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Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) y las nuevas formas de relacionarnos en la sociedad y en el sistema educativo ocasionan hoy conflictos inéditos en la economía, la política, la sociedad y la cultura. En este libro, Alejandro Castro Santander nos introduce en los cambios que los nuevos desafíos provocan en la familia y la escuela, y busca pistas para encontrar otros caminos en pos de una formación que responda al desarrollo de una persona íntegra.Saber jerarquizar la información y el conocimiento para que se conviertan en sabiduría es en la actualidad un imperativo para todos aquellos que se sienten provocados ante el impacto de las nuevas pantallas y comprometidos ante las demandas de una ciudadanía virtual.Alejandro Castro Santander - Psicopedagogo Institucional (UCA), especialista en Gestión de la Convivencia Social y Escolar. Licenciado en Gestión Educativa (Universidad del Aconcagua). Profesor en las cátedras de Problemática Educativa de Niñez, Adolescencia y Familia, Gestión de Instituciones Educativas y Supervisión Educativa; en las Licenciaturas en Psicopedagogía y Ciencias de la Educación de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la UCA. Ha desempeñado funciones docentes, de orientación personal, directivas, de asesoramiento familiar y de formación de formadores durante más de treinta años. Asesor de Gabinete de la Dirección General de Escuelas, Gobierno de Mendoza, Argentina. Consultor sobre políticas de convivencia escolar en Argentina, México, Colombia y Chile. Columnista de Educación en el Diario El Sol de la provincia de Mendoza. Conferencista nacional e internacional sobre el tópico de la convivencia en las instituciones educativas. Integrante de la Cátedra UNESCO Juventud, Educación y Sociedad (Universidad Católica de Brasilia, Brasil). Co‐Presidente y Coordinador General para la 5a Conferencia Mundial de Violencia Escolar y Políticas Públicas y 4o Congreso Iberoamericano sobre Violencia en la Escuela (Mendoza, Argentina, 7, 8 y 9 de abril de 2011). Miembro del Consejo de Directores del Observatorio Internacional de la Violencia Escolar (sede Universidad Bordeaux 2, Francia). (continúa en solapa trasera)Este libro contiene el desarrollo de los siguientes temas entre otros: Prevenir la adicción a las nuevas pantallasConsumiendo cultura Las nuevas pantallas Consumir en la Galaxia Internet La generación-I Los ciberenredados Enfermar jugando ¿Afición o adicción?CiberadicciónCon este libro tendrá un manual profesional único sobre el uso útil de las redes. ¡Descargue ya este libro y comience a aprender con estos consejos!TAGS: bullyingacoso tecnologíafamiliaadolescentesredes socialesinternet
Music is a vital piece of life that not only allows individuals a chance to express themselves, but also an opportunity for people and communities to come together. Music has evolved in recent years as society turns toward a digital era where content can be shared across the world at a rapid pace. Music education and how it is spread has a number of possibilities and opportunities in this new era as it has never been easier for people to access music and learn. Further study on the best practices of utilizing the digital age for music education is required to ensure its success. The Research Anthology on Music Education in the Digital Era discusses best practices and challenges in music education and considers how music has evolved throughout the years as society increasingly turns its attention to online learning. This comprehensive reference source also explores the implementation of music for learning in traditional classrooms. Covering a range of topics such as music integration, personalized education, music teacher training, and music composition, this reference work is ideal for scholars, researchers, practitioners, academicians, administrators, instructors, and students.
