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Every mediator recalls how difficult it was to break into the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and how gaining initial experience was near impossible. This eye-opening book provides insights into what success looks like in a mediation practice. The Annual World Mediation Summit brings some of the most forward-thinking international conflict experts together in this book sharing their accounts of how mediation is used to resolve interpersonal and international conflicts so that participants walk away from the conflict with win-win solutions. This book will appeal to anyone interested in practical experiences in mediation across the globe, or wanting to discover how the most successful mediators operate. It is also appropriate for anyone interested in learning from successful judges, lawyers and mediators. Furthermore, this book will be useful to anyone who wants to learn about how mediation works worldwide and to learn from mediators’ challenges and capitalize on their successes. The twenty plus chapters here are written by authors from across the globe supporting the use of mediation in place of other more complicated systems. Their experiences are thoughtfully and clearly described in this book.
We’re pleased to welcome you to the Department of Political Science at the University of Bari “Aldo Moro” for the 7th Migration Conference. The conference is the largest scholarly gathering on migration with a global scope. Human mobility, economics, work, employment, integration, insecurity, diversity and minorities, as well as spatial patterns, culture, arts and legal and political aspects appear to be key areas in the current migration debates and research. Throughout the program of the Migration Conference you will find various key thematic areas covered in 598 presentations by 767 contributors coming from all around the world, from Australia to Canada, China to Colombia, Brazil to Korea, and South Africa to Norway. We are proud to bring together experts from universities, independent research organisations, governments, NGOs and the media. We are also proud to bring you opportunities to meet with some of the leading scholars in the field. This year invited speakers include Fiona B. Adamson, Markus Kotzur, Philip L. Martin, Karsten Paerregaard, Ferruccio Pastore, Martin Ruhs, Jeffrey H. Cohen, and Carlos Vargas Silva. Although the main language of the conference is English, this year we will have linguistic diversity as usual and there will be presentations in French, Italian, Spanish and Turkish. We have maintained over the years a frank and friendly environment where constructive criticism foster scholarship, while being nice improves networks and quality of the event. We hope to continue with this tradition and you will enjoy the Conference and Bari during your stay. We thank all participants, invited speakers and conference committees for their efforts and contribution. We also thank many colleagues who were interested in and submitted abstracts but could not make it this year. We are particularly grateful to hundreds of colleagues who served as reviewers and helped the selection process. We also thank to those colleagues who organised panels and agreed to chair parallel sessions over three days. We reserve our final thanks to the team of volunteers whose contributions have been essential to the success of the conference. In this regard, special thanks are reserved for our volunteers and team leaders Rosa, Alda, Franco, and Aldo from the University of Bari, Tuncay and Fatma from Regent’s University London, Fethiye from Namik Kemal University and Vildan from Galatasaray University, Ege from Middle East Technical University, Mehari from Regent’s University London, and Gizem from Transnational Press London. Our final thanks are reserved for the leaders of the University of Bari “Aldo Moro” and the Department of Political Science, President of Puglia Regional Administration and Mayor of City of Bari for hosting the Conference and for their generous support in enriching the Conference programme. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us through the conference email ([email protected]). Ibrahim Sirkeci and Michela C. Pellicani The Migration Conference Chairs The Migration Conference 2019 The Migration Conference is a global venue for academics, policy makers, practitioners, students and everybody who is interested in intelligent debate and research informed discussions on human mobility and its impacts around the world. The Migration Conference 2019 is the 7th conference in the series and co-organised and hosted by the University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy and Transnational Press London. The Migration Conferences were launched at the Regent’s Centre for Transnational Studies in 2012 when the first large scale well attended international peer-reviewed conference with a focus on Turkish migration in Europe in Regent’s Park campus of Regent’s University London. The migration conferences have been attended by thousands of participants coming from all around the world in London (2012), London (2014), Prague (2015), Vienna (2016), Athens (2017), Lisbon (2018), and Bari (2019).
If subjecting war to law is one of the most important legal achievements of the 20th century, progressing further in that direction is one of the most important challenges for the 21st century. The problems it poses are many: the term “war” has formally fallen into disuse and we talk about “peacekeeping”; armies are today the product of cooperation between states and international organizations; private contractors increasingly participate in warlike activities, as the case of the Iraq war demonstrates; and the lines between war and very serious forms of crime (terrorism, organized crime) are increasingly blurred. This volume compiles the contributions presented at XVth International Congress on Social Defence, and tackle the criminal-legal issues raised by these new scenarios. It constitutes an innovative volume, gathering together the work of both academic and military authors, who have drawn on their theoretical and practical experience.
La tesis de la investigadora, defendida en 2017 en la Universidad de Deusto y dirigida por los profesores Felipe Gómez Isa y Carlos Martín Beristain, analiza el que califica de “conflicto olvidado” del Sahara Occidental desde la perspectiva de los derechos humanos abordando, en particular, el delito de desaparición forzada. Para ello, la autora, que formó parte del equipo de trabajo de la investigación que desembocó en “El Oasis de la Memoria”, analiza en detalle 95 casos de desaparición forzada, 86 de ellos recogidos en dicha publicación y los nueve restantes, en “Meheris: la esperanza posible”. La investigadora indica que es necesaria “una voluntad política real por transformar la realidad y romper con el pasado de violaciones de derechos humanos” y denuncia que “no se haya respetado el derecho de las víctimas a la verdad”. Los resultados del trabajo, según apunta López, se espera que sirvan para que las personas afectadas puedan defender sus derechos ante las instancias internacionales y la Audiencia Nacional española.
«Me siento solo». Ésta fue la reflexión de Charles Chaplin cuando se descubrió que no había vida en Marte. Comenzaba la década de los ochenta y las primeras sondas investigadoras enviadas por la Nasa comprobaron que no había posibilidad de que existiesen seres vivos en ese planeta y el genial actor pronunció esas palabras delante de la prensa cuando le preguntaron su opinión sobre la noticia. Vivimos en un mundo perfectamente comunicado, pero solitario al mismo tiempo. Necesitamos volver a tener y a ser amigos. Éste es un libro sobre la amistad y las relaciones con los demás escrito en 30 capítulos, uno para cada día del mes. Tú decides cómo leerlo. Lo único importante es tener tiempo para reflexionar y aplicar lo que estás leyendo. Si lo haces con naturalidad y le dedicas tu atención, verás cómo todo fluye.
En los últimos años hemos asistido a una ampliación de los conflictos; las aulas, los hospitales, la familia, el trabajo, la comunidad, entre otros, se han convertido en espacios donde, con asiduidad, aparecen este tipo de relaciones. Además esta diversificación ha venido acompañada de un aumento de la complejidad de los conflictos; cada vez resulta más difícil entender cómo se constituyen y desarrollan estos. Este libro presenta una propuesta de análisis; el Mapeo de conflictos. Se trata de mostrar al profesional una técnica que le permita, por un lado, diagnosticar cómo está construido el conflicto y, por el otro lado, establecer los posibles escenarios futuros en los que puede derivar la relación conflictual. La necesidad de procesos de exploración como un paso previo al diseño de estrategias de intervención queda puesta de manifiesto a lo largo de las páginas de este libro. El autor presenta, junto con una gran diversidad de ejemplos, un proceso de aplicación de la técnica a través del desarrollo de un único caso que es usado de manera transversal a lo largo de los diferentes capítulos.