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Casey Carmichael’s translation and Ryan Glomsrud’s historical introduction make a significant contribution to historical studies of Reformed Scholasticism. It acquaints English readers with a significant, though largely forgotten theologian and his efforts to secure a solid program for advancing in systematic theology. Concise Marrow displays the elementary points of all the main topics of dogma, forming a theological primer for beginners. It is characterized by succinct definitions and ample biblical support, apt for setting a good foundation and starting point for deeper theological reflection.
William Ames (1576 – 1633) was an English Protestant theologian who spent most of his life in the Netherlands. His work was hugely influential on the English Puritans of the following generations, especially in New England. His Marrow of Theology (originally entitled The Marrow of Sacred Divinity drawne out of the Holy Scriptures) is organized as follows: Book I I. Of the Definition, or Nature of Divinity II. Of the Distribution or Parts of Divinity III. Of Faith IIII. Of God, and His Essence V. Of the Subsistence of God VI. Of the Efficiency of God VII. Of the Decree, and Counsel of God VIII. Of Creation IX. Of Providence X. Of Special Gubernation About Intelligent Creatures XI. Of Man’s Apostacy, or Fall XII. Of the Consequences of Sin XIII. Of Original Sin XIV. Of Actual Sin XV. Of Corporal Death XVI. Of the Consummation of Death XVII. Of the Propagation of Sin XVIII. Of the Person of Christ, the Mediator XIX. Of the Office of Christ XX. Of Satisfaction XXI. Of the Life of Christ Being Humbled XXII. Of the Death of Christ XXIII. Of the Exaltation of Christ XXIV. Of the Application of Christ XXV. Of Predestination XXVI. Of Calling XXVII. Of Justification XXVIII. Of Adoption XXIX. Of Sanctification XXX. Of Glorification XXXI. Of the Church Mystically Considered XXXII. Of the Church Instituted XXXIII. Of the Extraordinary Ministers of the Church XXXIIII. Of the Holy Scripture XXXV. Of Ordinary Ministers, and Their Office in Preaching XXXVI. Of the Sacraments XXXVII. Of Ecclesiastical Discipline XXXVIII. Of the Administration of the Covenant of Grace Before the Coming of Christ XXXIX. Of the Administration of the Covenant From Christ Exhibited to the End of the World XL. Of Baptism and the Supper of the Lord XLI. To the End of the World Book II I. Of Observance in General II. Of Virtue III. Of Good Works IIII. Of Religion V. Of Faith VI. Of Hope VII. Of Charity VIII. Of Hearing of the Word IX. Of Prayer X. Of an Oath XI. Of a Lot XII. Of Tempting of God XIII. Of Instituted Worship XIIII. Of the Manner of Divine Worship XV. Of the Time of Worship XVI. Of Justice and Charity Toward Our Neighbour XVII. Of the Honour of Our Neighbour XVIII. Of Humanity Toward Our Neighbour XIX. Of Chastity XX. Of Commutative Justice XXI. Of Telling Truth. Veracity XXII. Of Contentment
This summary of Christian teaching covers nearly one hundred major theological points from a biblical Reformed perspective, in brief, easy-to-understand chapters. By the author of Knowing God.
Concise Study of basic theology vol I covers some of the basic teachings of christian theology.
"Systematic Theology" in 3 volumes is one of the best-known works by the American Baptist minister and theologian Augustus Hopkins Strong. Excerpt: "Under the influence of Ritschl and his Kantian relativism, many of our teachers and preachers have swung off into a practical denial of Christ's deity and of his atonement. We seem upon the verge of a second Unitarian defection that will break up churches and compel secessions, in a worse manner than did that of Channing and Ware a century ago. American Christianity recovered from that disaster only by vigorously asserting the authority of Christ and the inspiration of the Scriptures. We need a new vision of the Savior like that which Paul saw on the way to Damascus and John saw on the isle of Patmos, to convince us that Jesus is lifted above space and time, that his existence antedated creation, that he conducted the march of Hebrew history, that he was born of a virgin, suffered on the cross, rose from the dead, and now lives forevermore, the Lord of the universe, the only God with whom we have to do, our Savior here and our Judge hereafter. Without a revival of this faith our churches will become secularized, mission enterprise will die out, and the candlestick will be removed out of its place as it was with the seven churches of Asia, and as it has been with the apostate churches of New England." Contents: Idea of Theology Method of Theology The Existence of God Origin of Our Idea of God's Existence Corroborative Evidences of God's Existence The Scriptures A Revelation from God The Nature, Decrees, and Works of God The Attributes of God Doctrine of the Trinity The Decrees of God The Works of God Anthropology, Or the Doctrine of Man: The Original State of Man Sin, Or Man's State Of Apostasy Soteriology Christology The Reconciliation of Man to God Ecclesiology, Or the Doctrine of the Church Eschatology...
A Theology in Outline: Can These Bones Live? began with an undergraduate course taught by Robert W. Jenson at Princeton University in the spring of 2008. Based on a series of twenty-three course lectures, it offers a concise and accessible overview of Christian theology while retaining the atmosphere of Jenson's classroom. Much as does Jenson's Systematic Theology, A Theology in Outline treats a standard sequence of doctrines in Christian theology--God, Trinity, creation, humanity, sin, salvation, church, among others. However, its organizing principle and leitmotiv are less traditional. Reflecting his recent interest in theological interpretation of scripture, Jenson frames the whole of Christian theology as a response to the question posed to the prophet Ezekiel: "Son of man, can these bones live?" For Jenson, to ask this question is to ask whether Christian theology itself is a pile of dead bones. Can the story that God lives with his people be told today? From first to last the chapters of this book proceed under the impelling pressure of this question. They thus comprise a single sequence of illustrative conversations for the purpose of introducing beginners to Christian theology.