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A precious golden souvinier has disappered from Kismuil Castle in the Island of Barra. The historic brooch was given as a gift by the Chief of Clanranald to MacNeil of Barra in the 16th century. Or perhaps it was treasure found from a shipwrecked galleon from the Spanish Armada... The local constable, P.C. Murdo set outs to find who dunnit. He has seven suspects, but in his search for the truth of the theft discovers that suspicion and prejudice make poor detectives. Help comes from smart officers from the mainland, whose most difficult challenge is Murdo himself. In this short, humorous novel mystery and psychology are lightly mixed, revealing that folk's actions and characters are as contradictory as they are complex. PC Murdo would find himself at home in both Whisky Galore and in Para Handy. The novel is a compassionate examination of how attitudes predicate actions which make or break communities.
Ged a leig Constabal Murdo dheth a dhreuchd, agus e fhèin 's a bhanacharaid air an dòigh a' cur seachad nam feasgairean a' coimhead 'A Place in the Sun', tha feum air fhathast ann an latha na h-èiginn. A dh'aindeoin Brexit, tha maorach a' fàgail nan eileanan gach seachdain airson na Roinn Eòrpa, agus bathar nach eil cho fallain a' tighinn nan àite. Cò e am Maighstir Mòr, agus cò na sgalagan a tha ag obair dha? Is dòcha nach eil mòran foghlaim aig Murchadh, ach tha gliocas dùthchasach a dh'aithnicheas an diofar eadar caora is gobhar, agus cò a b' fheàrr a rachadh air tòir na fìrinn? Sgeulachd thaitneach cho-aimsireil a tha a' toirt an leughadair o Mhalaig gu Marseille. Drùidhteach, èibhinn, dùbhlanach agus togarrach. Nach tig sibh còmhla ris air an sgiorradh chunnartach seo tarsainn na Roinn Eòrpa gu bhan nan tiops agus nan reòiteagan ri taobh an A9? Far am faigh sibh, aig a' char as lugha, aon Chornetto...
'They say he brought back some Spanish gold and others say he didn't bring anything except the rags he was wearing but had the power to turn stone into gold and that the two stories somehow got mixed up.' Did Olghair MacKenzie steal alchemical secrets from the Egyptians? Or was he a rebel pirate who found refuge on a small Scottish island after the Armada? Does his treasure still lie hidden there? Six hundred years after MacKenzie's death, an ex-footballer returns to the island where he spent his youth. As the first frosts of winter arrive, Jack moves into a fisherman's cottage fragrant with the scent of the sea. After many restless years, it is a true homecoming. Delighting in his employment as postie, he starts to reconnect with himself, with his family and with this tiny community. The tale of Olghair MacKenzie has fascinated Jack since childhood and he resolves to discover the truth behind the legend. To do so, he must unlock the secret of a bridge the shape of a perfect wave, understand the significance of stone number 759 and find out what is meant by the eighth moon. Can Jack trust the dreams of the local seer, or grasp the clue in the old Gaelic way of counting the months? Jack's quest is truly magical, for it will lead him into very personal territory, unveiling links that tied him to the island long before he ever set foot there.
'In pencil-written and drawing-spattered notebooks intended for her Australian granddaughter, an elderly woman, now in Edinburgh, remembers and relives her Hebridean childhood. The community thus recreated is one where modernity – its emblem the Electricity of Angus Peter Campbell's title – collides and overlaps with all sorts of linguistic, cultural and other continuities. But this is no sentimental or elegiac excursion into a long-gone past. What's evoked here is a powerful sense of what it was, and is, to grow up amid family, neighbours and surroundings of a sort providing, for the most part, both security and happiness.' JAMES HUNTER
George Orwell's timeless novel Animal Farm, one of Time magazine's 100 best English-language novels of all time, has been translated by Aonghas Pàdraig Caimbeul into Gaelic for the very first time. When the animals of Manor Farm revolt and take contrl from Mr Jones, they have hopes for a life of freedom and equality. However, when the pigs Napoleon and Snowball rise to power, the other animals discover that they may not be as equal as they had once thought. A tragic political allegory described by Orwell as being 'the history of a revolution that went wrong', this book is as relevant now - if not more so - as it was when it was first written.
Clemency Shaw, the wife of a prominent doctor, has died in a tragic fire in the peaceful suburb of Highgate. But the blaze was set by an arsonist, and it is unclear whether she or Dr. Shaw was the intended victim—or did the doctor himself set the blaze in order to inherit his wife’s large fortune? Baffled by the scarcity of clues in this terrible crime, Inspector Thomas Pitt turns to the people who had been closest to the couple—Clemency’s stuffy but distinguished relatives. Meanwhile, Pitt’s wellborn wife, Charlotte, retraces the dangerous path that Clemency walked in the last months of her life, finding herself enmeshed in a sinister web that stretches from the lowest slums to the loftiest centers of power.
This is an ebook omnibus of books 1, 2 and 3 in the popular Dragonfire series: Dragonfire, The Wings of Ruksh, and The Underground City. In the first book of this thrilling series, Neil and Clara find themselves in the middle of feuding faery lords, missing whisky, magic carpets, firestones and ancient spells in the middle of Edinburgh. A year later, in The Wings of Ruksh, and Neil and Clara are on a dangerous journey of winged horses and snow witches. Book 3, The Underground City, is a ghostly story set against the backdrop of the spooky Mary King's Close in Edinburgh.
On the eve of his return to Scotland, Lewis Grant is dared to spend the night at the haunted desert oasis of Al Antara. But things don't go according to plan and on Lewis' subsequent arrival in Edinburgh, strange things start to happen. Set against the spooky backdrop of Mary King's Close, Neil and Clara MacLean find themselves embroiled with the enigmatic Lewis, frightened ghosts, reckless bank robbers and a very cranky djinn. Enjoy a third outing for the MacArthurs and their dragon, as monsters and mayhem return in a breathtaking tale of magic and nightmare.