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Disinfection By-Products and Human Health is based on contributions from speakers who participated in May 2011 workshops on Disinfection By-Products (DBPs) and Human Health at Ozwater 11 in Adelaide, Australia or at an AWA sponsored workshop at the Curtin Water Quality Research Centre, Perth, Australia. The contributions are prepared to facilitate communication with practitioners, rather than researchers, making use of overview illustrations rather than dense text or data tables. Each chapter concludes with up to 5 key findings that are take-home messages for practitioners. Disinfection By-Products and Human Health is aimed specifically at drinking water professionals (engineers, chemists and public health professionals) working on the front lines of drinking water issues where they must encounter actual day-to-day issues of risk management concerning DBPs in relation to all the other regulatory and water quality issues they must manage. Although a topic this complex is certainly not amenable to simplistic explanations, this book aims to provide drinking water professionals with a pragmatic assessment of the current evidence and emerging issues concerning DBPs and public health. Disinfection By-Products and Human Health is an essential, practical and accessible guide for drinking water professionals, engineers, chemists and public health professionals. Editors: Steve E. Hrudey, Professor Emeritus, Analytical & Environmental Toxicology, University of Alberta, Canada, Jeffrey W.A. Charrois, Director and Associate Professor, Curtin Water Quality Research Centre, Curtin University of Technology, Australia, Steve Hrudey is professor emeritus in analytical and environmental toxicology in the University of Alberta's Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. He spent 13 years as a cabinet-appointed member of the Alberta Environmental Appeals Board, the last four as chair, and was the first non-lawyer to hold this position. During this period, he served on 36 public hearing panels, 19 as chair of the panel. In addition he has testified before senate committees in Canada and the Legislative Council in Western Australia. Hrudey has served on a number of high-profile expert panels, including the Research Advisory Panel to the Walkerton Inquiry (2000-2002), the Expert Panel on Safe Drinking Water for First Nations (2006), the Technical Advisory Committee to the B.C. Minister of Health on turbidity and microbial risk in drinking water (2007-2008, as chair), the Expert Advisory Panel on Water Quality for Washington, D.C., to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (2009-2011) and chair of the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel on Environmental and Health Impacts of Canada's Oil Sands Industry (2009-2010). He has also co-authored or edited nine books, including the widely acclaimed book inspired by the Walkerton tragedy: Safe Drinking Water - Lessons from Recent Outbreaks in Affluent Nations (IWA Publishing, 2004). He has written 26 book chapters, 19 expert panel reports, 163 refereed journal articles, 15 science discussions, six media op-eds and 73 conference proceeding papers. Hrudey is the 2012 winner of the American Water Works Association A.P. Black Research Award for contributions to water science and water supply. This book is sponsored by Australian Water Association (AWA)
This book is a collection of chapters on the latest international research findings, including emerging issues and state-of-the-art studies, related to disinfection by-product formation and control in drinking waters and treated wastewaters.
