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The shift from orality to literacy that began with the invention of the phonetic alphabet, and which went into high-gear with Gutenberg's printing press more than 500 years ago, helped make the modern world. Some commentators have argued that this shift from orality to literacy marked a much broader, cultural shift of cataclysmic proportions. Today, with everything from e-mail to blogs, iPods and podcasts, through Google, Yahoo, eBay, and with cutting-edge smart phones, we find ourselves developing relationships with these newest communication tools that aren't simply allowing us to communicate faster, farther and with more ease than ever before. We aren't just moving around ideas, data, and information at unimaginable speed and scale. Our interminglings and fusions with digital communication technologies are also altering both individual and group consciousness in fundamental ways--how we form and sustain relationships, how we think and perceive, what it means to see and to feel. We are remaking human identity once more, and manufacturing a new kind of culture along the way. The processes bound up in our digination may well be consequential to the trajectory of human evolution. That time-honored trope: the notion that technology is not the problem, rather, it's how people use technology that's the problem is shown to be wanting. Highlighting Marshall McLuhan's "tetrads" or laws of media as a primary tool of analysis, R.C. MacDougall argues in line with other media ecologists that it's not so much how we use certain tools that matters, it's that we use them. More than any other technological form perhaps, communication technologies play particularly powerful and systemic roles in our culture, or any culture for that matter. Late adopters and even abstainers are not exempt from the psychological, social and cultural effects (and side-effects) of modern digital communication technology. While there are certainly varying degrees of immersion--that is to say, while some of us live in the high-rise downtown district, some at the city limits, and still others out in the proverbial "woods"--we all live in Digination today.
How one company created the dominant aesthetic of digital realism. Just about every major film now comes to us with an assist from digital effects. The results are obvious in superhero fantasies, yet dramas like Roma also rely on computer-generated imagery to enhance the verisimilitude of scenes. But the realism of digital effects is not actually true to life. It is a realism invented by Hollywood—by one company specifically: Industrial Light & Magic. The Empire of Effects shows how the effects company known for the puppets and space battles of the original Star Wars went on to develop the dominant aesthetic of digital realism. Julie A. Turnock finds that ILM borrowed its technique from the New Hollywood of the 1970s, incorporating lens flares, wobbly camerawork, haphazard framing, and other cinematography that called attention to the person behind the camera. In the context of digital imagery, however, these aesthetic strategies had the opposite effect, heightening the sense of realism by calling on tropes suggesting the authenticity to which viewers were accustomed. ILM’s style, on display in the most successful films of the 1980s and beyond, was so convincing that other studios were forced to follow suit, and today, ILM is a victim of its own success, having fostered a cinematic monoculture in which it is but one player among many.
Implementing Digital Forensic Readiness: From Reactive to Proactive Process, Second Edition presents the optimal way for digital forensic and IT security professionals to implement a proactive approach to digital forensics. The book details how digital forensic processes can align strategically with business operations and an already existing information and data security program. Detailing proper collection, preservation, storage, and presentation of digital evidence, the procedures outlined illustrate how digital evidence can be an essential tool in mitigating risk and redusing the impact of both internal and external, digital incidents, disputes, and crimes. By utilizing a digital forensic readiness approach and stances, a company’s preparedness and ability to take action quickly and respond as needed. In addition, this approach enhances the ability to gather evidence, as well as the relevance, reliability, and credibility of any such evidence. New chapters to this edition include Chapter 4 on Code of Ethics and Standards, Chapter 5 on Digital Forensics as a Business, and Chapter 10 on Establishing Legal Admissibility. This book offers best practices to professionals on enhancing their digital forensic program, or how to start and develop one the right way for effective forensic readiness in any corporate or enterprise setting.