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Diez millones de personas cada año se ven afectadas por inundaciones costeras y la contaminación por plásticos es una amenaza constante para la vida marina. La pandemia, el cambio climático, la superpoblación, el consumismo, la polución...¿tienen solución? Cómo estamos acabando con el planeta resuelve todas tus dudas sobre los retos y dificultades a los que se enfrenta el mundo en el que vivimos. - Imágenes, gráficos y datos claros para una mejor comprensión de aspectos como la polución, el calentamiento global, la deforestación o los patrones climáticos - Mensajes positivos e ideas para hacer de nuestro planeta un lugar mejor donde vivir - Cifras y comparativas por años de la población, del aumento de las energías renovables, de personas desplazadas... - Basado en las últimas investigaciones científicas Esta guía explicativa te invita a aprenderlo todo sobre los temas ambientales más actuales y a reflexionar cómo los problemas mundiales impactan nuestras vidas.
La guía más clara e informativa para entender la situación real de nuestro planeta. ¿Qué impacto tenemos las personas en el calentamiento global? ¿Una forma de vida más sostenible es la respuesta al cambio climático y a otros problemas ambientales que sufre nuestro planeta? Cómo estamosacabando con el planeta muestra el enorme aumento de la población y del consumo. Utilizando la evidencia científica más reciente y gráficos sencillos, este completo y accesible libro revela cómo nuestro progresivo uso de energía, nuestra creciente demanda de alimentos y agua y la rápida expansión de nuestras ciudades están afectando al planeta. Conoce las amenazas que sufren los océanos y la biodiversidad de la Tierra. Además de explicar cómo están conectados el cambio global y el cambio climático Cómo estamos acabando con el planeta mira hacia el futuro para explorar las consecuencias de lo que estamos haciendo. También analiza cómo podemos revertir las tendencias actuales (por ejemplo, adoptando tecnologías limpias y bajas en carbono) y vivir de manera más sostenible en el futuro.
Using powerful, easy-to-grasp graphics, this book cuts through the noise and gets straight to the facts on climate change, overpopulation, pollution, over-consumption, and much more. In How We're F***ing Up Our Planet Tony Juniper distills wide-ranging, heart-stopping research into one reliable and eye-opening book. He charts the dramatic explosion of human population and consumption and its impact on planet Earth, revealing how increasing pressures on our world affect factors such as climate, sea levels, and pollution, and what that means for our future. Global warming has led to sea levels rising by around 18cm (7in) over the past 100 years, and the Arctic ice sheet is shrinking at a rate never seen before. 10 million people each year are affected by coastal flooding. One third of all land is at risk of turning to desert, with huge implications for food supplies. Deaths due to air pollution rise every year, and more plastic pollution of the oceans threatens marine life and fishing stocks. As well as explaining global trends and showing how they are connected, How We are F***ing Up Our Planet explores how we can live more sustainably into the future, with positive ideas of how we can mitigate damaging trends.
Let’s learn about climate change, how humans affect the planet, and sustainable development! Humans have had a great impact on the planet — and this science book takes a look at just how we’ve changed the planet and what we can do to soften our impact. Understand the science that explains what pressure Earth is under, and how to take action! The Science of our Changing Planet explores how we can live more sustainably, and offers positive ideas on how we can alleviate past and present damage to the Earth. Inside, you’ll find: • Wide-ranging coverage of problems affecting the planet, from global warming to pollution and food shortage. • Clear graphics that interpret and present the data in an easy-to-digest way. • Positive messages and plans for creating a better world, including the rise of clean/green technology. Written by environmentalist and sustainability advisor Dr. Tony Juniper, this eye-opening global warming book explains a wide range of research that captures the influence of human activities on our planet. Through powerful, easy-to-grasp graphics, this educational book gets straight to the facts! Discover the science behind climate change, overpopulation, overconsumption, pandemics and other factors that threaten life on Earth. The climate change book sheds light on how we’re rapidly approaching the point of no return, but offers ideas on environmental conservation and how to use green technology to save the planet. Topics covered include problems like rising sea levels, shrinking Arctic ice sheets, plastic pollution, coastal flooding and threats to marine life. The biggest takeaway that Dr. Juniper offers is that living more sustainably and implementing new global goals will restore the future of our planet.
