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Apparently written in the hand of Samuel Shaw. Contract outlines the terms of an agreement between Samuel Ogden, of the city of New York, Merchant, and General Henry Knox. Ogden agrees to sell the merchandise, worth two thousand, two hundred and ninety three pounds, fourteen shillings and six pence, lawful money of the State of Connecticut, at the rate of six shillings for a Spanish milled dollar. Promises to sell the merchandise as if it were his own, at the same rate, and to the best of his power, and to provide all proceeds to Knox. Accepts a commission of five percent on the net proceeds of the sales of said merchandi[se]. Agrees to present reports to Knox and provide payment within nine months of sale of the merchandise. Signed by Ogden, and countersigned by Samuel Shaw and Jn. Hedden, witnesses. Features a seal next to Ogden's signature.
Requests that Shaw settle some business for him concerning a bill for 1,530 drawn by a Mr. Broome and Mr. Platt, who are now bankrupt and unable to pay the bill. Asks Shaw to go to New Haven to collect the payment or obtain a security. Watermarked with hunting horn inside a crest and GR underneath.
Writes to explain the status of their dealings with the firm of Broome & Platt, with whom they are trying to settle a debt. Relates that Broome and Platt acknowledge the amount of money they still owe Webber & Co. of London (on whose behalf Knox is settling this debt), but will be unable to agree to the conditions requested by Knox. Describes a story the firm told him about their debt to Ludlow Gold of New York, which they also cannot pay, as evidence of the serious financial trouble their firm is in. Shaw also mentions that upon receiving the goods owed to him and Knox, he noticed that there was nothing salable left in their store. Relates further conditions of their arrangement.
Discusses the positive outcome of a meeting with his creditors in Europe, specifically outlining how he was able to save his credit by selling his ship. Happily relates that his creditors are willing to lend to him again due to his honest character. Describes his financial plans, including obtaining merchandise (such as tea) to ship to India, America and Europe, and relates that he will be traveling with the merchandise being sent to Holland and England. Asks Knox to tell [Thomas] Randall to remain in New York until Shaw returns, if Randall is in New York at present. Relates that the government in Batavia has recently decided to allow Americans to trade there. Sends his love to Lucy Knox, and also includes a list of items he is sending to Knox, including dishes with Knox's initials carved on them.
Writes to discuss business endeavors with Knox. Declares that as he has not had a response from Mr. [possibly Robert] Morris in four weeks, he has changed his plans. Instead of remaining in Boston and trying to sell Mr. Morris's teas, which he is holding at 12 per cent higher than the market price, he has asked his brother-in-law, Mr. Parkman, to manage his business affairs and will come to New York to visit Knox and his wife. Has written to Mr. Morris to this effect, and will take passage to New York in four or five days on a ship called Godfrey from Rhode Island. He also wants to hasten his trip because of the arrival of his friend Mr. [Thomas] Randall in Baltimore (see GLC02437.03176). Also adds a note for Mr. [perhaps Samuel] Ogden, explaining that a merchant in Boston has agreed to buy Mr. Ogden's iron.
Draft of GLC02437.03204, written in the hand of Samuel Shaw.
Congratulates Shaw on his arrival in Providence and hopes that his projects may be blessed with success. Presumes he went directly to Boston when he arrived. Discusses business concerns, including the sale of Shaw's goods, and comments on his correspondence with Shaw.
Relates that per Knox's instructions, he has gone to New Haven and met with Mr. [Samuel] Broome and Mr. [Jeremiah] Platt to discuss their outstanding financial business. Explains that Broom and Platt assured him they will not be able to repay the money they owe in the next year. Provides a lengthy and detailed explanation of the firm's financial dealings, including the ways the war interfered with their business. Adds some information about the money they owe to the firm of [James] Webber & Co. Relates possible solutions to the problem.
Explains that he has received the goods Knox has arranged for him to sell (see GLC02437.03199). Has had them valued by Mr. Francis Atkinson and Mr. George Service, who are well-respected in the dry goods field in New York. They have told him that the goods were acquired at a higher rate than they were worth, and that they will not sell at as high a price in New York or Connecticut. Is happy to sell them at the price they were given, though it might take some time to sell them at that rate, but also has a suggestion for a better plan: to sell them at a lower rate and change the percent interest and provide an advance. Hopes Knox will mention the plan to the firm of Broome & Platt, will be happy to follow his suggestion, and in the meantime will continue to sell them at their original price.
Request for twelve pounds of bread for General Henry Knox and his family. Docket signed by Samuel Shaw.