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Radioactive isotopes can be used in paleoceanography both for dating samples and as tracers of ocean processes. Here I use radiocarbon and uranium series isotopes to investigate the ocean's role in climate change over the last deglaciation. I present a new method for rapid radiocarbon analyses as a means of age-screening deep-sea corals for further study. Based on age survey results, I selected forty corals from the Drake Passage and thirteen from the Reykjanes Ridge off Iceland and dated them with uranium series isotopes. The uranium series dates give independent ages that allow radiocarbon to be used as a tracer of circulation and carbon cycle changes. The radiocarbon records generated from the Drake Passage corals show increased stratification in the Southern Ocean during the last glacial maximum (LGM) that disappeared during the start of the deglaciation as atmospheric CO2 began to rise during Heinrich Stadial 1 (H1). Considering these data and using a simple mass budget calculation, I show that the drop in atmospheric radiocarbon activity during H1 can be explained given direct carbon exchange between the radiocarbon-depleted deep ocean and atmosphere, e.g. through the Southern Ocean. The Drake Passage radiocarbon records also show evidence for decreased air-sea gas exchange in the Southern Ocean during the Antarctic Cold Reversal/Bølling-Allerød coincident with the hiatus in the deglacial CO2 rise. During this time period in the North Atlantic, radiocarbon reconstructions from deep-sea corals collected from off Iceland show a similar ventilation rate to that observed today and during the Holocene. To further investigate changes in North Atlantic ventilation over the last deglaciation, I used an inverse model to assess the consistency of sedimentary 231Pa/230Th ratios from the Holocene, H1, and the LGM with the modern circulation. Although sedimentary 231Pa/230Th has been used to infer changes in the strength of the meridional overturning circulation in the past, I find that published data are consistent with the modern circulation during the LGM and H1. These findings highlight the importance of giving due regard to the uncertainties in the behavior and spatial distribution of paleoceanographic tracers.
Radioactive isotopes can be used in paleoceanography both for dating samples and as tracers of ocean processes. Here I use radiocarbon and uranium series isotopes to investigate the ocean's role in climate change over the last deglaciation. I present a new method for rapid radiocarbon analyses as a means of age-screening deep-sea corals for further study. Based on age survey results, I selected forty corals from the Drake Passage and thirteen from the Reykjanes Ridge off Iceland and dated them with uranium series isotopes. The uranium series dates give independent ages that allow radiocarbon to be used as a tracer of circulation and carbon cycle changes. The radiocarbon records generated from the Drake Passage corals show increased stratification in the Southern Ocean during the last glacial maximum (LGM) that disappeared during the start of the deglaciation as atmospheric CO2 began to rise during Heinrich Stadial 1 (H1). Considering these data and using a simple mass budget calculation, I show that the drop in atmospheric radiocarbon activity during H1 can be explained given direct carbon exchange between the radiocarbon-depleted deep ocean and atmosphere, e.g. through the Southern Ocean. The Drake Passage radiocarbon records also show evidence for decreased air-sea gas exchange in the Southern Ocean during the Antarctic Cold Reversal/Bølling-Allerød coincident with the hiatus in the deglacial CO2 rise. During this time period in the North Atlantic, radiocarbon reconstructions from deep-sea corals collected from off Iceland show a similar ventilation rate to that observed today and during the Holocene. To further investigate changes in North Atlantic ventilation over the last deglaciation, I used an inverse model to assess the consistency of sedimentary 231Pa/230Th ratios from the Holocene, H1, and the LGM with the modern circulation. Although sedimentary 231Pa/230Th has been used to infer changes in the strength of the meridional overturning circulation in the past, I find that published data are consistent with the modern circulation during the LGM and H1. These findings highlight the importance of giving due regard to the uncertainties in the behavior and spatial distribution of paleoceanographic tracers.