The third edition of the Encyclopedia of Analytical Science, Ten Volume Set is a definitive collection of articles covering the latest technologies in application areas such as medicine, environmental science, food science and geology. Meticulously organized, clearly written and fully interdisciplinary, the Encyclopedia of Analytical Science, Ten Volume Set provides foundational knowledge across the scope of modern analytical chemistry, linking fundamental topics with the latest methodologies. Articles will cover three broad areas: analytical techniques (e.g., mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography, atomic spectrometry); areas of application (e.g., forensic, environmental and clinical); and analytes (e.g., arsenic, nucleic acids and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), providing a one-stop resource for analytical scientists. Offers readers a one-stop resource with access to information across the entire scope of modern analytical science Presents articles split into three broad areas: analytical techniques, areas of application and and analytes, creating an ideal resource for students, researchers and professionals Provides concise and accessible information that is ideal for non-specialists and readers from undergraduate levels and higher
Drinking water disinfection has markedly reduced diseases causes by waterborne pathogenic microorganisms. However, an unintended consequence of disinfection and/or oxidation processes is the generation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) which are formed from the reactions of disinfectants/oxidants with water matrix components. This volume of the Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry Handbook presents recent advances about the formation, identification, and quantification of inorganic and organic DBPs during oxidative processes. The book begins with a first chapter reviewing the most recent non-targeted screening approaches and workflows to characterize DBPs using low-, high-, and ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometry. The second chapter discusses the analysis of inorganic chloramines in waters using on-site and/or in-lab analytical methods. The third chapter provides an overview of the current knowledge about the mechanisms of chlorine dioxide reactions and byproducts formation. The fourth chapter presents some fundamental and practical aspects about ozonation processes in water treatment and provides an overview about ozone reaction mechanisms and byproducts formation. The fifth chapter focuses on the reactivity of halide ions, particularly bromide and iodide, with common oxidants and the role they play in determining the speciation of DBPs in treated waters. The chapter also presents strategies to mitigate the formation of DBPs during oxidation processes. Finally, the last chapter tackles the topic of DBPs formation during potable water reuse. It discusses the formation of DBPs of major concern in both memebrane-based and non-membrane-based potable water reuse treatment schemes. Researchers, water treatment specialists, and regulators will find in this book a valuable and compact resource on several key topics regarding the formation, identification, quantification, and mitigation of DBPs. Identification and quantification of known and unknown DBPs Formation of DBPs during different disinfection/oxidation processes DBPs of concern in new technologies and/or new applications of existing technologies in water treatment
Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Water: Detection and Treatment presents cutting-edge research on how to understand the procedures, processes and considerations for detecting and treating disinfection by-products from drinking water, swimming pool water, and wastewater. The book begins with an overview of the different groups of Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs), such as: Trihalomethanes (THM), Halo acetic acids, and Haloacetonitrile (HAN). This coverage is quickly followed by a clear and rigorous exposition of the latest methods and technologies for the characterization, occurrence, formation, transformation and removal of DBPs in drinking water. Other chapters focus on ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, electron spin resonance, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Researchers will find a valuable resource to a breath of topics for DBP detection and treatment, including various recent techniques, such as microfiltration, nanofiltration membrane and nanotechnology. Explains the latest research in detection, treatment processes and remediation technologies Includes sampling, analytical and characterization methods and approaches Covers cutting-edge research, including membrane based technologies, nanotechnology treatment technologies and bioremediation treatment technologies Provides background information regarding contamination sources
Fundamentals of Environmental Sampling and Analysis A fully reworked and updated introduction to the fundamentals and applications of environmental sampling and analysis Environmental sampling and analysis are essential components of environmental data acquisition and scientific research. The acquisition of reliable data with respect to proper sampling, chemical and instrumental methodology, and QA/QC is a critical precursor to all environmental work. No would-be environmental scientist, engineer, or policymaker can succeed without an understanding of how to correctly acquire, assess and use credible data. Fundamentals of Environmental Sampling and Analysis, 2nd edition provides this understanding, with a comprehensive survey of the theory and applications of these critical sampling and analytical tools. The field of environmental research has expanded greatly since the publication of the first edition, and this book has been completely rewritten to reflect the latest studies and technological developments. The resulting mix of theory and practice will continue to serve as the standard introduction to the subject. Readers of the second edition of Fundamentals of Environmental Sampling and Analysis will also find: Three new chapters and numerous expanded sections on topics of emerging environmental concerns Detailed discussion of subjects including passive sampling, Raman spectroscopy, non-targeted mass spectroscopic analysis, and many more Over 500 sample problems and solutions along with other supplementary instructional materials Fundamentals of Environmental Sampling and Analysis is ideal for students of environmental science and engineering as well as professionals and regulators for whom reliable environmental data through sampling and analysis is critical.
