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Since the 1980s, globalization and neoliberalism have brought about a comprehensive restructuring of everyone’s lives. People are being ‘disciplined’ by neoliberal economic agendas, ‘transformed’ by communication and information technology changes, global commodity chains and networks, and in the Global South in particular, destroyed livelihoods, debilitating impoverishment, disease pandemics, among other disastrous disruptions, are also globalization’s legacy. This collection of geographical treatments of such a complex set of processes unearths the contradictions in the impacts of globalization on peoples’ lives. Globalizations Contradictions firstly introduces globalization in all its intricacy and contrariness, followed on by substantive coverage of globalization’s dimensions. Other areas that are covered in depth are: globalization’s macro-economic faces globalization’s unruly spaces globalization’s geo-political faces ecological globalization globalization’s cultural challenges globalization from below fair globalization. Globalizations Contradictions is a critical examination of the continuing role of international and supra-national institutions and their involvement in the political economic management and determination of global restructuring. Deliberately, this collection raises questions, even as it offers geographical insights and thoughtful assessments of globalization’s multifaceted ‘faces and spaces.’
This book argues that the concepts of ‘neoliberalism’ and ‘neoliberalisation,’ while in common use across the whole range of social sciences, have thus far been generally overlooked in planning theory and the analysis of planning practice. Offering insights from papers presented during a conference session at a meeting of the Association of American Geographers in Boston in 2008 and a number of commissioned chapters, this book fills this significant hiatus in the study of planning. What the case studies from Africa, Asia, North-America and Europe included in this volume have in common is that they all reveal the uneasy cohabitation of ‘planning’ – some kind of state intervention for the betterment of our built and natural environment – and ‘neoliberalism’ – a belief in the superiority of market mechanisms to organize land use and the inferiority of its opposite, state intervention. Planning, if anything, may be seen as being in direct contrast to neoliberalism, as something that should be rolled back or even annihilated through neoliberal practice. To combine ‘neoliberal’ and ‘planning’ in one phrase then seems awkward at best, and an outright oxymoron at worst. To admit to the very existence or epistemological possibility of ‘neoliberal planning’ may appear to be a total surrender of state planning to market superiority, or in other words, the simple acceptance that the management of buildings, transport infrastructure, parks, conservation areas etc. beyond the profit principle has reached its limits in the 21st century. Planning in this case would be reduced to a mere facilitator of ‘market forces’ in the city, be it gentle or authoritarian. Yet in spite of these contradictions and outright impossibilities, planners operate within, contribute to, resist or temper an increasingly neoliberal mode of producing spaces and places, or the revival of profit-driven changes in land use. It is this contradiction between the serving of private profit-seeking interests while actually seeking the public betterment of cities that this volume has sought to describe, explore, analyze and make sense of through a set of case studies covering a wide range of planning issues in various countries. This book lays bare just how spatial planning functions in an age of market triumphalism, how planners respond to the overruling profit principle in land allocation and what is left of non-profit driven developments.
Introduces a critical perspective on debates surrounding globalization for advanced undergraduate and masters students Broad in scope: scrutinizing political-economic, geopolitical, political, cultural and alternative visions of globalization Points the way towards future global geographies that are more inclusive and equitable Strong line of contributors including: John Agnew, Dennis Conway and Don Mitchell
This thesis provides an analysis of the systemic contradictions of capital accumulation and illuminates the fundamental relationships that put the capitalist system at odds with the majority of working people, as well as the planet itself. These are the contradictions that underlie the `boom and bust' cycles that throw the capitalist world into continual crisis, which have recently culminated in the worst economic conditions since the Great Depression. The global financial crisis of 2008-09 has been the most recent in a long line of structural crises and was exacerbated in large part by the globalization of capital and the previous 30 years of neoliberal economic policies. These collaborative practices allowed the restructuring of capital accumulation and capital flows during the last decades of the 20 th century, but ultimately resulted in the reemergence of a larger crisis at the turn of the millennium. As this project shows, capital is unable to resolve its long-term crisis tendencies, and is only able to mitigate them through time and space. During this most recent crisis, wealth was reallocated back to the top layers of society and many of those who were the principal architects of neoliberal policies were able to extract vast sums of money while the savings and retirement accounts of working people were plundered. Five years after the crisis, we have bared witness to the bailout of this moribund system based on economic crisis and exploitation, a bailout shouldered by the working class, and a rebound of stocks and profits and the continued concentration of wealth in the hands of the few, all while the working masses in many places are barely able to carve out an existence and see little hope of relief on the horizon.