This extensively updated new edition of the widely acclaimed Treatise on Geochemistry has increased its coverage beyond the wide range of geochemical subject areas in the first edition, with five new volumes which include: the history of the atmosphere, geochemistry of mineral deposits, archaeology and anthropology, organic geochemistry and analytical geochemistry. In addition, the original Volume 1 on "Meteorites, Comets, and Planets" was expanded into two separate volumes dealing with meteorites and planets, respectively. These additions increased the number of volumes in the Treatise from 9 to 15 with the index/appendices volume remaining as the last volume (Volume 16). Each of the original volumes was scrutinized by the appropriate volume editors, with respect to necessary revisions as well as additions and deletions. As a result, 27% were republished without major changes, 66% were revised and 126 new chapters were added. In a many-faceted field such as Geochemistry, explaining and understanding how one sub-field relates to another is key. Instructors will find the complete overviews with extensive cross-referencing useful additions to their course packs and students will benefit from the contextual organization of the subject matter Six new volumes added and 66% updated from 1st edition. The Editors of this work have taken every measure to include the many suggestions received from readers and ensure comprehensiveness of coverage and added value in this 2nd edition The esteemed Board of Volume Editors and Editors-in-Chief worked cohesively to ensure a uniform and consistent approach to the content, which is an amazing accomplishment for a 15-volume work (16 volumes including index volume)!
Significant changes occurred during the last deglaciation (roughly 10-20 thousand years (ka) before present) throughout the climate system. The ocean is a large reservoir of carbon and heat, however, its role during the deglaciation is still not well understood. In this thesis, I rely on radiocarbon measurements on fossil biogenic carbonates sampled from the seafloor to constrain deglacial ocean ventilation rates, using new data, an extensive data compilation, and inverse modeling. First, based on a sediment core that is absolutely dated from wooden remains, I argue that the deglacial 14C reservoir age of the upper East Equatorial Pacific was not very different from today. Combined with stable carbon isotope data, the results suggest that the deglacial atmospheric CO2 rise was probably due to CO2 released directly from the ocean (e.g., in the Southern Ocean) to the atmosphere rather than first mixed through the upper ocean. Then using a high-deposition-rate sediment core located close to deep water formation regions in the western North Atlantic, I show that compared to today, the mid-depth water production in the North Atlantic was probably stronger during the Younger Dryas cold episode, and weaker during other intervals of the late deglaciation. However, the change was not as large as suggested by previous studies. Finally, I compile published and unpublished deep ocean 14C data, and find that the 14C activity of the deep ocean mirrors that of the atmosphere during the past 25 ka. A box model of modern ocean circulation is fit to the compiled data using an inverse method. I find that the residuals of the fit can generally be explained by the data uncertainties, implying that the compiled data jointly do not provide strong evidence for basin-scale ventilation changes. Overall, this thesis suggests that, although deep ocean ventilation may have varied at some locations during the last deglaciation, the occurrence of basin-scale ventilation changes are much more difficult to be put on a firm footing. An imbalance between cosmogenic production and radioactive decay appears as the most natural explanation for the deglacial 14C activity decline observed in both the atmosphere and the deep ocean.
Since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, ~ 20,000 years ago) air temperatures warmed, sea level rose roughly 130 meters, and atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide increased. This thesis combines global models and paleoceanographic observations to constrain the ocean’s role in storing and transporting heat, salt, and other tracers during this time, with implications for understanding how the modern ocean works and how it might change in the future. • By combining a kinematic ocean model with “upstream” and “downstream” deglacial oxygen isotope time series from benthic and planktonic foraminifera, I show that the data are in agreement with the modern circulation, quantify their power to infer circulation changes, and propose new data locations. • An ocean general circulation model (the MITgcm) constrained to fit LGM sea surface temperature proxy observations reveals colder ocean temperatures, greater sea ice extent, and changes in ocean mixed layer depth, and suggests that some features in the data are not robust. • A sensitivity analysis in the MITgcm demonstrates that changes in winds or in ocean turbulent transport can explain the hypothesis that the boundary between deep Atlantic waters originating from Northern and Southern Hemispheres was shallower at the LGM than it is today.
