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This book is a compilation of selected papers presented during the 8th Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA) Young Graduates and Scholars (AYGS) Conference held at the University of Johannesburg in the year 2014. The three-day conference dubbed, Africa at a Crossroads: Future prospects for Africa after 50 years of the Organisation of African Unity/African Union, voiced young graduates and scholars’ views on Africa’s future and developmental breakthroughs, as well as its challenges and opportunities. While the annual conference is a capacity building platform for young scientists, it provided a platform for participants to engage in critical dialogue about the African realities and possible, plausible and desirable future for the continent. The book thus provides a critical interrogation of the drivers of change in Africa moving forward, especially as the AU was busy churning out new ideas and mapping out a new vision for the next 50 years. Essentially the book provides insights on national systems of innovation, matrices on poverty, climate change and lastly a reflection on Africa’s position in global governance.
In recent years there has been a movement on the part of farmers, governments, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO), and the international community to promote the use of sustainable agricultural practices. In Sub-Saharan Africa, this has translated into programs with the expressed aim of increasing smallholder farmer adoption rates of conservation agriculture (CA). This thesis contributes to the analysis of the adoption of conservation agriculture by smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa by assessing the economic status of CA adopters in the providences of Manica and Tete, Mozambique. Chapter II of the thesis examines the ceteris paribus correlation between smallholder farm household economic wellbeing with the use of conservation agriculture. Household wellbeing indicators are regressed on household demographic attributes, farm management practices, and a variable indicating the CA adoption status of farms. Of particular interest is the association between the use of conservation agriculture practices and a set of composite wellbeing indices comprised of livestock and asset ownership, and housing material quality. The results suggest that, holding other factors constant, CA households have higher wellbeing index scores related to asset ownership and housing material quality, but lower index scores related to livestock ownership. Chapter III of the thesis analyzes smallholder marketing of maize and use of CA by farmers. The chapter examines the factors associated with the likelihood of a household participating in maize markets as a vendor or buyer, and the subsequent quantity of maize transacted. A censored regression model estimates the intensity of market participation because a large number of households do not buy or sell grain. Of particular interest is the correlation between the adoption of CA practices and the likelihood a household sold or purchased maize. Results suggest that households using CA were more likely to sell maize and less likely to purchase maize for household consumption. However, the overall quantities sold by CA adopters and non-adopters were not different. Households using CA also exhibited different maize marketing patterns with transactions more evenly distributed throughout the year, as compared to non-CA households whose transactions were concentrated during times when food was scarce.
Low external-input technology (or LEIT) is an increasingly prominent subject in discussions of sustainable agriculture. There are growing calls for self-sufficient agriculture in an era experiencing diminishing returns from reliance upon expensive synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. There are many reasons to support strategies for low external input farming, including a concern for environmental sustainability, increased attention to resource-poor farmers and marginal environments, and the conviction that a better use of local resources in small-scale agriculture can improve farm productivity and innovation. But despite the increased attention to self-sufficient agriculture, there is little evidence available on the performance and impact of LEIT.This book examines the contributions and limitations of low external input technology for addressing the needs of resource-poor farmers. For the first time a balanced analysis of LEIT is provided, offering in-depth case studies, an analysis of the debates, an extensive review of the literature and practical suggestions about the management and integration of low external input agriculture in rural development programmes.
This book is a comprehensive summary of current global research on no-till farming, and its benefits and challenges from various agronomic, environmental, social and economic perspectives. It details the characteristics and future requirements of no-till farming systems across different geographic and climatic regions, and outlines what is needed to increase the uptake of no-till farming globally. Over 35 chapters, this book covers in detail the agronomic and soil management issues that must be resolved to ensure the successful implementation of these systems. Important economic, environmental, social and policy considerations are discussed. It also features a series of case studies across a number of regions globally, highlighting the challenges and opportunities for no-till and how these may vary depending on climate and geopolitical location. This book is a remarkable compilation by experts in no-till farming systems. The promotion and expansion of no-till farming systems worldwide will be critical for food security, and resource and environmental sustainability. This is an invaluable reference for both researchers and practitioners grappling with the challenges of feeding the world’s rising population in an environment increasingly impacted by climate change. It is an essential reading for those seeking to understand the complexity of no-till farming systems and how best to optimise these systems in their region.
This book is based on a Special Issue of the journal LAND that draws together a collection of 11 diverse articles at the nexus of climate change, landscapes, and livelihoods in rural Africa; all explore the links between livelihood and landscape change, including shifts in farming practices and natural resource use and management. The articles, which are all place-based case studies across nine African countries, cover three not necessarily mutually exclusive thematic areas, namely: smallholder farming livelihoods under new climate risk (five articles); long-term dynamics of livelihoods and landscape change and future trajectories (two articles); and natural resource management and governance under a changing climate, spanning forests, woodlands, and rangelands (four articles). The commonalities, key messages, and research gaps across the 11 articles are presented in a synthesis article. All the case studies pointed to the need for an integrated and in-depth understanding of the multiple drivers of landscape and livelihood change and how these interact with local histories, knowledge systems, cultures, complexities, and lived realities. Moreover, where there are interventions (such as new governance systems, REDD+ or climate smart agriculture), it is critical to interrogate what is required to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of emerging benefits.
Management of New Zealand's environment needs to be based on sound knowledge. Natural resource managers and policy makers now have at their fingertips the first comprehensive assessment of the state of ecosystem services - the benefits people obtain from nature - in this country. More than 100 of New Zealand's leading scientists and academics have penned the 36 chapter for the new 540-page book. Ecosystem services are categorised as 'provisioning', such as food, timber and freshwater; 'regulating', such as air quality, climate and pest regulation; 'cultural' such as recreation and sense of belonging; and 'supporting', such as soil quality and natural habitat resistance to weeds.
T is atlas is intended primarily for anybody who is in-some background for the arrangement of how the terested in basic geology of Africa. Its originality lies atlas was done. T e second chapter is devoted to the in the fact that the regional geology of each African history of geological mapping in Africa, necessary nation or territory is reviewed country-wise by maps for a fuller appreciation of why this work in Africa is and text, a view normally not presented in textbooks worth doing. Chapter 3 provides an executive s- of regional geology. It is my belief, that there has long mary on the stratigraphy and tectonics of Africa as a been a need in universities and geological surveys, whole, i. e. in the context of no political boundaries. both in Africa and in the developed world, for sum- T e main part of the atlas lies in Chapter 4, where in marizing geological maps and an accompanying basic alphabetical order each African country or territory text utilising the enormous fund of knowledge that is presented by a digitized geological overview map has been accumulated since the beginning of geologi- and an accompanying text on its respective strat- th cal research in Africa in the mid-19 century. I hope raphy, tectonics, economic geology, geohazards and that, in part, the present atlas may satisfy this need. geosites. A short list of relevant references is also a- ed.