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Conquerors for Christ, Volume 5 God The Holy Spirit - Almighty Comforter, Governor & Vicar Conquerors for Christ is anointed and illuminated Bible scholarship that teaches you how to enforce the Victory of the Cross of Christ and the Power of His Resurrection in/with the Person, Power and Presence of God The Holy Spirit - The Almighty Comforter, Governor and Vicar of Messiah and His church! You shall learn how to flow in/with the Anointing, Authority, Power, Strength, Wisdom, Dominion, Love, Fire, Brilliance, Radiance and Glory of Almighty God The Holy Spirit! You shall learn how to flow in/with the Perfect and Essential Oneness, Glory and Unity of the Almighty Triune Godhead by being Christ's disciple, which is the condition precedent to serving in Christ's Great Army of the Light as His mighty "Conquer for Christ! MICHAEL JAMES ROBERTSON, a Juris Doctor, possesses a wealth of high level Fortune 100 corporate and entrepreneurial business experience; and serves as CEO, Apostle, Evangelist and Pastor of God & Country Revival and Conquerors for Christ Ministries. The ministries win souls for Christ; equip and send out Christ's disciples in the fullness of the Apostolic Anointing to evangelize, preach, teach, testify and witness the Gospel of Christ unto the nations, thereby bringing many sons and daughters to Glory! Ministries include God & Country Revival (USA, Africa and India); the Jesus Brigade; Crusades and Revivals; Television and Internet Broadcasting; Bible Institute; Visioning Institute; Trade Wind Ministries (Intercessory); Prison Outreach and other International Outreaches. We are the continuation, extension and replication of the ministry of Messiah in/with the Person, Power and Presence of God The Holy Spirit - Almighty Comforter, Governor and Vicar of The Lord Jesus Christ and His church
Conquerors for Christ, Volume 5 God The Holy Spirit - Almighty Comforter, Governor & Vicar Conquerors for Christ is anointed and illuminated Bible scholarship that teaches you how to enforce the Victory of the Cross of Christ and the Power of His Resurrection in/with the Person, Power and Presence of God The Holy Spirit - The Almighty Comforter, Governor and Vicar of Messiah and His church! You shall learn how to flow in/with the Anointing, Authority, Power, Strength, Wisdom, Dominion, Love, Fire, Brilliance, Radiance and Glory of Almighty God The Holy Spirit! You shall learn how to flow in/with the Perfect and Essential Oneness, Glory and Unity of the Almighty Triune Godhead by being Christ's disciple, which is the condition precedent to serving in Christ's Great Army of the Light as His mighty "Conquer for Christ! MICHAEL JAMES ROBERTSON, a Juris Doctor, possesses a wealth of high level Fortune 100 corporate and entrepreneurial business experience; and serves as CEO, Apostle, Evangelist and Pastor of God & Country Revival and Conquerors for Christ Ministries. The ministries win souls for Christ; equip and send out Christ's disciples in the fullness of the Apostolic Anointing to evangelize, preach, teach, testify and witness the Gospel of Christ unto the nations, thereby bringing many sons and daughters to Glory! Ministries include God & Country Revival (USA, Africa and India); the Jesus Brigade; Crusades and Revivals; Television and Internet Broadcasting; Bible Institute; Visioning Institute; Trade Wind Ministries (Intercessory); Prison Outreach and other International Outreaches. We are the continuation, extension and replication of the ministry of Messiah in/with the Person, Power and Presence of God The Holy Spirit - Almighty Comforter, Governor and Vicar of The Lord Jesus Christ and His church
With an uninterrupted printing history since it was first published in 1939, this classic interpretation of the book of Revelation has served as a solid resource and source of inspiration for generations. Using sound principles of interpretation, William Hendriksen unfolds the mysteries of the apocalypse gradually, always with the purpose of showing that "we are more than conquerors through Christ." Both beginning and advanced students of the Scriptures will find here the inspiration to face a restless and confusing world with a joyful, confident spirit, secure in the knowledge that God reigns and is coming again soon. This edition features a newly designed interior layout.
