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Let me show you the ways and shortcuts, the many painful twists and turns I had to take. I'll share with you the many success formulas I struggled to understand through years of trial and error, years of failing and getting up again. All of us can learn to wire ourselves for success. Yes, even when life seems like an endless series of unexpected and frightening challenges, we can still choose how to respond, and our choices change the outcome.
"Ana Weber's new book, Passion Spirit Purpose, is a wonderfully creative and compassionate look at how making a simple choice to focus on the things that please you can change your life forever. She approaches the difficult subject of how to manifest personal transformation by offering an original formula for success that is easy to implement and elegant in its simplicity" (Professor Marilyn Horowitz, New York University). "Ana Weber is an exceptional teacher who practices what she preaches. She shows you how to blast through your doubts and fears to embrace joy and confidence everyday" (Steve Harrison, "Ana Weber is a life coach who has written a useful book worth buying, using and mastering. Her book empowers you to depend on yourself, to love yourself and to be yourself; it helps you find the unique purpose of your life and work to turn it into reality; to use both halves of your brain: the logical and the creative emotional; change any depression to delight; and change any failures to success in your career, relationships, education and legacy." --Simon J. Simonian, MD, DSc Harvard, DSc Honorary, President and CEO Pioneer Global Union, Harvard University Professor, Doctor, Educator, Author of four books and 300 articles, highly successful world leader in his career, relationships, education and legacy.
"This workbook is designed to provide you with a personal and in-depth focus on the spiritual and coaching process outlined in The Choice: living your passion inside out by Frank A. Thomas."--Back cover.
To put it very simply, Dawna Markova is a teacher. A Ph.D. educator, she travels the world working with schools, Fortune 500 companies, and individuals. While coaching people on systems thinking and how to revolutionize the way children are taught, she also teaches people the most important lesson anyone can ever learn -- how to listen to one's own heart and how to live with heart and mind wide open to all life's possibilities. Wide Open is the gift of Dawna's wisdom, wrapped up in gorgeous photos. In thirty luminous lessons and passages, Markova encourages us to learn from our wounds, find our gifts, celebrate our values, and live our dreams -- to live on purpose and with passion. Twenty years ago, Dawna Markova discovered these eternal truths when she faced a life-threatening illness and began a journey of rediscovery. This book follows her path to finding deeper meaning in life. "In a similar way to A Gift from the Sea, the readers of this book are invited to accompany me on a journey to come to know more intimately the value and purpose of their lives."
This is a book, first and foremost, about personal purpose - the idea that each of us has a very specific, unique, and important reason for being here. When we pursue our purpose and express it in our activities and our relationships, we make our greatest contribution and experience our greatest joy. It's also a book about work. Because in today's workplace, if your job doesn't feed your soul, it just might eat you alive. How do you find one of those "soul feeding" jobs? The first step is to figure out your personal purpose - that unique and essential contribution that only you can make, and what you'd love to do if you knew you could do it - and align your work with it. All the information you need to identify and clarify your purpose is securely stored in your experience, your relationships, your dreams, and your feelings. All you need to do is extract the clues and fit them together. And that's what this book is all about. Name Your Passion is a friend and guide along the way to discovering what you'd love to do with your life and how to do it. It's also the story of someone who, like many of us, woke up one day to find that he'd done everything he thought he was supposed to do but was no longer happy. It also contains 130 separate "explorations" to help you discover your own personal purpose and build a detailed plan to make it happen. It's a map, a companion, and a detective manual for people who've decided to make a real difference in the world and have a great time doing it!
In Dr. Myra Perrine's book, What's Your God Language? we learned that there is no one-size-fits-all formula when it comes to knowing and loving God. That's because we each have a unique Spiritual Temperament, and when we align those spiritual preferences (or how we most naturally come to God) with corresponding spiritual practices (or how we more deliberately come to God), greater passion for Jesus can result! While What's Your God Language? introduced BEGINNING Spiritual Practice Exercises for each of the nine spiritual temperaments, this Companion Workbook offers additional INTERMEDIATE and ADVANCED spiritual exercises for those who want to keep going and growing in their love and passion for God.
This is the companion workbook to the Amazon bestselling book How to Discover Your Life Purpose and Stop Just Existing: A Christian Woman's Guide to Living Life With Purpose, Passion, and Fulfillment. The workbook is full of practical exercises to help you devise a plan of action for 30 days once you have gain clarity and discover your purpose.
This is the extraordinary true story of a man some know as Nick and others know as lartista, a multi-creative talent; this memoir explores the mystery behind his life. As a child growing up in Italy, Nick had his dreams: to sing, to learn English, and to one day live and work in Hollywood. When his family immigrated to Australia, his father had made other plans for him, and Nick worked as a tiler/labourer to help support his family. But his young life would change forever the day he made an award-winning clay mask. The mask awoke the ancient spirit of the pagan god Pan, master of the woods; Nicks life would never be the same. He made the decision to put the many challenges of his lifeschool bullies, patronising parents who didnt support his dreams, and no hopebehind him. He left home and worked hard, but success eluded him at every turn. He clung to the hope that he would at least find love in this new life, but that too remained just a dream. He was handsome, confident, charming, and had a lot of natural class and charisma that men envied and women admired, but even he couldnt find true love. His life began to change when he threw away the mask of Pan, which now rests at the bottom of the sea somewhere off Brighton Beach. This is the karmic journey of a mans self-discovery at midlife, from failed ambitions to spiritual enlightenment, and his unbreakable determination to never give up.
I believe we were put on this earth to enjoy lives of joy and abundance, and that is what I want for you and for me. It's not my intention to give people advice on how to solve their problems (I leave that to my husband). But I've had my share of struggles over the years, and I know a thing or two about what has worked for me. I have chosen to be an active participant in my life rather than a spectator, and in so doing I have chosen how to be a woman, how to be a wife, and how to be a mother in ways that are uniquely my own. I offer the stories of these choices as evidence of the power of sheer determination, will, and faith in God. You've seen her on television with her husband, Dr. Phil. But now it's time for a heart-to-heart conversation with Robin McGraw. In Inside My Heart, Robin speaks woman to woman, inspiring you to embrace and celebrate the many roles you play and encouraging you to make deliberate choices that lead to a richer, happier, and more meaningful life. She shares with you the life-changing moments of her childhood years, dating and marrying Dr. Phil McGraw, raising two sons, and asserting herself as a woman in a man's world to show you that you have the power to make choices in your life. In fact, she's convinced that you must choose to go after the life you want. With a deep and abiding faith in God, Robin McGraw shares her story so you too can make choices that reflect your own heart's truest priorities and highest goals.