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This companion volume to the groundbreaking Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path series will allow you easier access to the techniques and wisdom of Dr. Joshua David Stone.
The Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path consists of fourteen books and an index in this ongoing series on the subject of ascension, self-realization and a further deepening of ascended-master teachings. These books collectively explore the deepest levels and understanding of ascension through the personal, planetary and cosmic levels, offering the reader tools to work with that span the spectrum of all the bodies and ultimately bring them into the subtle realms of cosmic ascension.
New age / spirituality.
For those who have the intention but lack the lifetime it would take to study the entire history of spirituality, this extraordinary compendium is a great gift. Stone has gleaned the essentials from vast research as well as intuitive information and woven them into a simple and engrossing exploration of self-realization. The Complete Ascension Manual is both practical and enlightening. It is a guidebook through the past and a how-to manual for ascension. Created to be read as an overview of the spiritual path, this book explores the world's great religions, Great Masters, spiritual psychology and the Ascended Masters' teachings with specific steps to accelerate our process of ascension. The Complete Ascension Manual is a thorough introduction to subjects such as: The monad, soul and personality, God and the cosmic Hierarchy, Ascension, the sixth initiation, Twenty ascension techniques to build your Light quotient, Mantras, names of God and words of power, and 147 Golden "Keys" to achieving ascension in this lifetime.
"This book brings forth incredible new channeled material that completely demystifies the seven levels of initiation and how to attain them. It contains revolutionary new information on how to anchor and open our thirty-six chakras and how to build our light quotient at a rate of speed never dreamed possible. The book includes a chapter on cosmic ascension and a unique cosmic map that outlines the process of planetary ascension. The map also charts the course for full cosmic ascension through the seven cosmic planes and forty-eight dimensions of reality back to the Godhead and undifferentiated Source."
Cosmic Ascension: Your Cosmic Map Home: Almost all the books on the planet on the subject of ascension are written about planetary ascension. However, because of the extraordinary times in which we now live, in terms of Earth's history, there is a new opening and potentiality to also begin one's cosmic ascension process. This has never before been available. It must be understood, as Vywamus has said, that in completing our planetary ascension, we are no more than one-tenth of the way up a ten-inch ruler in terms of our cosmic ascension process. This includes most of the ascended masters. We on Earth who are working to complete our seven levels of initiation must remember that there are 352 levels of initiation to return to the godhead, of Father-Mother God, at the top of creation. Most of the Ascended Masters of the entire Spiritual Hierarchy are not beyond the 12th initiation. This is not a criticism, just a simple statement of fact. The question is, "What lies beyond the next nine-tenths of the ruler, and how do we achieve our cosmic ascension as well as our planetary ascension (which is no small feat in and of itself?)" It is for this purpose that the author was guided to write this book.
We are all as unique as individual snowflakes, intricately designed so that no two are alike; yet when observed as a whole, we form the blended essence of lightworkers, merging into vaster and fuller aspects of God, the one great whole. Each of us holds a very specialized piece of the divine puzzle of God, or the whole. The more attuned we become to God, the more we are called to find and fulfill that specialized piece of the puzzle belonging to ourselves alone. When we find this puzzle piece and embrace it, we are then able to fulfill our divine mission on this Earth. In this book, Dr. Joshua David Stone shows how each person's puzzle piece is just as vital and necessary as any other.
Inspired by Djwhal Khul, Dr. Joshua David Stone has written a unique book about relationships from the perspective of the soul and monad rather than just the personality. This presents a broader picture of the problems and common traps of romantic relationship and offers much deeper and spiritually sound guidance and advice. Drawing on his experience as a psychotherapist and licensed marriage, family, and child counselor, Dr. Stone has written an excellent manual for initiates, disciples, and ascended beings.
This book serves as an ideal foundation for teaching ascension classes and doing workshops. The inner-plane ascended masters have guided Dr. Stone to put together this book, using his Easy-to-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path as its foundation. Here you will find an entire one- to two-year program of classes for teaching from one to hundreds of student initiates. Teaching or setting up a class in your home to facilitate ascension realization is one of the most important services one could offer one's friends, students and even family. With this book it is easy. Details on how to start and end every class are given, as well as outlines for 132 classes. Also included are suggestions on how to observe the major holy days that the inner-plane ascended masters would like us to celebrate on Earth. Using his teaching experience, Dr. Stone has also outlined all the logistical and third-dimensional considerations that will come up. The only tools a class leader needs would be his books and meditation tapes.
This volume represents the wisdom of the ascended masters condensed into concise keys that serve as a spiritual guide. There are 420 golden keys that present the multitude of methods, techniques, affirmations, prayers, and insights Dr. Stone has gleaned from his own background in psychology and life conditions and his thorough research of all the ancient and contemporary classics that speak of the path to God realization. The teachings of Sai Baba and other ascended masters are at the core of these keys, and the author has also drawn up on various spiritual scriptures such as the Bhagavad-Gita and the Bible. Especially valuable are practical methods to support the ascension process, such as journal writing and spiritual logs, as well as meditations and prayers.