Conquerors for Christ Summary Conquerors for Christ is anointed and illuminated Bible scholarship that will teach you how to assume and manifest the authority and power of Jesus Christ in these last days, asserting the same against, and enforcing the victory of the Cross of Christ and the power of His Resurrection over, the enemy, sin, sin nature, death, sickness, oppression and possession of demons, the false preachers, prophets and teachers in the apostate church, and the ways of the world! You will learn how to be a king and priest of Almighty God by living a lifestyle of Revolution, Revival and Restoration, as well as proclaiming Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world! You will learn how to become an executor, steward and trustee of the last Will and Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - His Gospel - thus executing His "Great Commission" and building up His Army of the Light! About the Author Michael James Robertson holds a Juris Doctor, possesses a wealth of high level Fortune 100 corporate and other entrepreneurial experience and is Chairman, CEO & Pastor of God & Country Revival. The Ministry is about winning souls for Christ and equipping the Army of the Light. The Ministry includes God & Country Revival Fellowship, the Jesus Brigade, international Crusades & Revivals, Television and Internet ministry (, the Visioning Institute, Trade Wind Ministries (intercessory), prison outreach, and other international outreaches, including Kenya, Africa. An extension of the Acts church, the ministry preaches Christ and Him crucified and the power of the Resurrection, while raising up and sending out mighty men of God. Robertson humbly refers to his personal "Damascus Road" and "Desert University Advanced Training in the Gospel of Jesus Christ" experience, whereby he received the anointing to defend and confirm the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to expose sin, both within and without the church, by preaching the integrity and truth of the Gospel!
This Bible scholarship teaches how to flow in the anointing, authority, and power of Jesus Christ in order to enforce the victory of the Cross of Christ and the power of His Resurrection over the enemy, sin, nature, death, sickness, oppression, possession of demons, false pastors, and the ways of the world.
Conquerors for Christ is anointed and illuminated Bible scholarship that teaches you how to effectively deploy, engage and execute the Strategy, Tactics & Weapons of Our Warfare against Satan, his strongmen, demons, devils and evil, rotten fruits, as well as against the false pastors, preachers, prophets and teachers in the apostate church, thus enforcing the Victory of Jesus Christ, until He Raptures His Church! You learn how to preemptively strike the enemy and his legions in daily warfare, which empowers you to continuously assault, attack, break down and breakthrough the gates of Hell by preaching the Gospel, in the Anointing, Authority, Power and Strength of the Holy Spirit, thereby setting the captives free in Christ! This is our end time Spiritual Warfare Handbook/Manuel, which reveals Christ's rapid response action/battle plan for the mighty "Conquerors for Christ," by being disciplined in the very character of Messiah! Michael James Robertson holds a Juris Doctor, possesses a wealth of high level Fortune 100 corporate and entrepreneurial business experience, and is CEO/Apostle/Evangelist and Pastor of God & Country Revival. The Ministry wins souls for Christ, equips and sends out Christ's disciples! Ministries include God & Country Revival (USA, Kenya and India), Jesus Brigade, Crusades & Revivals, Trade Winds Ministries (intercessory), Television & Internet (, Visioning Institute, prison outreach, and other international outreaches. An extension of the Acts church, Robertson preaches the Cross of Christ and the Power of the Resurrection, with signs following! Robertson authored this rapid response action/battle plan to empower us to effectively deploy, engage and execute the Weapons of Our Warfare against Satan and his legions in daily warfare, thereby setting the captives free in Christ by the preaching of the Gospel and enforcing Messiah's Victory of the Cross and Resurrection!
This in-depth study on the realm of death presents a message of hope held by the first generation of Christians and the early church. Using Scripture, patristic tradition, early Christian poetry, and liturgical texts, Archbishop Hilarion explores the mysterious and enigmatic event of Christ⿿s descent into Hades and its consequences for the human race. Insisting that Christ entered Sheol as Conqueror and not as victim, the author depicts the Lord⿿s descent as an event of cosmic significance opening the path to universal salvation. He also reveals Hades as a place of divine presence, a place where the spiritual fate of a person may still change. Reminding readers that self-will remains the only hindrance to life in Christ, he presents the gospel message anew, even in the shadow of death.
Christian-Muslim Relations, a Bibliographical History 5 (CMR 5), covering the period 1350-1500, is a continuing volume in a general history of relations between the two faiths from the seventh century to 1900. It comprises a series of introductory essays and also the main body of detailed entries which treat all the works, surviving or lost, that have been recorded. These entries provide biographical details of the authors, descriptions and assessments of the works themselves, and complete accounts of manuscripts, editions, translations and studies. The result of collaboration between numerous leading scholars, CMR 5, along with the other volumes in this series, is intended as an indispensable tool for research in Christian-Muslim relations.
The author praises Gratian’s zeal for instruction in the Faith, and speaks lowly of his own merits. Taught of God Himself, the Emperor stands in no need of human instruction; yet this his devoutness prepares the way to victory. The task appointed to the author is difficult: in the accomplishment whereof he will be guided not so much by reason and argument as by authority, especially that of the Nicene Council.