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Breath sounds have long been important indicators of respiratory health and disease. Acoustical monitoring of respiratory sounds has been used by researchers for various diagnostic purposes. A few decades ago, physicians relied on their hearing to detect any symptomatic signs in respiratory sounds of their patients. However, with the aid of computer technology and digital signal processing techniques in recent years, breath sound analysis has drawn much attention because of its diagnostic capabilities. Computerized respiratory sound analysis can now quantify changes in lung sounds; make permanent records of the measurements made and produce graphical representations that help with the diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from lung diseases. Digital signal processing techniques have been widely used to derive characteristics features of the lung sounds for both diagnostic and assessment of treatment purposes. Although the analytical techniques of signal processing are largely independent of the application, interpretation of their results on biological data, i.e. respiratory sounds, requires substantial understanding of the involved physiological system. This lecture series begins with an overview of the anatomy and physiology related to human respiratory system, and proceeds to advanced research in respiratory sound analysis and modeling, and their application as diagnostic aids. Although some of the used signal processing techniques have been explained briefly, the intention of this book is not to describe the analytical methods of signal processing but the application of them and how the results can be interpreted. The book is written for engineers with university level knowledge of mathematics and digital signal processing.
Breath sounds have long been important indicators of respiratory health and disease. Acoustical monitoring of respiratory sounds has been used by researchers for various diagnostic purposes. A few decades ago, physicians relied on their hearing to detect any symptomatic signs in respiratory sounds of their patients. However, with the aid of computer technology and digital signal processing techniques in recent years, breath sound analysis has drawn much attention because of its diagnostic capabilities. Computerized respiratory sound analysis can now quantify changes in lung sounds; make permanent records of the measurements made and produce graphical representations that help with the diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from lung diseases. Digital signal processing techniques have been widely used to derive characteristics features of the lung sounds for both diagnostic and assessment of treatment purposes. Although the analytical techniques of signal processing are largely independent of the application, interpretation of their results on biological data, i.e. respiratory sounds, requires substantial understanding of the involved physiological system. This lecture series begins with an overview of the anatomy and physiology related to human respiratory system, and proceeds to advanced research in respiratory sound analysis and modeling, and their application as diagnostic aids. Although some of the used signal processing techniques have been explained briefly, the intention of this book is not to describe the analytical methods of signal processing but the application of them and how the results can be interpreted. The book is written for engineers with university level knowledge of mathematics and digital signal processing.
Breath sounds have long been important indicators of respiratory health and disease. Acoustical monitoring of respiratory sounds has been used by researchers for various diagnostic purposes. A few decades ago, physicians relied on their hearing to detect any symptomatic signs in respiratory sounds of their patients. However, with the aid of computer technology and digital signal processing techniques in recent years, breath sound analysis has drawn much attention because of its diagnostic capabilities. Computerized respiratory sound analysis can now quantify changes in lung sounds; make permanent records of the measurements made and produce graphical representations that help with the diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from lung diseases. Digital signal processing techniques have been widely used to derive characteristics features of the lung sounds for both diagnostic and assessment of treatment purposes. Although the analytical techniques of signal processing are largely independent of the application, interpretation of their results on biological data, i.e. respiratory sounds, requires substantial understanding of the involved physiological system. This lecture series begins with an overview of the anatomy and physiology related to human respiratory system, and proceeds to advanced research in respiratory sound analysis and modeling, and their application as diagnostic aids. Although some of the used signal processing techniques have been explained briefly, the intention of this book is not to describe the analytical methods of signal processing but the application of them and how the results can be interpreted. The book is written for engineers with university level knowledge of mathematics and digital signal processing.
