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Joseph Murphy (20th May 1898-16th Dec 1981), the author, says that "Wealth is a state of consciousness. Everyone has a right to be rich. God wants you to be happy, prosperous, and successful." Dr. Murphy was a proponent of the New Thought movement. He had had a unique gift of expressing great truths in a lucid manner. The book highlights "Your right to be rich" and "The road to Riches". The author has marrated-'What people can achieve if they start using their imaginary and creative skills.' Lots of examples are included in the book. The book narrates, there is no virtue in poverty. It should be abolished from the earth. Everyone is here to grow, expand and unfold - spiritually, mentally and materially. Poverty is a disease like any other mental disease. You were born to succeed to win, to conquer all hurdles, and to have all your faculties fully developed. If there is financial lack in your life, do something about it. "Man does not live by bread alone." For this one has to set his heart on money and to give all his attention to amassing money, nothing else matters. You are living in a subjective and objective world. You must not neglect the spiritual food, such as peace of mind, love, beauty, harmony ,joy, and laughter. Dr. Murphy wrote more than 30 books. His most famous work is "The Power of your Unconscious Mind."
It is your right to be rich. You are here to lead an abundant life and to be happy, radiant, and free. You should, therefore, have all the money you need to lead a full, happy, prosperous life. There is no virtue in poverty; it is a mental disease, and it should be abolished from the face of the earth.
★☆ ¿Por qué algunas personas logran ser ricas a una edad temprana mientras que otras luchan por pagar sus cuentas hasta su lecho de muerte? ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre las personas? Sigue leyendo... ☆★ Tal vez no tengas idea de esto, pero puede haber un millonario viviendo al lado. En América, el 7% de los hogares son millonarios. Si hay tanto dinero alrededor, ¿por qué es tan difícil ser rico? ¿Cuál es el secreto detrás de esto? Hay gente que trabaja duro toda su vida y nunca llega a ganar más que lo suficiente para comer y pagar las cuentas. ¿Cómo es que algunas personas ganan dinero con facilidad y otras no? En este libro ”Cómo Atraer Dinero Usando el Poder de la Mente” aprenderás un poderoso acelerador de la riqueza. No tienes que ser una enciclopedia de las finanzas. Atraer dinero tiene más que ver con la mentalidad que con el conocimiento. Una vez que definas tus metas, puedes desarrollar tus pensamientos de una manera positiva, con el fin de atraer el dinero que deseas. Algunos de los secretos para ello son la confianza, la fe y una inquebrantable autodisciplina. Los otros secretos serán revelados por ”Cómo Atraer Dinero Usando el Poder Mental”, una lectura obligada que te pone en el camino del éxito. ������ ”Para Atraer Dinero, Debes Enfocarte en la Riqueza. Es imposible traer más dinero a tu vida cuando te das cuenta de que no tienes suficiente, porque eso significa que estás pensando que no tienes suficiente”. - Rhonda Byrne ¿Qué pasaría si tuvieras los ingresos que siempre has querido? Imagina cómo sería, atraer la riqueza y la prosperidad a tu vida. En lugar de ver un programa como ”American Millionaires” en la televisión, tome medidas y reclame lo que es suyo. Tratar de construir una fortuna sin creer en sus objetivos es una empresa inútil. Afortunadamente, este libro ”Cómo atraer dinero usando el poder mental” le enseñará todos los consejos y trucos para hacerse rico, empezando por el poder de su propia mente. No te pierdas esta lectura y no ignores tu futuro éxito. Actúe ahora haciendo clic en el botón ”Comprar ahora” o ”Leer ahora” después de desplazarse a la parte superior de esta página. P.S. ¿Qué le detiene? En la vida, la mayoría de las personas se detienen ya sea por su miedo o su pereza. Recuerde, la mejor inversión que puede hacer es en usted mismo. Invierta el tiempo y el precio de menos de un café para dar un salto cuántico en su vida ☄, la riqueza, el amor y la felicidad. ¡Actúe ahora! Translator: Arturo Juan Rodríguez Sevilla PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
This book presents timeless metaphysical secrets in plain language so readers can learn to attract all the money they want by properly directing the awesome force of their own minds.
The laws of attraction exist, the universe moves, the energy flows, just like our thoughts. Thoughts flow positively or negatively, the human mind is a moving universe.Everything is connected, if you have abundant thoughts you will be abundant, if you have scarce thoughts that is what you will get.The mental wealth is fundamental to determine what kind of life we will live, when you reach that state, in your mind nothing becomes impossible.To affirm positively has a great POWER OF IMPACT in our lives; The rich people reached a level of mental wealth, they are people who evolved and know how to use all these laws in their favor.In this eBook we will give you the important points that you must take in action to start changing your mentality and have a life full of abundance.You are abundant, AFFIRM IT!You attract wealth! AFFIRM IT!You are a money magnet! AFFIRM IT!You are prosperity! AFFIRM IT!
