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One ofthe most important aspects in research fields where mathematics is "applied is the construction of a formal model of a real system. As for structural relations, graphs have turned out to provide the most appropriate tool for setting up the mathematical model. This is certainly one of the reasons for the rapid expansion in graph theory during the last decades. Furthermore, in recent years it also became clear that the two disciplines of graph theory and computer science have very much in common, and that each one has been capable of assisting significantly in the development of the other. On one hand, graph theorists have found that many of their problems can be solved by the use of com puting techniques, and on the other hand, computer scientists have realized that many of their concepts, with which they have to deal, may be conveniently expressed in the lan guage of graph theory, and that standard results in graph theory are often very relevant to the solution of problems concerning them. As a consequence, a tremendous number of publications has appeared, dealing with graphtheoretical problems from a computational point of view or treating computational problems using graph theoretical concepts.
This book was first published in 2003. Combinatorica, an extension to the popular computer algebra system Mathematica®, is the most comprehensive software available for teaching and research applications of discrete mathematics, particularly combinatorics and graph theory. This book is the definitive reference/user's guide to Combinatorica, with examples of all 450 Combinatorica functions in action, along with the associated mathematical and algorithmic theory. The authors cover classical and advanced topics on the most important combinatorial objects: permutations, subsets, partitions, and Young tableaux, as well as all important areas of graph theory: graph construction operations, invariants, embeddings, and algorithmic graph theory. In addition to being a research tool, Combinatorica makes discrete mathematics accessible in new and exciting ways to a wide variety of people, by encouraging computational experimentation and visualization. The book contains no formal proofs, but enough discussion to understand and appreciate all the algorithms and theorems it contains.
Graph Theory and Computing focuses on the processes, methodologies, problems, and approaches involved in graph theory and computer science. The book first elaborates on alternating chain methods, average height of planted plane trees, and numbering of a graph. Discussions focus on numbered graphs and difference sets, Euclidean models and complete graphs, classes and conditions for graceful graphs, and maximum matching problem. The manuscript then elaborates on the evolution of the path number of a graph, production of graphs by computer, and graph-theoretic programming language. Topics include FORTRAN characteristics of GTPL, design considerations, representation and identification of graphs in a computer, production of simple graphs and star topologies, and production of stars having a given topology. The manuscript examines the entropy of transformed finite-state automata and associated languages; counting hexagonal and triangular polyominoes; and symmetry of cubical and general polyominoes. Graph coloring algorithms, algebraic isomorphism invariants for graphs of automata, and coding of various kinds of unlabeled trees are also discussed. The publication is a valuable source of information for researchers interested in graph theory and computing.
This research book include quality chapters on computational models, designs and multidisciplinary approaches for neurological diagnosis and treatment, offering a resource of neurological databases, computational intelligence, brain health informatics, effective analysis of neural functions and technological interventions.
Because of its inherent simplicity, graph theory has a wide range of applications in engineering, and in physical sciences. It has of course uses in social sciences, in linguistics and in numerous other areas. In fact, a graph can be used to represent almost any physical situation involving discrete objects and the relationship among them. Now with the solutions to engineering and other problems becoming so complex leading to larger graphs, it is virtually difficult to analyze without the use of computers. This book is recommended in IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal for B.Tech Computer Science, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, NIT Nagaland, NIT Agartala, NIT Silchar, Gauhati University, Dibrugarh University, North Eastern Regional Institute of Management, Assam Engineering College, West Bengal Univerity of Technology (WBUT) for B.Tech, M.Tech Computer Science, University of Burdwan, West Bengal for B.Tech. Computer Science, Jadavpur University, West Bengal for M.Sc. Computer Science, Kalyani College of Engineering, West Bengal for B.Tech. Computer Science. Key Features: This book provides a rigorous yet informal treatment of graph theory with an emphasis on computational aspects of graph theory and graph-theoretic algorithms. Numerous applications to actual engineering problems are incorpo-rated with software design and optimization topics.
When reality is modeled by computation, matrices are often the connection between the continuous physical world and the finite algorithmic one. Usually, the more detailed the model, the bigger the matrix, the better the answer, however, efficiency demands that every possible advantage be exploited. The articles in this volume are based on recent research on sparse matrix computations. This volume looks at graph theory as it connects to linear algebra, parallel computing, data structures, geometry, and both numerical and discrete algorithms. The articles are grouped into three general categories: graph models of symmetric matrices and factorizations, graph models of algorithms on nonsymmetric matrices, and parallel sparse matrix algorithms. This book will be a resource for the researcher or advanced student of either graphs or sparse matrices; it will be useful to mathematicians, numerical analysts and theoretical computer scientists alike.
Graph Theory: An Introduction to Proofs, Algorithms, and Applications Graph theory is the study of interactions, conflicts, and connections. The relationship between collections of discrete objects can inform us about the overall network in which they reside, and graph theory can provide an avenue for analysis. This text, for the first undergraduate course, will explore major topics in graph theory from both a theoretical and applied viewpoint. Topics will progress from understanding basic terminology, to addressing computational questions, and finally ending with broad theoretical results. Examples and exercises will guide the reader through this progression, with particular care in strengthening proof techniques and written mathematical explanations. Current applications and exploratory exercises are provided to further the reader’s mathematical reasoning and understanding of the relevance of graph theory to the modern world. Features The first chapter introduces graph terminology, mathematical modeling using graphs, and a review of proof techniques featured throughout the book The second chapter investigates three major route problems: eulerian circuits, hamiltonian cycles, and shortest paths. The third chapter focuses entirely on trees – terminology, applications, and theory. Four additional chapters focus around a major graph concept: connectivity, matching, coloring, and planarity. Each chapter brings in a modern application or approach. Hints and Solutions to selected exercises provided at the back of the book. Author Karin R. Saoub is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Roanoke College in Salem, Virginia. She earned her PhD in mathematics from Arizona State University and BA from Wellesley College. Her research focuses on graph coloring and on-line algorithms applied to tolerance graphs. She is also the author of A Tour Through Graph Theory, published by CRC Press.