Lung sounds auscultation is often the first noninvasive resource for detection and discrimination of respiratory pathologies available to the physician through the use of the stethoscope. Hearing interpretation, though, was the only means of appreciation of the lung sounds diagnostic information for many decades. Nevertheless, in recent years, computerized auscultation combined with signal processing techniques has boosted the diagnostic capabilities of lung sounds. The latter were traditionally analyzed and characterized by morphological changes in the time domain using statistical measures, by spectral properties in the frequency domain using simple spectral analysis, or by nonstationary properties in a joint time–frequency domain using short-time Fourier transform. Advanced signal processing techniques, however, have emerged in the last decade, broadening the perspective in lung sounds analysis. The scope of this book is to present up-to-date signal processing techniques that have been applied to the area of lung sound analysis. It starts with a description of the nature of lung sounds and continues with the introduction of new domains in their representation, new denoising techniques, and concludes with some reflective implications, both from engineers’ and physicians’ perspective. Issues of nonstationarity, nonlinearity, non-Gaussianity, modeling, and classification of lung sounds are addressed with new methodologies, revealing a more realistic approach to their pragmatic nature. Advanced denoising techniques that effectively circumvent the noise presence (e.g., heart sound interference, background noise) in lung sound recordings are described, providing the physician with high-quality auscultative data. The book offers useful information both to engineers and physicians interested in bioacoustics, clearly demonstrating the current trends in lung sound analysis. Table of Contents: The Nature of Lung Sound Signals / New Domains in LS Representation / Denoising Techniques / Reflective Implications
This book offers up-to-date information on the recording and analysis of respiratory sounds that will assist in clinical routine. The opening sections deliver basic knowledge on aspects such as the physics of sound and sound transmission in the body, a clear understanding of which is key to good clinical practice. Current techniques of breath sound analysis are described, and the diagnostic impact of advances in the processing of lung sound signals is carefully explained. With the aid of audio files that are available online, detailed guidance is then provided on differentiation of normal and abnormal breath sounds and identification of the various sounds, including crackles, wheezes, other lung sounds, cough sounds, and sounds of extrathoracic origin. The book is of high educational value and represents an excellent learning tool at pre- and postgraduate levels. It will also appeal to researchers as it provides comprehensive summaries of knowledge in particular research fields. The editors bring high-level expertise to the subject, including membership of the European Respiratory Society Task Force on the standardization of categories and nomenclature for breath sounds.
The purpose of this study is to extend prior research on the role of adventitious lung sounds as an accurate indicator of the need for endotracheal suctioning (ETS) in adult patients requiring mechanical ventilation and endotracheal intubation. Prior research has demonstrated a link between the presence of adventitious lung sounds and secretions in the tracheobronchial tree. However, many questions still remain unanswered in relationship to: lung sound characteristics, pattern, relationship to the respiratory cycle, volume of airway secretions, and clinical decision making. The following research questions were addressed. What is the pattern of adventitious lung sounds present immediately prior to ETS? How do adventitious lung sounds patterns change after ETS? What is the relationship between adventitious lung sounds volume of tracheobronchial secretions aspirated by ETS? 4. What relationship exists between the degree of importance of rhonchi perceived by the patient's primary nurse, in the decision to suction, and rhonchi measured by computer analysis prior to suctioning? Results: Repeated measurements of fifteen subjects were analyzed. No consistent pattern of lung sounds was identified prior to suctioning. Five adventitious lung sounds were identified: rhonchi, wheezes, crackles, type II rhonchi and coarse sounds. There was a 14 percent reduction in the occurrence of adventitious lung sounds after suctioning. In addition, coarse sounds decreased in duration after suctioning in most patients. There was no relationship between lung sounds and the volume of aspirate obtained. There was also no relationship between the perceived importance of rhonchi and the actual rhonchi recorded. More importantly, the Decision to Suction Now instrument was not predictive of the volume of secretions obtained.
Published in 1995: Breath Sounds Methodology is a practical introduction to the measurement of the acoustic properties of the respiratory system. The author describes objective and quantitative methods for extracting the information embedded in the sounds produced in the airways and by the lung during breathing.