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Kommunikation ist ein Stichwort auch fur die Erforschung der Fruhen Neuzeit geworden. So gehort es zur Definition dessen, was Gelehrte zwischen 1600 und 1800 verbindet, dass Briefe und Zeitschriften, Rezensionen und Abhandlungen, Sendschreiben und andere Publikationen wechselseitig ausgetauscht werden. Es gibt aber auch Reisen und Begegnungen, daruber hinaus heimliche und verheimlichte Schrift- und Briefwechsel. Solche Differenzierung zeigt jenseits ideengeschichtlicher Begriffe wie Aufklarung oder burgerliche Gesellschaft die Praxis des intellektuellen Lebens. Darum geht es in den 18 Beitragen dieses Bandes. Es werden Einblicke in verschiedene Ansatze der Forschung gegeben, Milieus der Gelehrsamkeit beschrieben, Praktiken eruiert, Begegnungen umrissen und deren Medien thematisiert. Es sind Wege der Forschung, die gegangen werden, weil sie auch fur die heutige Welt des Wissens und der Gelehrsamkeit Bedeutung besitzen.
Defending ethics in sport is vital in order to combat the problems of corruption, violence, drugs, extremism and other forms of discrimination it is currently facing. Sport reflects nothing more and nothing less than the societies in which it takes place. However, if sport is to continue to bring benefits for individuals and societies, it cannot afford to neglect its ethical values or ignore these scourges. The major role of the Council of Europe and the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) in addressing the new challenges to sports ethics was confirmed by the 11th Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Sport, held in Athens on 11 and 12 December 2008. A political impetus was given on 16 June 2010 by the Committee of Ministers, with the adoption of an updated version of the Code of Sports Ethics (Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)9), emphasising the requisite co-ordination between governments and sports organisations. The EPAS prepared the ministerial conference and stepped up its work in an international conference organised with the University of Rennes, which was attended by political leaders, athletes, researchers and officials from the voluntary sector. The key experiences described in the conference and the thoughts that it prompted are described in this publication. All the writers share the concern that the end result should be practical action - particularly in terms of the setting of standards - that falls within the remit of the EPAS and promotes the Council of Europe's core values.
Within the framework of Holocaust Studies, Italy did not always receive the attention it deserves. One of the unique aspects of the fascist anti-Semitic campaign that influenced the scope and harshness of the actions against the Jews is its length; it went on for seven years, making it second in duration only to that in Nazi Germany. From the late summer of 1938, while the country was still at peace, to the fall of 1943, the fascist authorities alone ordered and oversaw discriminatory regulations-excluding Jews from the economic life of the country, expelling them from the workplace, restricting their property, and generally limiting their political and civil rights. In this important study, Ilaria Pavan carefully analyzes the economic aspects of Jewish persecution and the community's struggle before, during, and after World War II. She exposes the persecutory intentions and mechanisms of the Italian regime and discusses the long series of provisions, decrees, and laws that severely afflicted the Jewish community. The diligent and rigorous application of the rules by officials and bureaucrats, including the expropriation of houses, businesses, and land, as well as their exclusion from workplaces and professions, and then, during the period of 1943-1945, the confiscation and looting of personal possessions, left the Jews shattered. Moreover, even the conclusion of the war did not provide the anticipated relief. For Italian Jews, the road to reintegration and the return of seized properties was long and difficult, characterized by contradictory and insufficient laws, lack of empathy by clerks, and general indifference to the violations suffered in the long years of persecution. Based on many sources-government documentation, letters, and survivors' memoirs-Pavan depicts in detail both the persecution and the reintegration stages, and devotes ample space to the voices of the victims.
