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This book introduces various coverage control problems for mobile sensor networks including barrier, sweep and blanket. Unlike many existing algorithms, all of the robotic sensor and actuator motion algorithms developed in the book are fully decentralized or distributed, computationally efficient, easily implementable in engineering practice and based only on information on the closest neighbours of each mobile sensor and actuator and local information about the environment. Moreover, the mobile robotic sensors have no prior information about the environment in which they operation. These various types of coverage problems have never been covered before by a single book in a systematic way. Another topic of this book is the study of mobile robotic sensor and actuator networks. Many modern engineering applications include the use of sensor and actuator networks to provide efficient and effective monitoring and control of industrial and environmental processes. Such mobile sensor and actuator networks are able to achieve improved performance and efficient monitoring together with reduction in power consumption and production cost.
We make two main contributions in this thesis. First, we present our approach to robot manipulation, which emphasizes the benefits of making contact with the world across all the surfaces of a manipulator with whole-arm tactile sensing and compliant actuation at the joints. In contrast, many current approaches to mobile manipulation assume most contact is a failure of the system, restrict contact to only occur at well modeled end effectors, and use stiff, precise control to avoid contact.\r : \r : We develop a controller that enables robots with whole-arm tactile sensing and compliant actuation at the joints to reach to locations in high clutter while regulating contact forces. We assume\r : that low contact forces are benign and our controller does not place any penalty on contact forces below a threshold. Our controller only requires haptic sensing, handles multiple contacts across the surface of the manipulator, and does not need an explicit model of the environment prior to contact. It uses model predictive control with a time horizon of length one, and a linear quasi-static mechanical model that it constructs at each time step.\r : \r : We show that our controller enables both a real and simulated robots to reach goal locations in high clutter with low contact forces. While doing so, the robots bend, compress, slide, and pivot around objects. To enable experiments on real robots, we also developed an inexpensive, flexible, and stretchable tactile sensor and covered large surfaces of two robot arms with these sensors. With an informal experiment, we show that our controller and sensor have the potential to enable robots to manipulate in close proximity to, and in contact with humans while keeping the contact forces low.\r : \r : Second, we present an approach to give robots common sense about everyday forces in the form of probabilistic data-driven object-centric models of haptic interactions. These models can be shared by different robots for improved manipulation performance. We use pulling open doors, an important task for service robots, as an example to demonstrate our approach.\r : \r : Specifically, we capture and model the statistics of forces while pulling open doors and drawers. Using a portable custom force and motion capture system, we create a database of forces as human operators pull open doors and drawers in six homes and one office. We then build data-driven\r : models of the expected forces while opening a mechanism, given knowledge of either its class (e.g, refrigerator) or the mechanism identity (e.g, a particular cabinet in Advait's kitchen). We demonstrate that these models can enable robots to detect anomalous conditions such as a locked door, or collisions between the door and the environment faster and with lower excess force applied to the door compared to methods that do not use a database of forces.
Novel Algorithms and Techniques in Telecommunications and Networking includes a set of rigorously reviewed world-class manuscripts addressing and detailing state-of-the-art research projects in the areas of Industrial Electronics, Technology and Automation, Telecommunications and Networking. Novel Algorithms and Techniques in Telecommunications and Networking includes selected papers form the conference proceedings of the International Conference on Telecommunications and Networking (TeNe 08) which was part of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information and Systems Sciences and Engineering (CISSE 2008).
This handbook provides a complete professional reference and practitioner's guide to today's advanced sensor networking technologies. It focuses on both established and recent sensor networking theory, technology, and practice. Specialists at the forefront of the field address immediate and long-term challenges and explore practical solutions to a wide range of sensor networking issues. The book covers the hardware of sensor networks, wireless communication protocols, sensor networks software and architectures, wireless information networks, data manipulation, signal processing, localization, and object tracking through sensor networks.
This is the first book to focus on solving cooperative control problems of multiple robot arms using different centralized or distributed neural network models, presenting methods and algorithms together with the corresponding theoretical analysis and simulated examples. It is intended for graduate students and academic and industrial researchers in the field of control, robotics, neural networks, simulation and modelling.
