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CONTENTSPart I: Philippines'Favorite Conspiracy TheoriesChapter OneTroublesome South 1-22* Who is Behind the Winds of War? * Massacre * Clash of Civilizations in Mindanao * Lower than Traitors * The Indonesian Connection * Are we the Next Domino to Fall? *Chapter TwoTerrorist Milieu 23-32* Phenomenon * The . What It Really Is?* A Prologue to Disaster * The Crescent and the Pentagram *Chapter ThreeAsia to Ashes 33-48* They Did What They're Told and Died! * Effects of Globalization in Asia * Of Movers and Shakers * "Murder" of the Asian Economy *Chapter FourGrand Deceptions 49-64* Soy lent Green * The Manipulators and their Foreign Bosses* The Truth About Our History * Heroes or Heels? * Stree Massacre - The Other Side of the Truth *Chapter FivePlaza Miranda: Truths and Myths 65-71Who is Really Behind the Bombing?Part II: Most Controversial Filipinos of the 21st CenturyChapter SixThe Yellow Lady 75-103* Litany of Schemes that Show Cory Aquino's True Color * A Clear Case of Conspiracy * Cory's Secret Dream for 1998 * Why the Coup Attempts Against the Cory Government? * Forces of Separatism * Coalition and Collision * Democracy or Demo-crazy ? * Cory and the Reds: A Bolsheviks-Kerensky Repeat? *Chapter SevenA Man Named Sin 105-114* It Takes a Sin to Tell Lies * Freedom Has Its Dangers * What Ails the Church of Sin? * Unmasking the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing *Chapter EightImelda 115-123* What Price Loyalty? * In 'Love' and 'War' * Don't F..k withImelda! *Chapter NineBusinessman's Businessman 125-131* A Tribute to Aquino * : Crony or Victim? *Chapter TenAquino: Global Conspirator? 133-179* Secret Ingredients Behind Aquino Politics * Demystifying Fake Heroes * Agent of the Global Conspiracy * Leaving a Trail of Blood * The American Stooge * Playing the Game of Numbers * The Missing Trigger man * Unanswered Questions * They Did It! * American Factor * Is There a Link? * Bullet-Proof Hero *Chapter ElevenRAM: Reformists or Agents of Violence? 181-207* What Is It All About? * The Color Red Dawned on the Loyalists * The Wave Behind RAM * Reformists or Agents of Violence? * Land of Rebelling, Child of the Sun Conspiring * Intervening in a Famil (more inside)
This is the most balanced and well-reasoned investigation available into why people believe today’s highly divisive conspiracy theories, from COVID and QAnon to 5G scares, fake news and more. Through their part in some huge controversies, conspiracy theorists are being branded the Number One Enemies of our times – the new heretics. They are seen to threaten the very fabric of modern society, spreading doubts and fears that result in Washington Capitol invasions, transmission mast burnings or the spread of anti-vaxx material. Yet the theorists prefer to call themselves "truth seekers" and see the mainstream establishment as the real disruptor, treating its increasingly harsh censorship as direct validation of their views. In truth, the new heretics, whose numbers are swelling, are symptoms of a wider polarization splitting apart much of the world in ideological divisions. Many have lost trust in politicians and the media, while nuanced debate is crushed and information overload and manipulation breeds uncertainty, civil unrest and mental health issues. How does the age old strategy of divide-and-rule play out in such an environment? Using his extensive experience of negotiating disputes between cynics and truth seekers, Andy Thomas explores the proliferation of conspiracy thinking, peeling back unhelpful layers of biased thinking on all sides to find more insightful ways to bridge the polarised divides and create a better way forward.
