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El presente libro trata sobre un tema actual y vigente: el entorno urbano -las ciudades-. En él, un grupo interdisciplinario conformado por físicos, biólogos, arquitectos, economistas, diseñadores y urbanistas, discuten sus ideas y visiones guiados y unificados bajo el paradigma y enfoque de la complejidad. Se trata de entender y explicar fenómenos emergentes y colectivos en el contexto urbano, haciendo uso conceptual de lo que en física llaman el "principio de superposición": el todo es más que la suma de las partes. Así, las ciudades son más que la suma de sus espacios arquitectónicos o que los actos de sus habitantes aislados. Son entidades con vida propia que fluctúan entre las escalas de lo personal y de lo colectivo. Son escenarios de la vida de millones de seres cuya presencia efímera es moldeada por la ciudad, su ecología, su cultura y su identidad. Pero esa contribución individual, por otra parte, es lo que da sentido, construcción y vigencia histórica a una ciudad. Una ciudad no es sin sus habitantes: pero estos tampoco lo son sin ella. Es este vaivén de múltiples escalas en el espacio y en el tiempo que la ciencia moderna de los sistemas complejos desea entender y este libro pretende ser una pieza en la construcción de ese conocimiento.
Unlike European countries where the consolidation of town planning was based on legislative reforms, Latin America’s urbanismo mainly stemmed from urban plans for national capitals and metropolises. Austrian academic and planner Karl Brunner was hired in Chile, Colombia and Panama from the late 1920s to advise in the professional and academic domains, marking a shift from the so-called École Française d’Urbanisme (EFU) of Haussmannesque descent towards the Austrian-German Städtebau, While coordinating the municipal office and plan for Bogotá, Brunner translated his Manual de Urbanismo – the first textbook published in Latin America about the new discipline and the first to incorporate examples from local cities. Based on his 1924 course at Vienna’s National Faculty of Architecture Brunner’s Manual emphasized the ‘scientific system’ of the discipline. Brunner was the most influential figure of his time in the urban planning of the region, but has become overshadowed by Le Corbusier's and CIAM’s prevailing influence after the Second World War. Complete with a supporting introduction written by Arturo Almandoz, this volume includes the full copy of the original Manual de Urbanismo with an English translation of the synthesis. Further materials, including an extract of Karl Brunner's "Problemas actuales de urbanización" and an accompanying English translation of the text can be accessed at
Written by some of the founders of complexity theory and complexity theories of cities (CTC), this Handbook expertly guides the reader through over forty years of intertwined developments: the emergence of general theories of complex self-organized systems and the consequent emergence of CTC.
The city is constantly produced through a gradual substitution of its elements. However, in some occasions an increase in uncertainty accelerates the changes in urban systems, causing irreversible modifications in their structures. These changes in urban form and topology tend to produce intensified and unpredictable transformations of spatial systems. This acceleration facilitates the registration of urban processes that otherwise would be difficult to observe. The main objective of this research is to analyse the changes in these systems, in which we identify the security and complexity strategies that occur due to an increase in uncertainty and to evaluate both strategies within the evolution of the city. For that purpose, segments of the city are examined as urban systems. The differentiation between the social and spatial systems enables the analysis of the impact of the environment on the system and vice versa. The concept of security has been tackled through critical literature and its triple theoretical interpretation [safety, security and certainty] has been related with the notion of uncertainty in order to build the sequence violence¿fear¿uncertainty¿apparatus¿security. Urban complexity is understood as the diversity of states that an urban system ¿identified as an open system that exchanges matter, energy and information with its environment¿ can reach. In this research and from the spatial perspective, the urban form and its topology are analised by the binomial plot-building and its adjacent communication channels. The theoretical framework on urban security and complexity helped to develop a specific method of analysis for urban systems whose form was changed due to high uncertainty. The method gathers the observations from the conceptual framework on security and complexity and distributes them asymmetrically in five consecutive yet synchronous phases: urban form [1], increase of uncertainty [2], application of the apparatus [3], change in urban form [4], information flows [5]. These five phases are applied to three different empirical studies ¿three urban systems in the process of change under uncertainty¿, analysed through specific morphological and topological models. Each study registers an urban processes characterized by change and uncertainty under various security and complexity strategies. The three selected empirical tests are the residential district of Bijlmermeer in Amsterdam, the suburb of Dobrinja in Sarajevo and the Beirut Central District. In the first test, the uncertainty triggered by fear and violence provoked structural changes in a system which was too simple and fragile to evolve: Fear and urban renewal in Bijlmermeer [1965-2016 ...]