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First published in 1973 Professor Akensone(tm)s book traces the series of religious and political controversies which have battered the state schools of Northern Ireland. After the governmente(tm)s admirably intentioned, but muddled, attempt to create a non-sectarian school system in the early 1920s, the educational system was progressively manipulated by sectarianism. The way in which the author describes how children are schooled reveals a great deal about the attitudes and values of the parental generation and also helps to explain the actions of later generations.
Symbolic C++: An Introduction to Computer Algebra Using Object-Oriented Programming provides a concise introduction to C++ and object-oriented programming, using a step-by-step construction of a new object-oriented designed computer algebra system - Symbolic C++. It shows how object-oriented programming can be used to implement a symbolic algebra system and how this can then be applied to different areas in mathematics and physics. This second revised edition:- * Explains the new powerful classes that have been added to Symbolic C++. * Includes the Standard Template Library. * Extends the Java section. * Contains useful classes in scientific computation. * Contains extended coverage of Maple, Mathematica, Reduce and MuPAD.
The journal Computing has established a series of supplement volumes the fourth of which appears this year. Its purpose is to provide a coherent presentation of a new topic in a single volume. The previous subjects were Computer Arithmetic 1977, Fundamentals of Numerical Computation 1980, and Parallel Processes and Related Automata 1981; the topic of this 1982 Supplementum to Computing is Computer Algebra. This subject, which emerged in the early nineteen sixties, has also been referred to as "symbolic and algebraic computation" or "formula manipulation". Algebraic algorithms have been receiving increasing interest as a result of the recognition of the central role of algorithms in computer science. They can be easily specified in a formal and rigorous way and provide solutions to problems known and studied for a long time. Whereas traditional algebra is concerned with constructive methods, computer algebra is furthermore interested in efficiency, in implementation, and in hardware and software aspects of the algorithms. It develops that in deciding effectiveness and determining efficiency of algebraic methods many other tools - recursion theory, logic, analysis and combinatorics, for example - are necessary. In the beginning of the use of computers for symbolic algebra it soon became apparent that the straightforward textbook methods were often very inefficient. Instead of turning to numerical approximation methods, computer algebra studies systematically the sources of the inefficiency and searches for alternative algebraic methods to improve or even replace the algorithms.
Mathematica, Maple, and similar software packages provide programs that carry out sophisticated mathematical operations. Applying the ideas introduced in Computer Algebra and Symbolic Computation: Elementary Algorithms, this book explores the application of algorithms to such methods as automatic simplification, polynomial decomposition, and polyno
This book provides a systematic approach for the algorithmic formulation and implementation of mathematical operations in computer algebra programming languages. The viewpoint is that mathematical expressions, represented by expression trees, are the data objects of computer algebra programs, and by using a few primitive operations that analyze and
This thorough overview of the major computer algebra (symbolic mathematical) systems compares and contrasts their strengths and weaknesses, and gives tutorial information for using these systems in various ways. * Compares different packages quantitatively using standard 'test suites' * Ideal for assessing the most appropriate package for a particular user or application * Examines the performance and future developments from a user's and developer's viewpoint Internationally recognized specialists overview both the general and special purpose systems and discuss issues such as denesting nested roots, complex number calculations, efficiently computing special polynomials, solving single equations and systems of polynomial equations, computing limits, multiple integration, solving ordinary differential and nonlinear evolution equations, code generation, evaluation and computer algebra in education. The historical origins, computer algebra resources and equivalents for many common operations in seven major packages are also covered. By providing such a comprehensive survey, the experienced user is able to make an informed decision on which system(s) he or she might like to use. It also allows a user new to computer algebra to form an idea of where to begin. Since each system looked at in this book uses a different language, many examples are included to aid the user in adapting to these language differences. These examples can be used as a guide to using the various systems once one understands the basic principles of one CAS. The book also includes contributions which look at the broad issues of the needs of various users and future developments, both from the user's and the developer's viewpoint. The author is a leading figure in the development and analysis of mathematical software and is well known through the 'Wester test suite' of problems which provide a bench mark for measuring the performance of mathematical software systems. The book will help develop our range of titles for applied mathematcians. The book will provide a unique, fully up-to-date and independent assessment of particular systems and will be of interest to users and purchasers of CAS's.
Solving problems in quantum mechanics is an essential skill and research activity for physicists, mathematicians, engineers and others. Nowadays, the labor of scientific computation has been greatly eased by the advent of computer algebra packages, which do not merely perform number crunching, but also enable users to manipulate algebraic expressions and equations symbolically. For example, the manipulations of noncommutative operators, differentiation and integration can now be carried out algebraically by the computer algebra package.This book collects standard and advanced methods in quantum mechanics and implements them using SymbolicC++ and Maxima, two popular computer algebra packages. Throughout, the sample programs and their outputs are accompanied with explanatory text of the underlying mathematics and physics explained in detail. Selected problems have also been implemented using two other popular packages — Mathematica and Maple — while some problems are implemented in C++.Modern developments in quantum theory are covered extensively, beyond the standard quantum mechanical techniques. The new research topics added to this second edition are: entanglement, teleportation, Berry phase, Morse oscillator, Magnus expansion, wavelets, Pauli and Clifford groups, coupled Bose-Fermi systems, super-Lie algebras, etc.
This book deals with several topics in algebra useful for computer science applications and the symbolic treatment of algebraic problems, pointing out and discussing their algorithmic nature. The topics covered range from classical results such as the Euclidean algorithm, the Chinese remainder theorem, and polynomial interpolation, to p-adic expansions of rational and algebraic numbers and rational functions, to reach the problem of the polynomial factorisation, especially via Berlekamp’s method, and the discrete Fourier transform. Basic algebra concepts are revised in a form suited for implementation on a computer algebra system.