Disinfection by-products (DBPs) are potentially toxic compounds formed when drinking water is treated with disinfectants, such as chlorine or chloramine. A large proportion of the exposure to DBPs is still unknown and the health risks observed through epidemiological studies cannot be explained by DBPs known today. In this thesis, a part of the unknown DBP fraction is investigated, covering a wide range of non-volatile, chlorine/bromine-containing DBPs. The goals were to investigate how the compositions of these DBPs differ between water treatment plants, how their occurrence changes in the distribution system until reaching consumers and how new treatment techniques can reduce their formation and toxicity. To analyze unknown DBPs, a non-targeted approach adopting ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometry, Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS), was used, where the mass of molecules is measured with such accuracy that the elemental composition of individual DBPs can be calculated. A panel of bioassays was used to assess the combined toxic effects from these DBP mixtures. The results show that the formation of these DBPs to a large extent was specific to each water treatment plant and that local conditions influenced DBP formation, based on e.g., the abundance of organic material with certain chemical structures, bromide and disinfection procedure and agent (chlorine or chloramine). The DBPs were detected in both chlorinated and chloraminated water and in all tap water samples, demonstrating that they are part of human exposure. The number of DBP formulae decreased and the DBP composition changed between drinking water treatment and consumer taps, suggesting that DBP exposure to consumers is not necessarily resembling measurements at the treatment plants. Evaluation of new treatment techniques showed that suspended ion exchange and ozonation have potential to decrease the formation and toxic effects of DBPs and that the removal of organic matter can influence qualitative aspects of DBP formation, such as the proportions of chlorine-containing (less toxic) versus bromine-containing (more toxic) DBPs. Through increased knowledge about the role and relevance of non-volatile DBPs, this work can contribute to future monitoring and actions to reduce the health risks associated with DBPs in chlorinated or chloraminated drinking water. Desinfektionsbiprodukter (DBP:s) är potentiellt giftiga ämnen som bildas när dricksvatten renas med desinfektionsmedel såsom hypoklorit eller monokloramin. En stor del av exponeringen är ännu okänd och hittills kända DBP:s kan inte förklara de hälsorisker som förknippats med klorerat dricksvatten i epidemiologiska studier. I avhandlingen undersöks en relativt okänd fraktion av DBP:s som utgörs av icke-flyktiga, klor/brom-innehållande ämnen. Målen var att undersöka hur dessa DBP:s varierar mellan olika vattenverk, om de förekommer hos konsumenter och hur nya vattenreningstekniker kan minska dess bildandning och relaterad toxicitet. För att mäta okända DBP:s användes ultrahögupplöst masspektrometri (Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS)), med vilken massan hos molekyler kan bestämmas så exakt att atomsammansättningen för enskilda DBP:s kan räknas ut. En serie effektbaserade metoder som bygger på biologiska testsystem användes för att mäta kombinerade toxiska effekter från de studerade biprodukterna. Resultaten visar att största delen av bildade DBP:s var unik för varje vattenverk och att lokala förutsättningar påverkar vilka DBP:s som bildas, till exempel om det finns organiskt material med särskilda kemiska strukturer, bromid eller vilket desinfektionsmedel (klor eller kloramin) som används. De studerade biprodukterna detekterades både i klorerat och kloraminerat dricksvatten och i samtliga kranvatten, vilket innebär att de bidrar till konsumenters exponering. Antalet detekterade DBP:s minskade och sammansättningen ändrades mellan vattenverk och konsument, vilket innebär att DBP exponeringen hos konsumenter inte är densamma som mäts på vattenverken. En utvärdering av nya reningstekniker visade att suspenderat jonbyte och ozonering har potential att minska bildning och relaterad toxisk effekt från DBP:s och att borttagning av organiskt material kan påverka kvalitativa aspekter av DBP bildning, såsom proportionerna av klorerade (mindre toxiska) och bromerade (mer toxiska) DBP:s. Genom ökad insikt om icke-flyktiga DBP:s roll och relevans kan detta arbete bidra till att förbättra framtida uppföljning och insatser för att minska hälsorisker kopplade till DBP:s i klorerat eller kloraminerat dricksvatten.
Vols. for 1963- include as pt. 2 of the Jan. issue: Medical subject headings.