Magicians, necromancers and astrologers are assiduous characters in the European golden age theatre. This book deals with dramatic characters who act as physiognomists or palm readers in the fictional world and analyses the fictionalisation of physiognomic lore as a practice of divination in early modern Romance theatre from Pietro Aretino and Giordano Bruno to Lope de Vega, Calderón de la Barca and Thomas Corneille.
Illegal, inhuman, and impervious to recession, there is one trade that continues to thrive, just out of sight. The international sex trade criss-crosses the entire globe, a sinister network made up of criminal masterminds, local handlers, corrupt policemen, willfully blind politicians, eager consumers, and countless hapless women and children. In this ground-breaking work of investigative reporting, the celebrated journalist Lydia Cacho follows the trail of the traffickers and their victims from Mexico to Turkey, Thailand to Iraq, Georgia to the UK, to expose the trade's hidden links with the tourist industry, internet pornography, drugs and arms smuggling, the selling of body organs, money laundering, and even terrorism. This is an underground economy in which a sex slave can be bought for the price of a gun, but Cacho's powerful first-person interviews with mafiosi, pimps, prostitutes, and those who managed to escape from captivity makes it impossible to ignore the terrible human cost of this lucrative exchange. Shocking and sobering, Slavery Inc, is an exceptional book, both for the colossal scope of its enquiry, and for the tenacious bravery with which Cacho pursues the truth.
From Indian vultures to Chinese bees, Nature provides the 'natural services' that keep the economy going. From the recycling miracles in the soil; an army of predators ridding us of unwanted pests; an abundance of life creating a genetic codebook that underpins our food, pharmaceutical industries and much more, it has been estimated that these and other services are each year worth about double global GDP. Yet we take most of Nature's services for granted, imagining them free and limitless ... until they suddenly switch off. This is a book full of immediate, impactful stories, containing both warnings (such as in the tale of India's vultures, killed off by drugs given to cattle, leading to an epidemic of rabies) but also the positive (how birds protect fruit harvests, coral reefs protect coasts from storms and how the rainforests absorb billions of tonnes of carbon released from cars and power stations). Tony Juniper's book will change whole way you think about life, the planet and the economy
An analysis of the political and ecological consequences of charting the Amazon River basin in narrative fiction, Mapping the Amazon examines how widely read novels from twentieth-century South America attempted to map the region for readers. Authors such as Jos� Eustasio Rivera, R�mulo Gallegos, Mario Vargas Llosa, C�sar Calvo, M�rcio Souza, and M�rio de Andrade traveled to the Amazonian regions of their respective countries and encountered firsthand a forest divided and despoiled by the spatial logic of extractivism. Writing against that logic, they fill their novels with geographic, human, and ecological realities omitted from official accounts of the region. Though the plots unfold after the height of the Amazonian rubber boom (1850-1920), the authors construct landscapes marked by that first large-scale exploitation of Amazonian biodiversity. The material practices of rubber extraction repeat in the stories told about the removal of other plants, seeds, and mineral from the forest as well as its conversion into farmland. The counter-discursive impulse of each novel comes into dialogue with various modernizing projects that carve Amazonia into cultural and economic spaces: border commissions, extractive infrastructure, school geography manuals, Indigenous education programs, and touristic propaganda. Even the novel maps studied have blind spots, though, and Mapping the Amazon considers the legacy of such unintentional omissions today.
This volume explores the significations and developments of the Salsa consciente movement, a Latino musico-poetic and political discourse that exploded in the 1970s but then dwindled in momentum into the early 1990s. This movement is largely linked to the development of Nuyolatino popular music brought about in part by the mass Latino migration to New York City beginning in the 1950s and the subsequent social movements that were tied to the shifting political landscapes. Defined by its lyrical content alongside specific sonic markers and political and social issues facing U.S. Latinos and Latin Americans, Salsa consciente evokes the overarching cultural-nationalist idea of Latinidad (Latin-ness). Through the analysis of over 120 different Salsa songs from lyrical and musical perspectives that span a period of over sixty years, the author makes the argument that the urban Latino identity expressed in Salsa consciente was constructed largely from diasporic, deterritorialized, and at times imagined cultural memory, and furthermore proposes that the Latino/Latin American identity is in part based on African and Indigenous experience, especially as it relates to Spanish colonialism. A unique study on the intersection of Salsa and Latino and Latin American identity, this volume will be especially interesting to scholars of ethnic studies and musicology alike.
Quevedo and the grotesque / J. Iffland.-v.2