If you believe that you have to struggle, save, work hard, and carefully invest in order to achieve financial security—then this book will change your mind and life forever. In The One Command, Asara Lovejoy introduces a new, simple process for tapping into your powerful mind to attract wealth. The six-step process will allow you to instantly stop your fearful negative thinking in its tracks, and reach the peaceful mental state of theta, from where you can naturally draw wealth and happiness to you. Asara says we all have the power within us to achieve a better life. Let go of the false idea that you can’t consciously control the infinite uncertainties surrounding your life, and discover the deep mental strength that is inherently yours. It’s time that you achieve the rich life you’ve always dreamed of. Surrender old ideas about money. Embrace radical concepts. You have the power to create and attract wealth
Simple principles to help you build a life of abundance From the beloved author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, this compact book is a classic guide to financial prosperity. Filled with simple, powerful mindset shifts, How to Attract Money will fundamentally change how you approach your finances. By learning to accept that money is a solution, not a problem and that wealth is a state of consciousness, your mind can truly become your main path to prosperity. Murphy’s approach to money is liberating and joyful. Instead of the shame and guilt—craving more or not having enough—he firmly declares that “it is your right to be rich.” Happiness, luxury, and delight are the birthright of every human. Joseph Murphy’s work has changed the lives of millions of people and continues to do so. This new, pocket-sized edition of How to Attract Money brings his empowering message to the next generation of readers.
💰★☆ Why Do Some People Achieve Wealth At A Young Age While Others Struggle to Pay Their Bills Until Their Deathbed? What's the Difference Between People? Read On... ☆★💰 Our mind has an amazing power, that we underestimate: the power of attraction. Our thoughts are powerful, and sometimes, even when we don't notice it, they have consequences. This book "7 Secrets of Manifesting Money" will unlock 7 powerful secrets to help you develop a new mindset, with the clear goal of attracting money into your life. The fortune you've always dreamed of, is actually within your reach. 💰💣💡 "To Attract Money, You Must Focus On Wealth. It Is Impossible to Bring More Money Into Your Life When You Are Noticing You Do Not Have Enough, Because That Means You Are Thinking Thoughts That You Do Not Have Enough." - Rhonda Byrne 💡💣💰 Did you know that 80% of millionaires earned their own fortune? Only 20% have inherited. That means hard work pays off. With the right mindset, you will become unstoppable. "7 Secrets of Manifesting Money" is a spiritual guide that dives deep into your mind. Your existing concepts will be challenged. With your renewed mindset, you will be able to spot and remove negative thoughts, have constructive ideas that define your goals, develop self-discipline, attract success, and build new prosperous habits. This book could potentially be the start of your financial journey. The same mind that creates our dreams, has the power to attract them. Don't wait for a miracle. You can do it yourself. Your cycle of debt may seem endless, but you can stop it. Remember: It is not a matter of HOW but WHY. WHY do you want it? If you want it bad enough, you will seek the education and take whatever action you need to achieve your dreams. Act Now by Clicking the 'Buy Now' or "Read Now" Button After Scrolling to the Top of This Page. 💥💯 💡🕞💡P.S. What's holding you back? In life, most people are stopped either by their fear or their laziness. Remember, the best investment you can make is in yourself. Invest the time and the price of less than a coffee to make a quantum leap in your life ☄, wealth 💸, love 💝 and happiness 😇. Act Now!
Have you ever wondered why certain people seem to easily attract money? Are you eager to discover the secret insights those people use to attract physical and spiritual wealth? Are you prepared to learn about the deeper metaphysical secrets and spiritual truths behind manifesting wealth?This book will teach you how to think in ways that will raise you to new heights of wealth, success, and financial freedom.Anyone can attract money using the powerful secrets this book reveals to you. The 21 SECRETS OF ATTRACTING MONEY is arguably the most power-dense prosperity book around.Among others this book will reveal you the secrets to:Change limiting believesCreate your own vision boardHow to cooperate with the universeWhy generosity is the key to wealth and abundanceWhy using a red wallet helpsAnd 17 more secrets to attract money!If you believe prosperity, money and wealth are things you'll never achieve, I want you to stop this believe and follow the secrets which I'm going share with you in this book. Not only will you learn the secrets of money attraction, but you'll also transform your entire mind and believe system to manifest abundance and positivity.Because theory without practice is nothing this book comes with 9 Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments.The 9 Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments can be best described as a real-life laboratory. They are easy to carry out and will give powerful tools into your hands to take control over your mind, massively improve your happiness, and get a better sense for the reality we live in.