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The November 1994 midterm elections were a watershed event, making possible a Repbulican majority in Congress for the first time in forty years. Contract with America, by Newt Gingrich, the new Speaker of the House, Dick Armey, the new Majority Leader, and the House Republicans, charts a bold new political strategy for the entire country. The ten-point program, which forms the basis of this book, was announced in late September. It received the signed support of more than 300 GOP canditates. Their pledge: "If we break this contract, throw us out". Contract with America fleshes out the vision and provides the details of the program that swept the GOP to victory. Among the pressing issues addressed in this important book are: balancing the budget, stopping crime, reforming welfare, reinforcing families, enhancing fairness for seniors, strengthening national defense, cutting government regulations, promoting legal reform, considering term limits, and reducing taxes.
For the past decade America has been faced with a perpetually divided government during the threat of economic slowdown, and governmental efficiency deteriorating. This ardent length of time has not only led to a standstill of government gridlock, but has also prompted the progressive thoughts of governmental reform on a grandeur scheme, while dismissing what conventional thought has traditionally proposed. Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein reject both the "business-as-usual approach to reform," which assumes that no change is necessary following the November 1992 election, as well as the "Congress-bashing" emphasis on scandals and congressional perks. Instead, they focus on substantive ways to improve Congress' performance as a legislative body. Their recommendations are designed to strengthen the ability of the House to set an agenda and act upon it; increase the quality of deliberation and debate; improve relations between the parties; reform the campaign finance system; and clean up Congress's internal support system.