stay below the point at which fuel failures and fission product releases are expected. Sensitivity studies also have been done to determine the effects of errors in the predictions due both to uncertainties in the modeling and to the assumptions about operational parameters. 4 refs., 5 figs.
The release of fission products from failed fuel particles was measured under simulated accident (core heatup) conditions. A generic model and specific model parameters that describe delayed fission product release from the kernels of failed HTGR fuel particles were developed from the experimental results. The release of fission products was measured from laser-failed BISO ThO2 and highly enriched (HEU) TRISO UC2 particles that had been irradiated to a range of kernel burnups. The burnups were 0.25, 1.4, and 15.7% FIMA for ThO2 particles and 23.5 and 74% FIMA for UC2 particles. The fission products measured were nuclides of xenon, iodine, krypton, tellurium, and cesium.
A study was performed to provide a description of the release of fission products from failed fuel particles during a core heatup event in an HTGR. The need for this study was established in the Accident Initiation and Progression Analysis program. The release of fission products was measured from laser-failed BISO ThO2, TRISO UC2, and weak acid resin (WAR) particles over a range of burnups. The burnups were 0.25, 1.4 and 15.7% FIMA for ThO2 particles, 23.5 and 74% FIMA for UC2 particles, and 60% FIMA for WAR particles. The fission products measured were nuclides of xenon, iodine, krypton, tellurium, and cesium. Two types of experiments were performed: isothermal and temperature rise experiments. The range of the temperatures was from 1200° to 2300°C. In the temperature rise experiments, the heating rates were between 50° and 450°C/h.
The inventories of fission products in a gas-cooled reactor under accident and normal steady state conditions are time and temperature dependent. To obtain a reasonable estimate of these inventories it is necessary to consider fuel failure, a temperature dependent variable, and radioactive decay, a time dependent variable. Using arbitrary radioactive decay chains and published fuel failure models for the High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTGR), methods have been developed to evaluate the release of fission products during the Loss of Forced Circulation (LOFC) accident and the circulating and plateout fission product inventories during steady state non-accident operation. The LARC-2 model presented here neglects the time delays in the release from the HTGR due to diffusion of fission products from particles in the fuel rod through the graphite matrix. It also neglects the adsorption and evaporation process of metallics at the fuel rod-graphite and graphite-coolant hole interfaces. Any time delay due to the finite time of transport of fission products by convection through the coolant to the outside of the prestressed concrete reactor vessel (PCRV) is also neglected. This model assumes that all fission products released from fuel particles are immediately deposited outside the PCRV with no time delay.