Dangerous Neighbors shows how the Haitian Revolution permeated early American print culture and had a profound impact on the young nation's domestic politics. Focusing on Philadelphia as both a representative and an influential vantage point, it follows contemporary American reactions to the events through which the French colony of Saint Domingue was destroyed and the independent nation of Haiti emerged. Philadelphians made sense of the news from Saint Domingue with local and national political developments in mind and with the French Revolution and British abolition debates ringing in their ears. In witnessing a French colony experience a revolution of African slaves, they made the colony serve as powerful and persuasive evidence in domestic discussions over the meaning of citizenship, equality of rights, and the fate of slavery. Through extensive use of manuscript sources, newspapers, and printed literature, Dun uncovers the wide range of opinion and debate about events in Saint Domingue in the early republic. By focusing on both the meanings Americans gave to those events and the uses they put them to, he reveals a fluid understanding of the American Revolution and the polity it had produced, one in which various groups were making sense of their new nation in relation to both its own past and a revolution unfolding before them. Zeroing in on Philadelphia—a revolutionary center and an enclave of antislavery activity—Dun collapses the supposed geographic and political boundaries that separated the American republic from the West Indies and Europe.
SCIENCE AND EMPIRES: FROM THE INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM TO THE BOOK Patrick PETITJEAN, Catherine JAMI and Anne Marie MOULIN The International Colloquium "Science and Empires - Historical Studies about Scientific De velopment and European Expansion" is the product of an International Colloquium, "Sciences and Empires - A Comparative History of Scien tific Exchanges: European Expansion and Scientific Development in Asian, African, American and Oceanian Countries". Organized by the REHSEIS group (Research on Epistemology and History of Exact Sciences and Scientific Institutions) of CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), the colloquium was held from 3 to 6 April 1990 in the UNESCO building in Paris. This colloquium was an idea of Professor Roshdi Rashed who initiated this field of studies in France some years ago, and proposed "Sciences and Empires" as one of the main research programmes for the The project to organize such a colloquium was a bit REHSEIS group. of a gamble. Its subject, reflected in the title "Sciences and Empires", is not a currently-accepted sub-discipline of the history of science; rather, it refers to a set of questions which found autonomy only recently. The terminology was strongly debated by the participants and, as is frequently suggested in this book, awaits fuller clarification.
This important and insightful book provides, for the first time, a broad presentation of ongoing research into public participation in landscape conservation, management and planning, following the 2000 European Landscape Convention which came into force in 2004. The book examines both the theory of participation and what lessons can be learnt from specific European examples. It explores in what manner and to what extent the provisions for participation in the European Landscape Convention have been followed up and implemented. It also presents and compares different experiences of participation in selected countries from northern, southern, eastern and western Europe, and provides a critical examination of public participation in practice. However, while the book’s focus is necessarily on Europe, many of the conclusions drawn are of global relevance. The book provides a valuable reference for researchers and advanced students in landscape policies and management, as well as for professionals and others interested in land-use planning and environmental management.
This Thematic Study is a joint venture between ICOMOS, the advisory body to UNESCO on cultural sites, and the International Astronomical Union. It presents an overall vision on astronomical heritage, attempts to identify what constitutes "outstanding universal significance to humankind" in relation to astronomy, and identifies broad issues that could arise in the assessment of cultural properties relating to astronomy. This is the first Thematic Study in any field of science heritage. It is elaborated using examples of properties from around the world, including some already on the World Heritage List or national Tentative Lists. The subject matter ranges from early prehistory to modern astrophysics and space heritage, and also prominently includes dark sky issues and modern observatory sites. An e-version of the Thematic Study was published in June 2010 in time to be presented to the 2010 meeting of UNESCO's World Heritage Committee, where it was duly approved. It has been circulated officially by the WHC to all of UNESCO's National Commissions. This full-colour paperback edition with some updates, and reformatted to new ICOMOS standards, was published in 2011 and is now offered for public sale.
The idea for Philosophy in a Time of Terror was born hours after the attacks on 9/11 and was realized just weeks later when Giovanna Borradori sat down with Jürgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida in New York City, in separate interviews, to evaluate the significance of the most destructive terrorist act ever perpetrated. This book marks an unprecedented encounter between two of the most influential thinkers of our age as here, for the first time, Habermas and Derrida overcome their mutual antagonism and agree to appear side by side. As the two philosophers disassemble and reassemble what we think we know about terrorism, they break from the familiar social and political rhetoric increasingly polarized between good and evil. In this process, we watch two of the greatest intellects of the century at work.
One-volume reference work on the first twenty-five years of the cinema's international emergence from the early 1890s to the mid-1910s.