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This book is a comprehensive guide to the new generation of hybrid securities: subordinated and perpetual bonds with deferrable coupon first issued around 2003, and the youngest member of the hybrids family named CoCos (contingent convertibles) being a product of Basel III or European Union CRD IV regime (2014). Contingent capital constitutes a contractual recapitalization mechanism for troubled financial institutions. An increasing number of European banks have issued CoCo bonds in order to bolster their capital ratios. Following the EU pattern, CoCos issues have become increasingly popular within banks in Asia and the Pacific. The EU regulatory treatment of the contingent convertibles issued by banks and insurers together with bank bail-in instruments is at the forefront of the book. Furthermore, the book provides an overview of hybrids pricing and risk assessment approach and covers the non-voting preferred stocks as another hybrids class.
Introducing a revolutionary new quantitative approach to hybrid securities valuation and risk management To an equity trader they are shares. For the trader at the fixed income desk, they are bonds (after all, they pay coupons, so what's the problem?). They are hybrid securities. Neither equity nor debt, they possess characteristics of both, and carry unique risks that cannot be ignored, but are often woefully misunderstood. The first and only book of its kind, The Handbook of Hybrid Securities dispels the many myths and misconceptions about hybrid securities and arms you with a quantitative, practical approach to dealing with them from a valuation and risk management point of view. Describes a unique, quantitative approach to hybrid valuation and risk management that uses new structural and multi-factor models Provides strategies for the full range of hybrid asset classes, including convertible bonds, preferreds, trust preferreds, contingent convertibles, bonds labeled "additional Tier 1," and more Offers an expert review of current regulatory climate regarding hybrids, globally, and explores likely political developments and their potential impact on the hybrid market The most up-to-date, in-depth book on the subject, this is a valuable working resource for traders, analysts and risk managers, and a indispensable reference for regulators
Hybrid capital securities or 'hybrids' offer various benefits. They offer flexibility equity without shareholder dilution, provide protection to senior creditors, are a stable source of long-term funding for healthy companies, and help insurers and banks meet regulatory and rating agency capital requirements. Risks and features of hybrid securities are expressed in the credit spread of some relatively new financial instruments, but no structural fundamentals exist for to price hybrids precisely. This book proposes a model for the pricing of hybrids. It begins by explaining the concept of hybrids as well as their equity- and debt-like characteristics. Different types of hybrids are presented, including preference shares, convertible bonds, contingent convertibles (CoCos) and bail-in bonds. The authors then present analysis of regulatory regimes' impact on hybrids. They discuss the types of hybrid bonds that are contemplated in the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) and Banking Union mechanism. They then present an in-depth examination of hybrids pricing and risk assessment techniques. The book provides a comprehensive analysis from mathematical, legal and financial perspectives in order to look at relatively new financial instruments and address problems with the pricing models of hybrids which are as yet unsolved.
An indispensable tool to steer readers thought the complex maze of hybrid instruments! Hybrid instruments - essentially bonds with an equity component - are found in a multitude of guises. This generic heading encompasses a seemingly endless array of financial instruments, including convertible bonds, mandatory convertibles, reverse convertibles, preferred shares, ELKS, DECS and Lyons. Within each one of these instruments are found a wide range of variations and features. These include reset, negative pledge, screw and forced conversion clauses, as well as step up coupons, call schedules, call options with soft and hard protection etc. The range of possibilities can seem bewildering, but it is this very flexibility which proves a huge attraction for investors, issuers and financial institutions. On the sell side companies issue these securities and corporate service departments advise on the type of options to include in them. On the buy side, investment managers seek to build portfolios with limited risk exposure using these securities and hedge funds utilise arbitrage opportunities between the convertible bond and the common share. The opportunities are endless but the seemingly labyrinthine complexities can prove daunting. The Handbook of Hybrid Instruments helps steer a clear path through the maze. Izzy Nelken has drawn together a team of experts to provide in-depth analysis of many of the key issues that both sellers and buyers require in order to operate effectively and profitably. A general introduction is followed by specific information on key clauses and variations, valuation methods, the impact on a firm's value following the public issuance of convertibles, details on when an issuer should call a convertible and the impact of these provisions on the price, the difficult requirement of input data to make sense of the models, indexes and reset convertibles. Finally, a highly useful glossary is provided of all the key terms used in this field. An analytical CD is also provided with the book, containing sample software of ConvB++. ConvB++ combines complex state of the art models with a simple, user friendly interface to assess fair values prices and to hedge parameters of hybrid instruments. The Handbook of Hybrid Instruments is an indispensable explanatory and analytical tool for all professionals looking for the latest thinking on convertibles from some of the world's leading experts.
