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Understanding charge transport in single molecules covalently bonded to electrodes is a fundamental goal in the field of molecular electronics. In the past decade, it has become possible to measure charge transport on the single-molecule level using the STM break junction method. Measurements on the single-molecule level shed light on charge transport phenomena which would otherwise be obfuscated by ensemble measurements of groups of molecules. This thesis will discuss three projects carried out using STM break junction. In the first project, the transition between two different charge transport mechanisms is reported in a set of molecular wires. The shortest wires show highly length dependent and temperature invariant conductance behavior, whereas the longer wires show weakly length dependent and temperature dependent behavior. This trend is consistent with a model whereby conduction occurs by coherent tunneling in the shortest wires and by incoherent hopping in the longer wires. Measurements are supported with calculations and the evolution of the molecular junction during the pulling process is investigated. The second project reports controlling the formation of single-molecule junctions by means of electrochemically reducing two axial-diazonium terminal groups on a molecule, thereby producing direct Au-C covalent bonds in-situ between the molecule and gold electrodes. Step length analysis shows that the molecular junction is significantly more stable, and can be pulled over a longer distance than a comparable junction created with amine anchoring bonds. The stability of the junction is explained by the calculated lower binding energy associated with the direct Au-C bond compared with the Au-N bond. Finally, the third project investigates the role that molecular conformation plays in the conductance of oligothiophene single-molecule junctions. Ethyl substituted oligothiophenes were measured and found to exhibit temperature dependent conductance and transition voltage for molecules with between two and six repeat units. While the molecule with only one repeat unit shows temperature invariant behavior. Density functional theory calculations show that at higher temperatures the oligomers with multiple repeat units assume a more planar conformation, which increases the conjugation length and decreases the effective energy barrier of the junction.
1. The birth of molecular electronics. 1.1. Why molecular electronics?. 1.2. A brief history of molecular electronics. 1.3. Scope and structure of the book -- 2. Fabrication of metallic atomic-size contacts. 2.1. Introduction. 2.2. Techniques involving the scanning electron microscope (STM). 2.3. Methods using atomic force microscopes (AFM). 2.4. Contacts between macroscopic wires. 2.5. Transmission electron microscope. 2.6. Mechanically controllable break-junctions (MCBJ). 2.7. Electromigration technique. 2.8. Electrochemical methods. 2.9. Recent developments. 2.10. Electronic transport measurements. 2.11. Exercises -- 3. Contacting single molecules: Experimental techniques. 3.1. Introduction. 3.2. Molecules for molecular electronics. 3.3. Deposition of molecules. 3.4. Contacting single molecules. 3.5. Contacting molecular ensembles. 3.6. Exercises -- 4. The scattering approach to phase-coherent transport in nanocontacts. 4.1. Introduction. 4.2. From mesoscopic conductors to atomic-scale junctions. 4.3. Conductance is transmission : heuristic derivation of the Landauer formula. 4.4. Penetration of a potential barrier : tunnel effect. 4.5. The scattering matrix. 4.6. Multichannel Landauer formula. 4.7. Shot noise. 4.8. Thermal transport and thermoelectric phenomena. 4.9. Limitations of the scattering approach. 4.10. Exercises -- 5. Introduction to Green's function techniques for systems in equilibrium. 5.1. The Schrodinger and Heisenberg pictures. 5.2. Green's functions of a noninteracting electron system. 5.3. Application to tight-binding Hamiltonians. 5.4. Green's functions in time domain. 5.5. Exercises -- 6. Green's functions and Feynman diagrams. 6.1. The interaction picture. 6.2. The time-evolution operator. 6.3. Perturbative expansion of causal Green's functions. 6.4. Wick's theorem. 6.5. Feynman diagrams. 6.6. Feynman diagrams in energy space. 6.7. Electronic self-energy and Dyson's equation. 6.8. Self-consistent diagrammatic theory : the Hartree-Fock approximation. 6.9. The Anderson model and the Kondo effect. 6.10. Final remarks. 6.11. Exercises -- 7. Nonequilibrium Green's functions formalism. 7.1. The Keldysh formalism. 7.2. Diagrammatic expansion in the Keldysh formalism. 7.3. Basic relations and equations in the Keldysh formalism. 7.4. Application of Keldysh formalism to simple transport problems. 7.5. Exercises -- 8. Formulas of the electrical current : exploiting the Keldysh formalism. 8.1. Elastic current : microscopic derivation of the Landauer formula. 8.2. Current through an interacting atomic-scale junction. 8.3. Time-dependent transport in nanoscale junctions. 8.4. Exercises -- 9. Electronic structure I: Tight-binding approach. 9.1. Basics of the tight-binding approach. 