New market trends and the emergence of the so-called Internet-based `new economy' are leading companies to new forms of organization, mostly relying on privileged cooperation links. Nowadays, most manufacturing processes are not carried out by single enterprises. Rather, organizations feel the need to focus on their core competencies and join efforts with others, in order to fulfill the requirements of new products/services demanded by the global market. In a cooperative networked organization, every enterprise is just a node that adds some value to the process; namely, a step in the manufacturing/supply chain. Furthermore, manufacturing companies increasingly encompass what has typically been regarded as the domain of the service sector. They try to establish long-term relationships with their customers, in order to service their needs around a manufactured product. For these reasons, the area of virtual organizations and industrial virtual enterprises is attracting growing interest in terms of research and development, and implementation approaches for new business practices. The main emphasis of this book is on virtual enterprises and other networked organizations, with special focus on: supporting infrastructures and management of distributed business processes, intelligent multi-agent systems, knowledge management, human interfaces, and socio-economical aspects. Also included in the book are related topics on automation, both in manufacturing and transportation. Special attention is assigned to the fact that advances in information technology and new organizational paradigms will be used not only to induce new economic structures, but also to help a sustainable migration of existing systems towards the new economy. When electronic business initiatives attract such widespread attention, it is important to conciliate the `old' and `new' economies under a balanced perspective. Advances in Networked Enterprises is essential reading for researchers and engineering students in production engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, industrial sociology, and transportation, as well as for engineers and practitioners in manufacturing and transportation systems organization and planning.
This book provides state-of-the-art scientific and engineering research findings and developments in the area of mobile robotics and associated support technologies. It contains peer-reviewed articles presented at the CLAWAR 2008 conference. Robots are no longer confined to industrial manufacturing environments; rather, a great deal of interest is invested in the use of robots outside the factory environment. The CLAWAR conference series, established as a high-profile international event, acts as a platform for dissemination of research and development findings to address the current interest in mobile robotics in meeting the needs of mankind in various sectors of the society. These include personal care, public health, and services in the domestic, public and industrial environments. The editors of the book have extensive research experience and publications in the area of robotics in general, and in mobile robotics specifically.
Technological Developments in Networking, Education and Automation includes a set of rigorously reviewed world-class manuscripts addressing and detailing state-of-the-art research projects in the following areas: Computer Networks: Access Technologies, Medium Access Control, Network architectures and Equipment, Optical Networks and Switching, Telecommunication Technology, and Ultra Wideband Communications. Engineering Education and Online Learning: including development of courses and systems for engineering, technical and liberal studies programs; online laboratories; intelligent testing using fuzzy logic; taxonomy of e-courses; and evaluation of online courses. Pedagogy: including benchmarking; group-learning; active learning; teaching of multiple subjects together; ontology; and knowledge management. Instruction Technology: including internet textbooks; virtual reality labs, instructional design, virtual models, pedagogy-oriented markup languages; graphic design possibilities; open source classroom management software; automatic email response systems; tablet-pcs; personalization using web mining technology; intelligent digital chalkboards; virtual room concepts for cooperative scientific work; and network technologies, management, and architecture. Coding and Modulation: Modeling and Simulation, OFDM technology , Space-time Coding, Spread Spectrum and CDMA Systems. Wireless technologies: Bluetooth , Cellular Wireless Networks, Cordless Systems and Wireless Local Loop, HIPERLAN, IEEE 802.11, Mobile Network Layer, Mobile Transport Layer, and Spread Spectrum. Network Security and applications: Authentication Applications, Block Ciphers Design Principles, Block Ciphers Modes of Operation, Electronic Mail Security, Encryption & Message Confidentiality, Firewalls, IP Security, Key Cryptography & Message Authentication, and Web Security. Robotics, Control Systems and Automation: Distributed Control Systems, Automation, Expert Systems, Robotics, Factory Automation, Intelligent Control Systems, Man Machine Interaction, Manufacturing Information System, Motion Control, and Process Automation. Vision Systems: for human action sensing, face recognition, and image processing algorithms for smoothing of high speed motion. Electronics and Power Systems: Actuators, Electro-Mechanical Systems, High Frequency Converters, Industrial Electronics, Motors and Drives, Power Converters, Power Devices and Components, and Power Electronics.
For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them. Aristotle Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty. Albert Einstein The second most important job in the world, second only to being a good parent, is being a good teacher. S.G. Ellis The fast technological changes and the resulting shifts of market conditions require the development and use of educational methodologies and opportunities with moderate economic demands. Currently, there is an increasing number of edu- tional institutes that respond to this challenge through the creation and adoption of distance education programs in which the teachers and students are separated by physical distance. It has been verified in many cases that, with the proper methods and tools, teaching and learning at a distance can be as effective as traditional fa- to-face instruction. Today, distance education is primarily performed through the Internet, which is the biggest and most powerful computer network of the World, and the World Wide Web (WWW), which is an effective front-end to the Internet and allows the Internet users to uniformly access a large repertory of resources (text, data, images, sound, video, etc.) available on the Internet.