The world is at the crossroads of social change, in the vortex of forces that are bringing about a different world, a post-neoliberal state. This groundbreaking book lays out an analysis of the dynamics and contradictions of capitalism in the twenty-first century. These dynamics of forces are traced out in developments across the world - in the Arab Spring of North Africa and the Middle East, in Cuba and elsewhere in Latin America, in the United States, and in Asia. The forces released by a system in crisis can be mobilized in different ways and directions. The focus of the book is on the strategic responses to the systemic crisis. As the authors tell it, these dynamics concern three worldviews and strategic responses. The Davos Consensus focuses on the virtues of the free market and deregulated capitalism as it represents the interests of the global ruling class. The post-Washington Consensus concerns the need to give capital a human face and establish a more inclusive form of development and global governance. In addition to these two visions of the future and projects, the authors identify an emerging radical consensus on the need to move beyond capitalism as well as neoliberalism.
This ambitious work provides a history and critique of neoliberalism, both as a body of ideas and as a political practice. It is an original and compelling contribution to the neoliberalism debate.
Strategy for the Alternative to Globalisation Gustave Massiah The work of Gustave Massiah gives the reader a basic understanding of the two opposing views on the world economy, the sociopolitical forces involved and the organisational challenges facing the World Social Forum. We have been told by the media about the World Economic Forum which brings together the Establishment to wheel and deal in Davos, Switzerland. Since the 1990s, however, the world-wide movement which poses an alternative to globalization has also been meeting in the form of the World Social Forum (WSF). Whereas the Davos meeting bring together up to 3000 invited members of the 1%, the most recent meeting in March 2013 brought together 58,000 activists from 4300 social movements in 110 different countries to discuss networking for basic change. Clearly, it is assuming a transformative importance of considerable dimensions. Even though the crisis of globalizing capitalism has largely confirmed its analysis, many are arguing in favor of the need for a second wind for this critical alternative movement. Consequently, what follows is a great interest in this work by Gustave Massiah, a major actor over a period of many years in the alternative movement, who shows the many features of its dynamics, but which also offers new perspectives for its further development and growth. In this remarkable book, he gives the reader a sense of how the 99% are challenging the 1% in an epochal confrontation to the power structure; the World Social Forum shows that, with alternatives, "another world is possible". Massiah contends that the world-wide economic crisis which began in 2007 is not simply the result of 'free-market' neo-liberalism, but rather has deeper roots in the globalization of capitalism. He demonstrates how the 'anti-system' resistances of those who stand for another form of globalization are posing an alternative based on equality and access for all to fundamental rights. Massiah examines the two basic questions facing the alternative movement: firstly, its relationship to power and to politics; secondly, the social foundation of the movement's alliances with the transformative social, ecological, political and cultural forces. The author draws our attention to the opportunities which the economic crisis offers to articulate alternative practices and public policies. This kind of analysis can encourage the emergence of a new solidarity on a large scale which, tomorrow, can give birth to a new world system fundamentally different from the current one. GUSTAVE MASSIAH is a French economist, urbanist and political activist. He is professor of urbanism at the Ecole spéciale d'architecture in Paris as well as a founder of ATTAC and member of the International Council of the World Social Forum. IMMANUEL WALLERSTEIN is former head of the Brandel Center for the Study of Economics, and currently senior research scholar at Yale University. "Massiah traces in detail, and with both balance and subtlety, the multiple historic choices, and why this culminated in the alter-globalization movement today. I emphasize the balance and subtlety without any sense that he is hesitant in putting forward a strong position of his own. That he does this in 300 pages is itself an achievement. Far from thinking it is too brief, the only doubt is perhaps he includes too much. But each time I felt this, reading the book, I saw later on why he needed all the detail. - IMMANUEL WALLERSTEIN, American sociologist and former head of the Brandel Center for the Study of Economics, Historical Systems and Civilization. Currently, the senior research scholar at Yale University. Author of the Preface of this book. "A very important book that gives us a long-view of an original process which brings thousands upon thousands of persons and movements together on a scale, an authentic scale, without historical precedent. Try as the old Left did with the First, Second, Third and Fourth Internationals, the World Social Forum outshines them all. The reasons for this have to be understood and built upon. It always gives me immense satisfaction to hear Gustave Massiah weave an analysis together of opportunities through which breaks can be made in the dominant system of power, and what underground social forces are at work, both taking apart the existing power structure while articulating alternatives."