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An introductory text to a range of numerical methods used today to simulate time-dependent processes in Earth science, physics, engineering and many other fields. It looks under the hood of current simulation technology and provides guidelines on what to look out for when carrying out sophisticated simulation tasks.
sense do not grow as fast as computational possi This book contains selections from Volumes bilities. I-V of the series "Computational Seismology," which Moreover, for some strange reason, comput was initiated a few years ago by the Academy of ers usually create a spirit of haste, though they are Sciences of the USSR. Volume V was still in prepa intended to provide time for meditation. In com ration when the translation was begun, and the trans puterizing seismology, therefore, one must first lations of papers from it were made from manu generalize the methods and then make them more scripts. Most of the authors are members of the rigorous mathematically. All relevant data must Department of Computational Geophysics of the In be processed jointly. Insofar as is possible, a priori stitute of Physics of the Earth, Moscow. hypotheses should be avoided. Particular attention The series is dedicated to theoretical and must be given to exact formulation of the problem, computational aspects of the analysis of seismolog to questions of uniqueness and stability, to the con ical data. The present state of this field is typical fidence limits of the results, etc. This general ap of our times. The rapidly increasing flow of infor proach is required in solving the main problems of mation is already too vast to be processed or even modern seismology, which are by definition general comprehended in a traditional way. This has forced problems. This approach has other advantages.
Technical guide to the theory and practice of seismic data processing with MATLAB algorithms for advanced students, researchers and professionals.
This book describes the theory and practice of inverting seismic data for the subsurface rock properties of the earth. The primary application is for inverting reflection and/or transmission data from engineering or exploration surveys, but the methods described also can be used for earthquake studies. Seismic Inversion will be of benefit to scientists and advanced students in engineering, earth sciences, and physics. It is desirable that the reader has some familiarity with certain aspects of numerical computation, such as finite-difference solutions to partial differential equations, numerical linear algebra, and the basic physics of wave propagation. For those not familiar with the terminology and methods of seismic exploration, a brief introduction is provided. To truly understand the nuances of seismic inversion, we have to actively practice what we preach (or teach). Therefore, computational labs are provided for most of the chapters, and some field data labs are given as well.
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Computational Seismology and Geodynamics Series, Volume 1. With these issues of Computational Seismology and Geodynamics the American Geophysical Union begins regular translation of the series. We are looking forward to simultaneous publication of the English and Russian editions in the near future. The series, started in 1966, is devoted to applications of modem mathematics and computer science to seismology and related studies of the solid Earth. The following fields are covered at present: nonlinear dynamics of the lithosphere and earthquake prediction; probabilistic estimation of seismic risk in terms of the damage to economy and population, including platform areas which recently became vulnerable to earthquakes; recognition of earthquake-prone areas based on formalized hierarchical neotectonic regionalization; geophysical dynamics, particularly the magnetic dynamo; three-dimensional inversion of seismological data; seismic wave propagation and seismic source theory; signal-to-noise enhancement (single records and arrays); and broadband seismological registration (new instruments). Both methodology and data analysis are covered. Most of the papers are from the staff of the International Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics; however, many authors are from other institutions of the former Soviet Union and other countries worldwide. Papers are published free of charge after being reviewed and accepted. Volume 1 (159 pp.) 1994 selected articles from Volumes 22 & 23 Volume 2 (188 pp.) 1994 selected articles from Volumes 24 & 25 Volume 3 (236 pp.) 1996 selected articles from Volumes 26 & 27 Volume 4 (200 pp.) 1999 selected articles from Volumes 28 & 29 Volume 5 (132 pp.) 2003 selected articles from Volume 30 Volume 6 (102 pp.) 2004 selected articles from Volume 31 Volume 7 (250 pp.) 2005 selected articles from Volume 32 Volume 8 (186 pp.) 2008 selected articles from Volumes 33 & 34
This book provides an approachable and concise introduction to seismic theory, designed as a first course for undergraduate students. It clearly explains the fundamental concepts, emphasizing intuitive understanding over lengthy derivations. Incorporating over 30% new material, this second edition includes all the topics needed for a one-semester course in seismology. Additional material has been added throughout including numerical methods, 3-D ray tracing, earthquake location, attenuation, normal modes, and receiver functions. The chapter on earthquakes and source theory has been extensively revised and enlarged, and now includes details on non-double-couple sources, earthquake scaling, radiated energy, and finite slip inversions. Each chapter includes worked problems and detailed exercises that give students the opportunity to apply the techniques they have learned to compute results of interest and to illustrate the Earth's seismic properties. Computer subroutines and datasets for use in the exercises are available at