9.2. The extended Huckel method. 9.3. Matrix elements in solid state approaches. 9.4. Slater-Koster two-center approximation. 9.5. Some illustrative examples. 9.6. The NRL tight-binding method. 9.7. The tight-binding approach in molecular electronics. 9.8. Exercises -- 10. Electronic structure II : density functional theory. 10.1. Elementary quantum mechanics. 10.2. Early density functional theories. 10.3. The Hohenberg-Kohn theorems. 10.4. The Kohn-Sham approach. 10.5. The exchange-correlation functionals. 10.6. The basic machinery of DFT. 10.7. DFT performance. 10.8. DFT in molecular electronics. 10.9. Exercises -- 11. The conductance of a single atom. 11.1. Landauer approach to conductance: brief reminder. 11.2. Conductance of atomic-scale contacts. 11.3. Conductance histograms. 11.4. Determining the conduction channels. 11.5. The chemical nature of the conduction channels of oneatom contacts. 11.6. Some further issues. 11.7. Conductance fluctuations. 11.8. Atomic chains : parity oscillations in the conductance. 11.9. Concluding remarks. 11.10. Exercises -- 12. Spin-dependent transport in ferromagnetic atomic contacts. 12.1. Conductance of ferromagnetic atomic contacts. 12.2. Magnetoresistance of ferromagnetic atomic contacts. 12.3. Anisotropic magnetoresistance in atomic contacts. 12.4. Concluding remarks and open problems -- 13. Coherent transport through molecular junctions I : basic concepts. 13.1. Identifying the transport mechanism in single-molecule junctions. 13.2. Some lessons from the resonant tunneling model. 13.3. A two-level model. 13.4. Length dependence of the conductance. 13.5. Role of conjugation in [symbol]-electron systems. 13.6. Fano resonances. 13.7. Negative differential resistance. 13.8. Final remarks. 13.9. Exercises -- 14. Coherent transport through molecular junctions II : test-bed molecules. 14.1. Coherent transport through some test-bed molecules. 14.2. Metal-molecule contact : the role of anchoring groups. 14.3. Tuning chemically the conductance : the role of side-groups. 14.4. Controlled STM-based single-molecule experiments. 14.5. Conclusions and open problems -- 15. Single-molecule transistors : Coulomb blockade and Kondo physics. 15.1. Introduction. 15.2. Charging effects in transport through nanoscale devices. 15.3. Single-molecule three-terminal devices. 15.4. Coulomb blockade theory : constant interaction model. 15.5. Towards a theory of Coulomb blockade in molecular transistors. 15.6. Intermediate coupling : cotunneling and Kondo effect. 15.7. Single-molecule transistors : experimental results. 15.8. Exercises -- 16. Vibrationally-induced inelastic current I : experiment. 16.1. Introduction. 16.2. Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy (IETS). 16.3. Highly conductive junctions : point-contact spectroscopy (PCS). 16.4. Crossover between PCS and IETS. 16.5. Resonant inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy (RIETS). 16.6. Summary of vibrational signatures -- 17. Vibrationally-induced inelastic current II : theory. 17.1. Weak electron-phonon coupling regime. 17.2. Intermediate electron-phonon coupling regime. 17.3. Strong electron-phonon coupling regime. 17.4. Concluding remarks and open problems. 17.5. Exercises -- 18. The hopping regime and transport through DNA molecules. 18.1. Signatures of the hopping regime. 18.2. Hopping transport in molecular junctions : experimental examples. 18.3. DNA-based molecular junctions. 18.4. Exercises -- 19. Beyond electrical conductance : shot noise and thermal transport. 19.1. Shot noise in atomic and molecular junctions. 19.2. Heating and heat conduction. 19.3. Thermoelectricity in molecular junctions -- 20. Optical properties of current-carrying molecular junctions. 20.1. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of molecular junctions. 20.2. Transport mechanisms in irradiated molecular junctions. 20.3. Theory of photon-assisted tunneling. 20.4. Experiments on radiation-induced transport in atomic and molecular junctions. 20.5. Resonant current amplification and other transport phenomena in ac driven molecular junctions. 20.6. Fluorescence from current-carrying molecular junctions. 20.7. Molecular optoelectronic devices. 20.8. Final remarks. 20.9. Exercises -- 21. What is missing in this book?
This book presents a multidisciplinary approach to single-molecule electronics. It includes a complete overview of the field, from the synthesis and design of molecular candidates to the prevalent experimental techniques, complemented by a detailed theoretical description. This all-inclusive strategy provides the reader with the much-needed perspective to fully understand the far-reaching ramifications of single-molecule electronics. In addition, a number of state-of-the-art topics are discussed, including single-molecule spectro-electrical methods, electrochemical DNA sequencing technology, and single-molecule chemical reactions. As a result of this integrative effort, this publication may be used as an introductory textbook to both graduate and advanced undergraduate students, as well as researchers with interests in single-molecule electronics, organic electronics, surface science, and nanoscience.
