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Bhagawan has announced Himself as the Divine Teacher of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. By precept and example, through His writings and discourses, letters and conversations, He has been instilling the supreme wisdom and instructing all mankind to translate it into righteous living, inner peace, and universal love. When the Ramakatha Rasavahini, the uniquely authentic, nectarine stream of the Rama’s story, was serialised in full in the Sanathana Sarathi, Bhagawan blessed readers with a new series, which He named Bharatiya Paramartha Vahini (The Stream of Indian Spiritual Values). While these precious essays, on the basic truths that foster and feed Indian culture since ages before history began, were being published, Bhagawan decided to continue the flow of illumination and instruction under a more comprehensive and meaningful name, Sathya Sai Vahini - the Ganga from the Lotus Feet of the Lord - “The Flow of Divine Sai Grace”. This book, therefore, contains the two Vahinis that have merged in one master stream. Inaugurating these series, Bhagawan wrote for publication in the Sanathana Sarathi, “Moved by the urge to cool the heat of conflict and to quench the agonising thirst for ‘knowledge about yourself’ that you are afflicted with, see, here it comes, the Sathya Sai Vahini, wave behind wave, with the Sanathana Sarathi as the medium between you and Me.” With infinite compassion, this Sathya Sai incarnation of the Omniwill is giving millions of persons in all lands freedom from disease, distress, and despair, narcotics, narcissism, and nihilism. He is encouraging those, who suffer gloom through wilful blindness, to light the Lamp of Love in order to see the world and the Lamp of Wisdom to see themselves. “This is a tantalising, true-false world. Its apparent diversity is an illusion. It is One, but is cognised by the maimed, multiple vision of humans as Many,” says Bhagawan. This book is the twin Lamp He has devised for us.
Even Though The Writer Addresses Sai Baba, This Book Is Intended For Anyone In Search Of God. She Poses Questions And Answers We All Ask When We Set Out On The Spiritual Path. Actually She Addresses The Atma - Another Name For The Higher Self - That Resides In All Of Us. This Higher Self Can Manifest Itself On Earth In Human Form And As Such Has Been Given Different Names In The Various Cultures And Religions, Names As Rama, Krishna, Jesus, And Buddha And So On. However, We Always Deal With The Same Principle, Namely God Who Can Manifest In Different Forms But Who Ultimately Transcends Any Form And Is Worshipped As The Formless Principle Residing In All Of Us And Animating Everything From Within. If You Replace The Name Of Sai Baba For One That Represents Your Chosen Deity, You May Benefit Greatly By These Lessons Which Teach Us How, By Living Righteously And In Accordance With God S Will, We Can Be Happy In The Present, Critical Age. For Many Years Geesje Lunshof (Poet, Teacher, Writer) Wandered Through The World On A Spiritual Quest. Finally, In The Late Seventies, She Returned To Her Native Country, The Netherlands, Where Se Settled Down As An English Teacher. In 1980 She Heard Of Sai Baba For The First Time. Soon It Became Clear To Her The He Represented The End Of Her Search. In 1991, After Her Second Trip To Sai Baba In India, Sai Baba Started Answering Her Many Questions In An Inner Dialoque. This Took Place Through The Process Of Written Questions And Answers. As Many Of These Questions And Certainly All The Answers Are Of General Interest, It Gradually Became Clear To Her That She Must Not Keep The Dialogue To Herself, But Should Share It With Others.