Paleoclimate archives have revealed abrupt climate events that are superimposed on more gradual climate changes throughout the last glacial and deglacial periods. The underlying causes of such rapid climate changes are still poorly understood, but the strong expression of these events in northern hemisphere records likely points to climatic mechanisms of a northern origin. A leading hypothesis for the trigger of these climate fluctuations has been changes in the strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). However, the very rapid nature of some of the observed climate transitions (3-50 years) suggests a potential role for abrupt shifts in atmospheric circulation or nonlinear feedbacks within the climate system. Understanding the relative timing and magnitude of these events in different regions of the globe will help to identify the sources and possible amplifying mechanisms that have led to abrupt climate changes in the past, which will provide insight and constraints on the potential for abrupt climate changes in the future. This dissertation seeks to characterize climate changes occurring in the Northeast Pacific during the last deglaciation, a time period that encompasses the dynamic transition between the last ice age and the modern day interglacial period. So far, high-resolution records with precise chronologies from the North Pacific have been sparse, and paleoclimate models and proxy reconstructions disagree about the deglacial climate changes that are both predicted and observed to have occurred in this region. Marine sediment records from the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) have exceptionally high resolution (~1 cm/yr), making it possible to reconstruct climate changes in unprecedented detail for the North Pacific region. We establish new multi-decadal scale records of surface ocean variability using planktonic oxygen isotopes and sea-surface temperature (SST) estimates based on the alkenone U3--[superscript K'] unsaturation index, as well as regional records of ice-rafting and deglacial volcanic activity sourced from the Mt. Edgecumbe volcanic field (MEVF). The age models for these records are constrained by high-precision radiocarbon dating, tephra correlation, and "tuning" to the decadal-scale North Greenland Ice Core Project (NGRIP) oxygen isotope record. We combine new and previously published data from a depth transect of marine sites in the GOA and Northeast Pacific to place surface ocean changes in context of oceanic variability throughout the water column. These reconstructions are then used to evaluate three fundamental questions: 1) what are the timing and patterns of deglacial climate changes in the North Pacific relative to other regions, 2) what are the potential forcing mechanisms for deglacial climate variability in this region, and 3) how does the subsurface ocean respond to and influence abrupt climate change. In chapter two, we compare the timing and patterns of climate changes occurring between the North Pacific and North Atlantic regions. A major debate in the paleoclimate literature has been whether these regions operate in a synchronized or seesaw like mode. We compare the high resolution GOA and NGRIP oxygen isotope records as proxies for local temperature, and find that both synchronous and asynchronous climate patterns occur between regions throughout the past 18,000 years. The most abrupt climate transitions are preceded/accompanied by synchronous behavior, whereas times of relative climate stability exhibit asynchronous or anticorrelated (seesaw) patterns. This implies that coupling of North Pacific and North Atlantic heat transport could act as an amplifying mechanism in abrupt northern hemisphere climate change, whereas opposing oceanic regimes could act to balance northern hemisphere heat transport, and thus promote climate stability. In chapter three, we examine the timing between regional deglaciation and volcanism to evaluate potential feedbacks between climate and volcanic activity. Although volcanic eruptions have been observed to contribute to abrupt climate fluctuations with global effects in historical times, the role of volcanic forcing in climate variability of the more distant past (prior to the Holocene) has been neglected due to the very short-time scales in which volcanic events occur, and the difficulty of obtaining records with high enough resolution to capture these events and their associated climate effects. We evaluate the source and timing of a sequence of 23 tephra layers preserved in high-accumulation rate sediment cores proximal to the MEVF, and examine the regional climate response to this volcanic activity through comparison with reconstructions of sea surface temperatures, oxygen isotopes, and the [delta]18O of seawater. We find that the onset of enhanced volcanic activity coincides