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Un jueves de mañana en 1981, cuatro mil campesinos, huyendo un escuadrón de la muerte salvadoreño patrocinado por los Estados Unidos, trastabilló bajando una ladera por un monte cubierto de follaje, hacia el Río Lempa. Algunos fueron indiscriminadamente fusilados por las ametralladoras de soldados y helicópteros; otros se ahogaron mientras la corriente los arrastraba por el río. Los demás escaparon para vivir los próximos ocho años en campamentos de refugiados en Honduras. In 1989 muchos de estos refugiados regresaron a El Salvador como la comunidad repatriada de Valle Nuevo. Compañeros relata las historias de una relación de veinticinco años de acompañamiento, sanidad, y perdón entre Valle Nuevo y una asociación de iglesias en los Estados Unidos, las Comunidades de Misión Shalom. Los dos grupos han llegado a adoptar una comunión transnacional entre si a pesar de los abismos económicos, políticos, y espirituales que existen hoy. Esta obra es un esfuerzo colectivo y colaborativo de relatos y reflexión teológica, entrelazando relatos orales y escritos de sufrimiento, gratitud, de compartir, recordar, y proclamar la muerte de Cristo hasta que él venga.
Widely praised, "A Neotropical Companion" is an extraordinarily readable introduction to the American tropics, the lands of Central and South America, their rainforests and other ecosystems, and the creatures that live there. 177 color illustrations.
By the time he was killed in the jungles of Bolivia, where his body was displayed like a deposed Christ, Ernesto "Che" Guevara had become a synonym for revolution everywhere from Cuba to the barricades of Paris. This extraordinary biography peels aside the veil of the Guevara legend to reveal the charismatic, restless man behind it. Drawing on archival materials from three continents and on interviews with Guevara's family and associates, Castaneda follows Che from his childhood in the Argentine middle class through the years of pilgrimage that turned him into a committed revolutionary. He examines Guevara's complex relationship with Fidel Castro, and analyzes the flaws of character that compelled him to leave Cuba and expend his energies, and ultimately his life, in quixotic adventures in the Congo and Bolivia. A masterpiece of scholarship, Companero is the definitive portrait of a figure who continues to fascinate and inspire the world over.
On a Thursday morning in 1981, four thousand campesinos (fieldworkers), fleeing a US-funded Salvadoran death squad, stumbled down the rocky, overgrown side of a hill to the Lempa River. Some were mown down by machine guns and the strafing of helicopters; others drowned as they were swept away by the river. The rest escaped to live the next eight years in UN refugee camps in Honduras. In 1989 many of these refugees returned to El Salvador as the repatriated community of Valle Nuevo. Compañeros tells the stories of a twenty-five year relationship of accompaniment, healing, and forgiveness between Valle Nuevo and a small association of churches in the United States, Shalom Mission Communities. The two groups have come to embrace a transnational communion with one another despite the economic, political, and spiritual chasms that exist today. This work is a collective, collaborative effort of storytelling and theological reflection, interweaving oral and written accounts of suffering, thanksgiving, sharing, remembering, and proclaiming the death of Christ until he comes again.
Companion workbook with supplementary activities to reinforce structures taught in the book.