Single-molecule electronics has evolved as a vibrant research field during the last two decades. The vision is to be able to create electronic components at the highest level of miniaturization-the single molecule. This book compiles and details cutting-edge research with contributions from chemists, physicists, theoreticians, and engineers. It cov
Molecular Electronics is self-contained and unified in its presentation. It can be used as a textbook on nanoelectronics by graduate students and advanced undergraduates studying physics and chemistry. In addition, included in this new edition are previously unpublished material that will help researchers gain a deeper understanding into the basic concepts involved in the field of molecular electronics.
The series Topics in Current Chemistry Collections presents critical reviews from the journal Topics in Current Chemistry organized in topical volumes. The scope of coverage is all areas of chemical science including the interfaces with related disciplines such as biology, medicine and materials science. The goal of each thematic volume is to give the non-specialist reader, whether in academia or industry, a comprehensive insight into an area where new research is emerging which is of interest to a larger scientific audience. Each review within the volume critically surveys one aspect of that topic and places it within the context of the volume as a whole. The most significant developments of the last 5 to 10 years are presented using selected examples to illustrate the principles discussed. The coverage is not intended to be an exhaustive summary of the field or include large quantities of data, but should rather be conceptual, concentrating on the methodological thinking that will allow the non-specialist reader to understand the information presented. Contributions also offer an outlook on potential future developments in the field.
The quantum transport theory, which dates back to the time of the Landauer theory in the field of mesoscopic physics, is now expanding its power on materials science and chemistry by earning chemical accuracy and physical reality and has become a new subject of non-equilibrium quantum transport theory for charge and heat at nanoscale. This growing subject invites cross-disciplinary developments, for example, the local heating theory developed earlier was examined and applied to the self-heating problem in the field of semiconductor- and nanoelectronic-device physics. This book compiles 25 key published papers to provide readers with convenient and comprehensive access to the important results and developments in the field. The book will appeal to a wide range of readers from varied backgrounds, especially those involved in charge- and/or heat-transport problems that widely spread over various subjects in materials science, chemistry, electric engineering, and condensed matter physics.
Molecular electronics, an emerging research field at the border of physics, chemistry, and material sciences, has attracted great interest in the last decade. To achieve the ultimate goal of designing molecular electronic devices with the desired functionality and experimental manipulation at the single-molecule level, theoretical understanding of
Understanding the interplay between the electrical and mechanical properties of single molecules is of fundamental importance for molecular electronics. The sensitivity of charge transport to mechanical fluctuations is a key problem in developing long lasting molecular devices. Furthermore, harnessing this response to mechanical perturbation, molecular devices which can be mechanically gated can be developed. This thesis demonstrates three examples of the unique electromechanical properties of single molecules. First, the electromechanical properties of 1,4-benzenedithiol molecular junctions are investigate. Counterintuitively, the conductance of this molecule is found to increase by more than an order of magnitude when stretched. This conductance increase is found to be reversible when the molecular junction is compressed. The current-voltage, conductance-voltage and inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy characteristics are used to attribute the conductance increase to a strain-induced shift in the frontier molecular orbital relative to the electrode Fermi level, leading to resonant enhancement in the conductance. Next, the effect of stretching-induced structural changes on charge transport in DNA molecules is studied. The conductance of single DNA molecules with lengths varying from 6 to 26 base pairs is measured and found to follow a hopping transport mechanism. The conductance of DNA molecules is highly sensitive to mechanical stretching, showing an abrupt decrease in conductance at surprisingly short stretching distances, with weak dependence on DNA length. This abrupt conductance decrease is attributed to force-induced breaking of hydrogen bonds in the base pairs at the end of the DNA sequence. Finally, the effect of small mechanical modulation of the base separation on DNA conductance is investigated. The sensitivity of conductance to mechanical modulation is studied for molecules of different sequence and length. Sequences with purine-purine stacking are found to be more responsive to modulation than purine-pyrimidine sequences. This sensitivity is attributed to the perturbation of pi-pi stacking interactions and resulting effects on the activation energy and electronic coupling for the end base pairs.
Unique in its scope, this book comprehensively combines various synthesis strategies with applications for nanogap electrodes. Clearly divided into four parts, the monograph begins with an introduction to molecular electronics and electron transport in molecular junctions, before moving on to a whole section devoted to synthesis and characterization. The third part looks at applications with single molecules or self-assembled monolayers, and the whole is rounded off with a section on interesting phenomena observed using molecular-based devices.