--DIMITRI ROUSSOPOULOS, editor of Participatory Democracy: Democratizing Democracy with C. George Benello. Table of Contents PART I Context of the Alterglobalist Movement 1 Critical Analysis of the Prevailing Logic Overview of the Phases of Capitalist Globalisation A World-Scale Vision The Foundations of the Neo-liberal Model Structural Adjustment Policies The Victory of Neo-liberalism Overview of Previous Reference Models Emergence of New Models in the Interwar Period Three Development Models How These Three Models Were Discredited by Neo-liberalism The Keynesian and Fordist Model of Regulation The Beginning of Waged Employment The National Independence Development Model The World Bank as Leader The Contradictions of Neo-liberalism Unequal Growth The Environment Paradigm The Crisis of Geopolitical Hegemony The Current Neo-liberal Phase The Ideology of Security: the Fourth Contradiction The Crisis of Neo-liberalism The Regulation of the International System Is at the Heart of the Debate 2008, the Crisis of Neo-liberalism and the Crisis of Capitalism What Are the Current Crises? Threats and Opportunities of the Crisis Immediate Responses: a Lull in the Crisis or an Exit? Change Has Now Become Absolutely Necessary 2 The Emergence of the Alterglobalist Movement The Foundations of the Movement An Anti-systemic Movement An Historic Emancipation Movement Main Phases of the Alterglobalist Movement 1980-89: Struggles Against Debt, Hunger and Structural Adjustments 1989-1999: Contesting the International Institutions and Globalisation 2000-2008: the World Social Forum Process and the Transition to Alterglobalism A New Phase of Alterglobalism and a New Cycle of Social Forums Started in 2008 Analysis of the Social Forum Process Political Culture Organisation of the Forums A Few Questions About the Process Reinforcement of Actions Impact of the Forums From Resistance to Proposals and Alternatives The Alterglobalist Movement's Strategic Debate PART II The Strategy of the Alterglobalist Movement 3 Access to Rights and the Democratic Imperative Access to Rights for All An Alternative to Neo-liberalism An Objective: Equality of Rights One Possible Implementation That is Already in Place The Approach to Rights in the Long Term The Declarations of Rights The Social Question International Law Decolonisation and the Rights of Peoples Economic, Social and Cultural Rights A New Generation of Fundamental Rights The Democratic Imperative Democracy and Ideologies Disenchantment and Legitimacy World Democracy The Struggles for Global Democratisation 4 Power and Politics Social Bases and Alliances Convergence of the Movements Unity of the Movements Contradictions of NGOs and Associations The Strengths of the Multitudes The Issue of Alliances Power and Social Transformation Debate on the State and Crisis of the Nation-State State of Exception and Social State Role of the State in Social Transformation Power and Strategy The Instrumentalisation of Terrorism The Taking of Power and Social Transformation 5 Possible Outcomes of the Global Crisis The Neo-conservative Outcome: Repression and War Social Austerity The Calling into Question of Freedoms Conflicts and Wars Reforming Capitalism: the Green New Deal The Green Capitalism Perspective The Alterglobalist Movement and the Green New Deal Going Beyond Capitalism The Radical Alternatives in the Crisis Alternatives to the Capitalist System PART III From Strategy to Alternatives 6 Citizens Regulation, Forms of Property and Equality of Rights Public and Citizens Regulation Questioning Financialisation The Commons The Redistribution of Wealth and Income Minimum Wages and Resource Ceilings Access to Rights and Public Services A Radical Reform of Public Services Free Services and the Open-source Software Movement 7 The Environmental Imperative and Democracy The Environmental and Social Emergency A Few Ecology Debates Citizen Expertise and the Building of Alternative Knowledge Crisis of Civilisation and Well-being Democratic Representations and Freedoms A Radical Democratisation of Democracy Civil Society and Cultural Hegemony Partnerships Through Cooperation Between Societies Two Revealing Phenomena in the Current Period: the Women's Movement and Migrant Rights 8 The Completion of Decolonisation and Global Regulation A New Phase of Decolonisation Evolution of the Societies and States That Came out of Decolonisation The North/South Representation The Geopolitical Crisis The Second Phase of Decolonisation Global Public Regulation Evolution of the United Nations International System World Democracy and the Global Social Contract A Radical Reform of the United Nations Conclusion: Reform and revolution Review of Strategic Thinking Envisioning the Transition Ruptures and Continuities Epilogue: The Movement's Strategic Challenges The Global Situation Possible Futures Differentiation of the World's Major Regions The Geopolitical Disruption of the World The Alterglobalist Movement The WSF Process Organisation of the Process and Role of the International Council The New Movements A Need to Reinvent Politics Appendices 1 Summary of Radical Reforms and Alternatives Radical Reforms Radical Alternatives 2 Fifteen years of World Social Forums: Summary Table 3 Websites of Organisations Involved in the Alterglobalist Strategy Debate Publication date: November 2013.
Documenting the outcomes from three decades of transnational research conducted under the leadership of António Teodoro, this volume offers a robust scaffolding of the social and political context in which global education is being challenged by the contradictions of neoliberalism, globalization, deregulation, governance, and democracy. Contesting the Global Development of Sustainable and Inclusive Education presents outcomes from transnational studies conducted in response to global policies advocating the development of sustainable and inclusive education for all. Chapters map the impacts of globalization on education policy and consider how international organizations are shaping national education reforms. Focusing on questions of social justice, the volume asks how the neoliberal strategies enacted by national governments are affecting the work of teachers as well as curriculum, teacher training, and assessment. Finally, the text asks whether there are alternatives to financially-driven, competition-based reforms that might better position education as an action project for social justice. This volume will be of interest to postgraduate students, scholars, researchers and policymakers in the fields of global education, comparative education, and education policy.
Leading writer Boris Kagarlitsky offers an ambitious account of 1000 years of Russian history.