Various kinds of corporate securities discussed and its tax aspects (dividends, interest, transfers, capital gains etc.) in Austria, Canada, France, German Federal Republic, the Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the USA. Contributed by various authors as arisen from the 20th Biennial Conference of the International Bar Association in Vienna in September 1984.
The definitive guide to reduced-risk investing in the $600+ billion global convertible securities market Authored by professionals at Advent Capital Management―one of the world’s leaders on convertible securities―Convertible Securities describes the mechanics and behavior of convertible securities in comprehensive yet easy-to-understand language. Written for discerning investors, including corporate CIOs and CFOs, financial investment academics, and financial advisors, Convertible Securities provides quantitative insights and theories presented in a methodical and understandable format using recent and relevant examples. It explains the mathematical underpinnings of convertible securities and offers thorough analyses of convertibles from every angle, including those of various types of investors and issuers and numerous related disciplines (tax, performance analysis, accounting, risk management, and others). Topics include: Unique and Valuable Features in Convertible Bonds and Convertible Preferred Stocks How Savvy Investors Use Convertibles in their Portfolios How CFOs Optimize Corporate Capital Structures with Convertibles Valuation & Quantitative Properties of Convertibles Psychology and Investing in Convertibles Asset Allocation Models that Weigh the Advantages of Convertibles Practical Considerations for Convertible Investors―and much more! A high value-added asset class with a unique record of achieving equity-like returns with less risk than outright investment in common stocks, convertible securities are perfect for times when markets are at their most unpredictable. Convertible Securities offers everything you need to make them work for you, now and in the future.
From The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities--the most authoritative, widely read reference in the global fixed income marketplace--comes this sample chapter. This comprehensive survey of current knowledge features contributions from leading academics and practitioners and is not equaled by any other single sourcebook. Now, the thoroughly revised and updated seventh edition gives you the facts and formulas you need to compete in today's transformed marketplace. It places increased emphasis on applications, electronic trading, and global portfolio management.
This is a complete guide to the pricing and risk management of convertible bond portfolios. Convertible bonds can be complex because they have both equity and debt like features and new market entrants will usually find that they have either a knowledge of fixed income mathematics or of equity derivatives and therefore have no idea how to incorporate credit and equity together into their existing pricing tools. Part I of the book covers the impact that the 2008 credit crunch has had on the markets, it then shows how to build up a convertible bond and introduces the reader to the traditional convertible vocabulary of yield to put, premium, conversion ratio, delta, gamma, vega and parity. The market of stock borrowing and lending will also be covered in detail. Using an intuitive approach based on the Jensen inequality, the authors will also show the advantages of using a hybrid to add value - pre 2008, many investors labelled convertible bonds as 'investing with no downside', there are of course plenty of 2008 examples to prove that they were wrong. The authors then go onto give a complete explanation of the different features that can be embedded in convertible bond. Part II shows readers how to price convertibles. It covers the different parameters used in valuation models: credit spreads, volatility, interest rates and borrow fees and Maturity. Part III covers investment strategies for equity, fixed income and hedge fund investors and includes dynamic hedging and convertible arbitrage. Part IV explains the all important risk management part of the process in detail. This is a highly practical book, all products priced are real world examples and numerical examples are not limited to hypothetical convertibles. It is a must read for anyone wanting to safely get into this highly liquid, high return market.
Contingent Convertibles (CoCos) represent debt that is subject to being converted automatically into common equity under pre-specified terms of conversion if the chosen regulatory capital ratio falls to a level triggering conversion. CoCos are that subspecies of contingent capital that references regulatory (Basel III) concepts in its triggers. From 2014, trigger points are set by common equity (Common Equity Tier 1 [CET1]) in percent of risk-weighted assets [RWA] or of more complicated measures of total exposure to a variety of risks, particularly credit risk. This is the first comprehensive book on CoCos, an innovative instrument that has attracted growing attention since it was first issued in 2009.The book is mostly concerned with going-concern ‘recovery-’ rather than ‘resolution-’ CoCos, because avoiding failure and costly disruption of financial networks without government financing is the first order of business. CoCos hold a high promise of providing fully loss-absorbing equity capital when it is most needed and least available to financial institutions. Yet, having grown out of the 2007-2009 financial crisis, they are still an ‘infant’ reform instrument in many respects. Few of the instrument's design features (or even the rating, regulatory, and tax treatments) are entirely settled. This book seeks to move the discussion toward, and then past, the main decision points so that CoCos can prove their value for contingency planning and self-insurance all over the world. It is intended to increase the ability of issuers and investors to analyze and understand the different kinds of CoCos.