. In the second test, Dobrinja, a neighbourhood in Sarajevo, have suffered severe modifications, first provoked by the violence of the siege during the Bosnian War, and then by the Inter-Entity Boundary Line, which divided the neighbourhood and caused serious alterations in its demographic and spatial structure: Siege and homogenization in Dobrinja, Sarajevo [1992 - 2016 ...]. In the third test, the Beirut Central District, a socially and spatially complex area, was first destroyed by the uncertainty of the Lebanese Civil War and then by the process of subsequent reconstruction, which led to a simplification of its structure: Destruction and simplification in the Central District of Beirut [1975 - 2016 ...]. The purpose of each of these empirical tests is to validate the previously designed method and to evaluate the observations extracted from the conceptual framework on security and complexity in urban systems under increased uncertainty. The results prove the validity of the morphological and topological models in the analysis of urban systems affected by an accelerated change and identify specific strategies of security and complexity in the city building under high uncertainty.
La manera en que concebimos y mejoramos nuestro entorno urbano es hoy más importante que nunca. La necesidad de poner freno al deterioro del medioambiente o el aumento constante de la densidad y la complejidad de los sistemas urbanos nos anima a pensar las ciudades más allá del desarrollo de espacios de relación humana: se hace imprescindible ahora replantear lo conseguido en las últimas décadas desde una perspectiva ambiental, económica y socialmente sostenible. En esta nueva edición ampliada y actualizada, la reflexión teórica se acompaña con casos reales de aplicación práctica en los que la colaboración ciudadana, de los agentes socioeconómicos y de las instituciones favorece una concepción participativa de la ciudad en todos sus entornos, desde el espacio público hasta los barrios y su territorio. Esta reflexión compone así un alegato entusiasta y pragmático en su voluntad de seguir interviniendo en las realidades urbanas y territoriales de manera más dialogante e inclusiva.
This book argues for computer-aided collaborative country research based on the science of complex and dynamic systems. It provides an in-depth discussion of systems and computer science, concluding that proper understanding of a country is only possible if a genuinely interdisciplinary and truly international approach is taken; one that is based on complexity science and supported by computer science. Country studies should be carefully designed and collaboratively carried out, and a new generation of country students should pay more attention to the fast growing potential of digitized and electronically connected libraries. In this frenzied age of globalization, foreign policy makers may – to the benefit of a better world – profit from the radically new country studies pleaded for in the book. Its author emphasizes that reductionism and holism are not antagonistic but complementary, arguing that parts are always parts of a whole and a whole has always parts.
We are living in a critical moment, a reality marked by environmental and socio-economic limits that requires innovative and realistic forms of action and planning. This is what regenerative urbanism proposes, a new approach based on utopian pragmatism that seeks to restore balance to the urban territory by designing systems that allow it to adapt and transform. It is a methodology that defines models that do not consume available resources, but rather generate new ones that ensure compatibility between economic and social prosperity and nature. Santander, Hábitat Futuro (Santander, Future Habitat) is the city model created from this methodology, a proposal for the transformation of this city for the year 2055. It is an open model based on innovation and citizen participation that prepares and adapts the territory for the different scenarios to come. Santander, Habitat Futuro is a guide that directs the commitment of the different social, economic and political agents towards a common goal: to achieve a circular, sustainable, resilient, vertebrate, prosperous, vital and inclusive city. A model that, due to its innovative nature, can serve as an example to other intermediate cities around the world.