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Proceedings of a NATO ASI and Isaac Newton Institute Workshop held in Cambridge, UK, June 23-July 4, 1997
The problem of quark confinement is one of the classic unsolved problems of particle physics and is fundamental to our understanding of the physics of the strong interaction and the behaviour of non-Abelian gauge theories in general. The confinement problem is also are area in which concepts from topology and techniques of computational physics both find important applications. This volume contains a snapshot of current research in this field as of January 2002. Particular emphasis is placed on the role of topological field configurations such as centre vortices and monopoles in proposed confinement mechanisms. Other topics covered include colour superconductivity, instantons and chiral symmetry breaking, matrix models and the construction of chiral gauge theories. Readership: Research scientists and graduate students of high energy physics and nuclear physics.
This book introduces a variety of aspects in nonperturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), focusing on the topological objects present in gauge theories. These objects, like magnetic monopoles, instantons, instanto-dysons, sphalerons, QCD flux tubes, etc, are first introduced individually and, later, treated collectively. As ensembles, they produce various phenomena that can be modeled numerically in lattice gauge theories and such collective effects, produced on the lattice, are extensively discussed in some chapters. In turn, the notion of duality, which is crucial in modern field/string theories, is elucidated by taking into consideration the electric-magnetic duality, the Poisson duality, and the AdS/CFT duality. This monograph is based on various lectures given by Edward Shuryak at Stony Brook during the last three decades and it is meant for advanced graduate students and young researchers in theoretical and mathematical physics who are willing to consolidate their knowledge in the topological phenomena encountered in fundamental QCD research.
The confinement mechanism of the quarks in QCD is one of the most challenging and open problems in physics. Confinement is a nonperturbative phenomenon, and a definite way to handle it has not yet been found in field theory. There are lattice calculations that can produce the low-lying states of the spectrum and ?measure? many important physical quantities, but nevertheless the development of analytical techniques is of extreme importance for understanding the physics involved in confinement. In this respect it is important to test the results obtained directly from the theory (Bethe-Salpeter kernel, effective Hamiltonians, quark potential, etc.) on the spectrum, form factors and decays of bound states of quarks and gluons, and to relate them to the results of lattice theory.In this book, the question of the confinement mechanism is addressed; explanations in terms of monopoles, instantons and dyons are reviewed and the connection with duality is discussed.
The confinement mechanism of the quarks in QCD is one of the most challenging and open problems in physics. Confinement is a nonperturbative phenomenon, and a definite way to handle it has not yet been found in field theory. There are lattice calculations that can produce the low-lying states of the spectrum and “measure” many important physical quantities, but nevertheless the development of analytical techniques is of extreme importance for understanding the physics involved in confinement. In this respect it is important to test the results obtained directly from the theory (Bethe-Salpeter kernel, effective Hamiltonians, quark potential, etc.) on the spectrum, form factors and decays of bound states of quarks and gluons, and to relate them to the results of lattice theory.In this book, the question of the confinement mechanism is addressed; explanations in terms of monopoles, instantons and dyons are reviewed and the connection with duality is discussed.
UNDER THE SPELL OF THE GAUGE PRINCIPLE — by G 't HooftThe University of Bologna and its Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics and the Italian Physical Society, celebrated in 1998 the bicentenary of a great pioneer in the field of electric phenomena — Luigi Galvani, the father of macroelectricity. During these two centuries, the physics of electric phenomena has given rise first to the Maxwell equations, then to quantum electrodynamics, and finally to the synthesis of all reproducible phenomena, the “Standard Model”. A cornerstone of the Standard Model is quantum chromodynamics (QCD), which describes the interaction between quarks and gluons in the innermost part of the structure of matter.The discovery of QCD will be recalled in the future as one of the greatest achievements of mankind. Many physicists, the world over, have contributed to its creation on both the experimental and the theoretical front. Professor Antonino Zichichi has played an important role in this scientific venture, as documented by his works which are reproduced in this invaluable volume.One of the founders of European physics, Professor Victor F Weisskopf, contributes with his memories of the time when QCD had many problems. This volume owes its existence to a founding father of QCD, Professor Vladimir N Gribov, whose sudden demise prevented him from directly contributing to its final edition. Two world leaders in subnuclear theoretical physics, Professors Gerardus 't Hooft and Gabriele Veneziano, illustrate the significance of the contributions of Antonino Zichichi in QCD.
The quark confinement mechanism is one of the most difficult problems in particle physics, and is listed as the 7 difficult mathematical problems of the new millennium. The first person who first solves this problem will be awarded a prize of US$ 1 Million by Cray Mathematics Institute. This volume is useful for the systematic understanding of quark confinement and nonperturbative aspects of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) from the wide viewpoints of mathematical physics, lattice QCD physics and quark-hadron physics. It covers the current studies of nonperturbative QCD: quark confinement mechanism; topologies in QCD (instantons, monopoles and vortices); BRS quartet mechanism for color confinement; lattice QCD calculations for quarks, gluons and hadrons; dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and hadrons.
This proceedings volume discusses recent developments in the physics of strongly interacting systems, with emphasis on matter under extreme conditions that are possibly encountered in astrophysical phenomena and relativistic heavy-ion collisions.