In The Tapestry of Secrets, author Bradley Murray delves deep into the intricate and often perplexing world of conspiracy theories that have shaped our understanding of history, society, and reality itself. From ancient myths to modern-day controversies, this book meticulously explores the fascinating tapestry of beliefs and speculations that challenge conventional narratives. The Tapestry of Secrets brings light to modern conspiracy theories that have captured the public imagination. From the alleged moon landing hoax and the Roswell UFO incident to the sinister agendas of secret societies like the Illuminati and Freemasons, each chapter unveils the origins, proponents, and implications of these enduring beliefs. The author provides nuanced analyses of each theory, exploring the psychological, social, and historical factors that contribute to their persistence. Central to the narrative is an exploration of conspiracy theories surrounding major historical events. The assassination of John F. Kennedy, the September 11 attacks, and the great reset are among the pivotal moments scrutinized through the lens of conspiracy. Through meticulous research and insightful commentary, the book challenges readers to critically evaluate these alternative narratives while acknowledging their cultural impact. Moreover, The Tapestry of Secrets sheds light on the psychological mechanisms that underpin conspiracy beliefs. Drawing on cognitive psychology and social psychology, the author illuminates how cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias and pattern recognition, influence the formation and perpetuation of conspiracy theories. This interdisciplinary approach encourages readers to consider how these theories reflect broader societal anxieties and uncertainties. Throughout The Tapestry of Secrets, Bradley Murray adopts a balanced and scholarly approach, presenting conspiracy theories as cultural artifacts that reveal profound insights into human nature and collective consciousness. By examining the allure and dangers of conspiratorial thinking, the book challenges readers to engage critically with information and cultivate a nuanced understanding of historical and contemporary events. Ultimately, The Tapestry of Secrets serves as a thought-provoking exploration into the labyrinthine realm of conspiracy theories. It invites readers to unravel the threads of secrecy and skepticism that weave through our shared history, prompting reflection on the boundaries between belief and skepticism, truth and fiction, and the enduring allure of uncovering hidden truths in a complex world.
Conspiracy theories have existed for centuries to rationalize major events and crises, but while they were once relegated to the fringes of discourse, in recent decades, they have increasingly become part of public debate. While many conspiracy theories are innocuous, others, like Holocaust denial, are considered dangerous because their intention to legitimize racist or otherwise hateful ideologies. This resource helps readers to examine key debates and topics related to conspiracy theories. Balancing free speech and public safety, the development of conspiracy theorizing over the past century, the role the internet has played, and whether some conspiracy theories can actually benefit society are all richly analyzed.
Contemporary Controversies and the American Racial Divide is a detailed study of some of the most racially divisive issues America has encountered in the past decade. Smith and Seltzer employ more than forty surveys to explore race-based public opinion differences on high-profile controversies including the Rodney King and O. J. Simpson cases; the arrest, trial, jailing, and subsequent reelection of Washington, D.C., Mayor Marion Barry; the Million Man March and Louis Farrakhan; and the Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill controversy. The authors also look at race-based opinion differences on the inner-city crack cocaine epidemic and the spread of AIDS among the American populace. The divisions in opinion between blacks and whites on these controversies are explained in terms of the distinctive historical and cultural experiences of the different races and the gaps, gulfs, and chasms in their contemporary social and economic conditions. While also noting significant commonalities in opinion across the color line, the book focuses on racial differences and their sources, and in a concluding chapter advances suggestions as to how the nation might overcome its racial divisions. This innovative study is a unique, rich, contextualized, dynamic analysis of race opinion, unlike anything else in literature.
A collection of controversial essays touches upon an array of issues, from marriage equality and conspiracy theories to animal rights.
This is the first book-length introductory study of the concept of a created scientific controversy, providing a comprehensive and wide-ranging analysis for students of philosophy of science, environmental and health sciences, and social and natural sciences.
It’s tempting to think that we live in an unprecedentedly fertile age for conspiracy theories, with seemingly each churn of the news cycle bringing fresh manifestations of large-scale paranoia. But the sad fact is that these narratives of suspicion—and the delusional psychologies that fuel them—have been a constant presence in American life for nearly as long as there’s been an America. In this sweeping book, Thomas Milan Konda traces the country’s obsession with conspiratorial thought from the early days of the republic to our own anxious moment. Conspiracies of Conspiracies details centuries of sinister speculations—from antisemitism and anti-Catholicism to UFOs and reptilian humanoids—and their often incendiary outcomes. Rather than simply rehashing the surface eccentricities of such theories, Konda draws from his unprecedented assemblage of conspiratorial writing to crack open the mindsets that lead people toward these self-sealing worlds of denial. What is distinctively American about these theories, he argues, is not simply our country’s homegrown obsession with them but their ongoing prevalence and virulence. Konda proves that conspiracy theories are no harmless sideshow. They are instead the dark and secret heart of American political history—one that is poisoning the bloodstream of an increasingly sick body politic.
How the new conspiracists are undermining democracy—and what can be done about it Conspiracy theories are as old as politics. But conspiracists today have introduced something new—conspiracy without theory. And the new conspiracism has moved from the fringes to the heart of government with the election of Donald Trump. In A Lot of People Are Saying, Russell Muirhead and Nancy Rosenblum show how the new conspiracism differs from classic conspiracy theory, how it undermines democracy, and what needs to be done to resist it.