CONTENTS / SOMMAIRE / INDICE Colette Dufresne-Tassé, Introduction / Introduction / Introducción Theoretical research / Recherche théorique / Investigación teóretica Ricardo Rubiales García Jurado, Reflexiones desde la educación contemporánea – el visitante en el centro de la acción museística Historical research / Recherche historique / Investigación historica Michel Allard, La fonction éducative dans l’histoire des musées québécois (1824-2015) Nicole Gesché-Koning, The avant-garde of European museum education in Belgium Sofia Trouli, Insights into the genealogy of museum education in Greece: early compatible views on the importance of museum education expressed at two international meetings in Athens Emprirical research / Recherche empirique / Investigación empirica Fernanda de Lima Souza and Adriana Mortara Almeida, The History Museum of the Instituto Butantan: visitor’s profile and perception Maria Esther A. Valente, Andréa F. Costa and Flávia Requeijo, The audience of a science museum and the concept of time Silvia Alderoqui y María Cristina Linares (coords.), Participación y representación de los visitantes en el Museo de las Escuelas Alexandra Tranta, Assimilating the museum experience: Dimensions of the education of potential museum educators, based on the results of a limited survey among students of Preschool Education Magaly Cabral, Does a summer camp favour the relationship with the museum? Rosane Maria Rocha de Carvalho, Public opinion survey of users of the gardens of the Museu da República in Rio de Janeiro
This book deals with two areas: Global Commons and Security: inextricably melted together and more relevant than ever in a world which is ever globalized and... with an incognita looming on the horizon: the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic upon the International Relations and globalization. Global Commons have always been relevant. It was Mahan who argued that the first and most obvious light in which the sea presents itself from the political and social point of view, is that of a great highway; or better, perhaps, of a wide common... Nowadays, this view has been further developed and, in addition to the unique legal implications that the Global Commons introduce, they are viewed, more and more intently, as a common pool of resources. Or perhaps, not that common... Resources, the key word! Which has to be always supplemented by two key words: access and security. And still, another one: data, the cyberspace contribution to the equation.
The Educational Intervention in highly diverse social contexts shows the need for improvisation of professionals with high training levels and in many cases a remarkable professional background. This book, entitled: Accessibility of vulnerability groups: from ICTs to emotions" aims to respond to the situations experienced by professionals and vulnerable groups from a socio-scientific perspective. The publication is made up of nine chapters, of which 8 of them present studies of teaching experiences and one of them a systematic review of the integration of ICTs in education. Therefore, we want to highlight the great professional challenge in these post-pandemic times that consists of ensuring that students are trained in safe contexts to grow safely and creatively.
The 'digital divide' refers to the gap between those who have access to the latest information technologies and those who do not. This book presents data supporting the existence of such a divide in the 1990s along racial, economic, and education lines.
Based on twenty case studies of universities worldwide, and on a survey administered to leaders in 101 universities, this open access book shows that, amidst the significant challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, universities found ways to engage with schools to support them in sustaining educational opportunity. In doing so, they generated considerable innovation, which reinforced the integration of the research and outreach functions of the university. The evidence suggests that universities are indeed open systems, in interaction with their environment, able to discover changes that can influence them and to change in response to those changes. They are also able, in the success of their efforts to mitigate the educational impact of the pandemic, to create better futures, as the result of the innovations they can generate. This challenges the view of universities as "ivory towers" being isolated from the surrounding environment and detached from local problems. As they reached out to schools, universities not only generated clear and valuable innovations to sustain educational opportunity and to improve it, this process also contributed to transform internal university processes in ways that enhanced their own ability to deliver on the third mission of outreach
In this volume, leading scholars from the fields of communication, educational psychology, and international education address what is known about the strategic role of interpersonal communication in the teaching/learning process. Instruction often involves spoken communication that carries information from teacher to learner, and in these instances the teacher's skillful and strategic use of language has a measurable impact on learning outcomes. Thus, the cumulative findings of instructional communication research are instrumental in maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of both teaching and learning. Major sections of this volume include: Historical and Theoretical Foundations Instructor Characteristics and Behaviors Student Characteristics and Outcomes Pedagogy and Classroom Management Teaching and Learning Communication Across the Life-span This handbook serves researchers, professors, and graduate students by surveying the collective findings of research and experience concerning the intentional activity of teaching and learning.
This book examines the political and developmental implications of the new information and communication technologies (NICT) in the Third World. Whereas the concept of the "digital divide" tends to focus on technological and quantitative indicators, this work stresses the crucial role played by the political regime type, the pursued development model and the specific configuration of actors and decision-making dynamics. Two starkly contrasting Third World countries, state-socialist Cuba and the Latin America's "show-case democracy" Costa Rica, were chosen for two in-depth empirical country studies.