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Le dossier d’informations recense les différentes fonctions que les points focaux pour la Convention-cadre de l’OMS peuvent avoir à remplir dans la mise en œuvre de la Convention au niveau national. Il définit dans les grandes lignes les champs d’action des points focaux dans le cadre des efforts mondiaux de lutte antitabac, notamment leur participation et leur contribution aux sessions de la Conférence des Parties ou aux autres réunions des organes subsidiaires. Le dossier souligne leur rôle majeur dans la notification sur la mise en œuvre de la Convention par leur Partie respective, notamment dans le cadre des rapports sur les Objectifs de développement durable. Enfin, les points focaux y trouveront une série de conseils pour obtenir et demander une assistance à la mise en œuvre de la Convention et une description des spécificités relatives au fonctionnement des points focaux dans les pays à faible revenu.
This book is the result of the WHO European Working Group on Health Promotion Evaluation which examined the current range of qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods to provide guidance to policy-makers and practitioners. It includes an extensive c
Large-scale adverse health and developmental outcomes related to tobacco affect millions of people across the world, raising serious questions from a human rights perspective. In response to this crisis, this timely book provides a comprehensive analysis of the promotion and enforcement of human rights protection in tobacco control law and policy at international, regional, and domestic levels.
Strategic health planning, the cornerstone of initiatives designed to achieve health improvement goals around the world, requires an understanding of the comparative burden of diseases and injuries, their corresponding risk factors and the likely effects of invervention options. The Global Burden of Disease framework, originally published in 1990, has been widely adopted as the preferred method for health accounting and has become the standard to guide the setting of health research priorities. This publication sets out an updated assessment of the situation, with an analysis of trends observed since 1990 and a chapter on the sensitivity of GBD estimates to various sources of uncertainty in methods and data.
Americans engage with screens for more than ten hours a day, changing our brains, our relationships, and our personal lives. Here, Dodgen-Magee illuminates the effects of device overuse, and offers wisdom gleaned from personal stories, research, and anecdotes from youth, paren...
"[Reid] develops an approach to globalization and health that goes beyond simplistic dichotomies -- such as the puritanism of the United States in contrast with the more libertine cultures of other countries -- and he also eschews the equally simplistic view that the world is becoming homogenized." -- David J. Hess, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute A tangible aspect of living, working, and traveling in the 21st century is the experience of moving between smoke-filled and smoke-free environments. In Globalizing Tobacco Control, Roddey Reid examines what lies behind this experience: the revolution in public attitudes and health codes that regulate daily routines and the life of the body. While the gradual replacement of smoking with non-smoking as the social norm is a global phenomenon, it has not followed the same trajectory everywhere. Reid compares anti-smoking campaigns in the United States, France, and Japan for what they reveal about the nature of globalization and liberal arts of government. He explores distinctive national histories of tobacco; evolving global marketing strategies of transnational tobacco corporations; "social marketing" techniques used to tailor public health messages to particular ethnic communities; and the programs of international public health organizations.
Greenpeace: The Inside Story is the first comprehensive eye-witness account of the human drama behind the creation of the world's largest direct-action environmental group. Greenpeace founder and Pulitzer Prize-nominated author Rex Weyler brings us the amazing story of an idea that changed the world, and the adventures, clashes, pitfalls and heroics of the people who fought for it. The book reveals the roots of ecology and the influence on Greenpeace of legends such as Gandhi, Einstein, Rachel Carson, and Martin Luther King Jr. The story is enhanced through cameo appearances by the CIA, Allen Ginsberg, Bonnie Raitt, Brigitte Bardot, James Taylor, Joni Mitchell, The Grateful Dead, Pope Paul VI, Courtney Love, and Richard Nixon. Greenpeace has 4.5 million dues-paying members around the world, and many millions more supporters.
Increasing numbers of parents grapple with children who are acting out without obvious reason. Revved up and irritable, many of these children are diagnosed with ADHD, bipolar illness, autism, or other disorders but don’t respond well to treatment. They are then medicated, often with poor results and unwanted side effects. Based on emerging scientific research and extensive clinical experience, integrative child psychiatrist Dr. Victoria Dunckley has pioneered a four-week program to treat the frequent underlying cause, Electronic Screen Syndrome (ESS). Dr. Dunckley has found that everyday use of interactive screen devices — such as computers, video games, smartphones, and tablets — can easily overstimulate a child’s nervous system, triggering a variety of stubborn symptoms. In contrast, she’s discovered that a strict, extended electronic fast single-handedly improves mood, focus, sleep, and behavior, regardless of the child’s diagnosis. It also reduces the need for medication and renders other treatments more effective. Offered now in this book, this simple intervention can produce a life-changing shift in brain function and help your child get back on track — all without cost or medication. While no one in today’s connected world can completely shun electronic stimuli, Dr. Dunckley provides hope for parents who feel that their child has been misdiagnosed or inappropriately medicated, by presenting an alternative explanation for their child’s difficulties and a concrete plan for treating them.