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Coyame is the wide-ranging account of a small town in Mexico. The author provides readers with a panoramic view of history from the Mayans to the Villa revolutionaries and beyond. The history of the region is brought into stark detail with the inclusion of the tales, legends, and family histories of Coyame’s colorful residents. Morales presents the information with great care and passion; both historians and casual readers will benefit from the candor and whimsy that mark this unique contribution.
God Has a Purpose for You, Daughter of the King! Do you struggle with feelings of inadequacy, inferiority, and worthlessness? Do you ever ask yourself: Am I worth anything? Is it wrong to be an introvert? How do I deal with my broken past? Don’t think you’re alone. Millions of others have faced the same battles you do—and have overcome them. They’ve been victorious by learning to see themselves as God sees them—as unique individuals ready to make a special contribution in the world. They’ve come to understand that they were Created for a Purpose. And so were you. That’s the message of this devotional: God made you, loves you, and has a plan for your life. Take that message to heart, then read on and be inspired as you come to know God’s ultimate purpose—to create eternal beauty in your life. Dios tiene un propósito para ti, ¡hija del Rey! ¿Luchas con sentimientos de ser inadecuada, inferior e inútil? ¿Te has preguntado alguna vez: Sirvo para algo? Está mal ser introvertida? Cómo puedo ocuparme de mi pasado roto? No creas que estás sola. Millones de mujeres más se han enfrentado a las mismas batallas que tú... y las han vencido. Han triunfado aprendiendo a verse tal como Dios las ve: como individuos únicos listos para hacer una contribución especial al mundo. Han llegado a comprender que fueron Creadas con un propósito. Y tú también. Este es el mensaje de este devocional: Dios te hizo, te ama y tiene un plan para tu vida. Tómate ese mensaje en serio, sigue leyendo y sé inspirada cuando conozcas el propósito supremo de Dios: crear belleza eterna en tu vida.
Jacob pareciera ser cualquier cosa menos un disc&í pulo ejemplar. Es un hombre embustero, mentiroso, ego&í sta y ambicioso que tiene hijos con cuatro mujeres y lidera una familia disfuncional plagada de envidias y traiciones. Pero Jacob es tambié n Israel, el hom&ó nimo de la comunidad de Dios en el Antiguo Testamento, escogido y bendecido. Como tal, este santo pecador que cojea junto al Se&ñ or, agobiado por la debilidad y asediado por los problemas, es el fiel reflejo de todos los que seguimos a Jes&ú s. En su vida vemos nuestras vidas, nuestras luchas, nuestros fracasos y muy especialmente al Dios que nos ama y nos escoge como suyos. Al examinar su biograf&í a, desde su pendencia con Esa&ú en el vientre hasta su muerte en la vejez en Egipto, aprenderemos m&á s acerca de nosotros mismos y el Dios que est&á con nosotros y por nosotros en Jes&ú s el Mes&í as.
This is the Spanish translation of the book, A Covenant With My Eyes. This book sounds a bold call to the highest consecration in our sexuality. Get ready for a unique book that is apprehending, prudent, and empowering. Based on Bob’s own experience with Job 31:1, this book extends an invitation to actually make a covenant vow before God with our eyes. Written for all ages, men and women alike, this book excavates from the ancient spirituality of the book of Job the master key to consecration and illuminates its relevance to us today. The careful writing style will make you feel safe recommending this book even to teens.
This publication is a guide to complying with both Federal and State firearms laws. Specifically, it assists in complying with the Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA) requirement that you may not sell or deliver a firearm to a nonlicensee whose receipt or possession of the firearm would violate State or local laws applicable at the place of sale or delivery. It also assists in making lawful over-the-counter sales of long guns to out-of-state residents.
Covering the latest advanced in the field, this brief, easy-to-read introduction to educational psychology focuses on learning and teaching in subject areas and on helping students develop specific cognitive processes that are required to accomplish real academic tasks. Shows how psychological theories and research influence the development of better instructional practices and how real instructional problems influence the development of better psychological theories and research. Deals with the educational psychology of five major subject areas -- reading fluency, reading comprehension, writing, mathematics, and science. Includes three to six major cognitive processes involved in mastering the subject area in each chapter. Analyzes the types of knowledge that are needed to perform academic tasks in the domain in several chapters. Provides concrete examples and connections between cognitive research and practical educational problems. Covers the core advances in educational psychology. For educators at all levels.
If you often find yourself struggling with the stresses of finances, health, career, relationships, self-image, or family, then this humor-filled volume is just what you need. With simple, practical tips for attaining the peace you crave—the peace that passes all understanding—you’ll discover healing, refreshment, and revitalization for your spirit, body, and mind. Si te encuentras repetidamente luchando con el estrés de las finanzas, salud, carrera, relaciones, imagen corporal, o familia, entonces este volumen lleno de humor es exactamente lo que necesitas. Con ayudas fáciles y prácticas para obtener la paz que deseas –la paz que sobrepasa todo entendimiento– descubrirás sanidad, renovación y revitalización para tu espíritu, cuerpo, y mente.