with abrupt warming at the onset of the Bølling Allerød, regional retreat of glaciers, and a period of rapid vertical land motion predicted from a model of regional isostatic rebound. These finding support the hypothesis that deglaciation may promote volcanism by removing crustal loading. The records of sea surface variability show large fluctuations during the episode of intense volcanic activity, suggesting that deglacial volcanic activity may not only respond to climate, but may also contribute to climate variance during the deglacial interval. In Chapter four, we examine the oceanographic changes that lead to two episodes of hypoxia in the GOA that lasted for millennia during the deglaciation. Similar hypoxic events have been documented across the North Pacific, indicating a widespread expansion of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) during the Bølling Allerød and early Holocene warm periods. These episodes have been linked to enhanced export productivity in many sites, however, the driving mechanisms for enhanced productivity and ocean deoxygenation remain elusive. Our alkenone temperature reconstructions reveal two abrupt warmings of 4-5°C that precisely coincide with the onset of increased export productivity and a sudden shift to hypoxic conditions, suggesting a strong link between ocean warming, marine productivity, and deoxygenation. Oxygen isotopes throughout the water column indicate that a transient subsurface warming of ~2°C might have accompanied the first hypoxic event during the BA. We propose that abrupt ocean warming lead to an expansion of the North Pacific OMZ through a reduction in oxygen solubility, enhanced thermal stratification, and a stimulation of marine productivity through the stabilization of the euphotic zone (related to stratification), combined with enhanced nutrient input from remobilization of iron in hypoxic shelf sediments. These studies indicate that large surface and subsurface ocean changes occurred in the North Pacific during the last deglaciation, with the potential for important feedbacks on global climate.
Formation of the deepest waters of the World Ocean occurs in limited regions of the global ocean, primarily in the northern North Atlantic where North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) is formed, and at a number of sites around the continental margins of Antarctica where Antarctic Bottom Waters (AABW) are formed. The deepwater formation processes play a significant role in determining the large-scale physical and biogeochemical properties of the deep ocean. These limited regions provide a conduit from the surface into the vast volumes of water in the deep ocean. We report in this chapter on observed physical and biochemical changes in the deep ocean and discuss these in the context of deepwater formation. Intensive observation programs in the North Atlantic during the past decades have demonstrated that there have been significant changes in the volumes and properties of Upper and Lower NADW as well as AABW. Studies have found systematic warming of AABW during the past two decades along a number of its major flow pathways, as well as evidence for a reduction in overall volume of AABW in the global deep ocean. Lower NADW, on the other hand, has been undergoing systematic cooling for the past four decades, whereas Upper NADW (primarily Labrador Sea Water) has been exposed to large decadal variability, both in properties and formation rates. In total, the deepwaters of the World Ocean (beneath ca. 2000–3000m) have warmed during the past two decades. Changes in the deep ocean can have enormous influence on Earth’s climate. Warming of the deep ocean makes a significant contribution to global sea level rise. The capacity of the deep ocean to take up and store anthropogenic CO2 has and will have a major impact on the CO2 content of the atmosphere now and far into the future. Paleooceanographic studies have provided evidence that despite the century-long timescales associated with renewal of deepwater, rapid, major changes in deepwater formation and deep ocean circulation have occurred in the past, resulting in rapid changes in Earth’s climate. Continued monitoring and analysis are necessary to follow and understand the changes in the deep ocean—this is a very important component of Earth’s climate.
Major climate change is frequently associated with readjustment of carbon sources and sinks. The ocean is a relatively large carbon sink that can exchange carbon with the atmosphere over geologically short time scales. Chemical weathering of continental silicate rocks also plays a key role in sequestering atmospheric carbon over geologically long time scale. Therefore, the interplay between physical and chemical continental weathering can have major implications for the long term carbon budget of the Earth.