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This document contains statistics on economic data, demographic data, industry data, occupation and employment data and education data for Fairfield County, South Carolina.
HISTORY OF FAIRFIELD COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA By William Ederington Contents Introduction Ordinaries and Probate Judges Clerks of Court Sherman's Army in the Rocky Mount Section David R. Evans - Richard Winn Revolutionary Soldiers - Lewis, Pickett, Gaither Sherman in Winnsboro The Lyles Family The Buchanans Creighton Buchanan W.W. Boyce The Feasters & Colemans: Installment #1 Installment #2 Installment #3 The Ederington Family Various Fairfield Families Some Prominent Fairfield Families The Woodward Family Index Excerpt from Introduction "Old people tell of what they have seen and done; children, of what they are doing; and fools, of what they intend to do." As I am now perhaps the only one now alive who knew some of the first settlers of Western Fairfield and a few of their immediate descendants, I may be pardoned for undertaking the ardous task of preserving for posterity the meagre knowledge I have retained of them from memory, besides what I can glean from "Mills Statistics of South Carolina," and "Woodward's Reminiscences." I am well aware of the fact that my homely phrasealogy will not bear the inspection of the hypercritic, but as I write for the masses, I shall be well compensated if I can please them. The time has past (sic) to compile a complete historical biography of Fairfield District, as important material has been lost by the death of the old settlers and no record kept of important facts. The reader will pardon the meagre account given of some men and families, as my knowledge of them being limited personally and historically. Where I have given full biographies, my correspondents furnished the material, or I knew them personally, or received my information from history. As I was born in the extreme Western portion of Fairfield and my correspondence limited in the middle and eastern portion of it, the reader will pardon the omission in this work, of any mention being made of persons fully entitled to a record in history. The author will take pleasure in yet giving them a place in an appendix to the little work. But for urgent solicitations from friends I should not have undertaken this book at my advanced stage of life, and hope the readers of it will pardon any errors or omissions. The friends to the work have been very kind in furnishing material for it. I will here state that during my ilness I was greatly indebted to a young friend, a descendant of two prominent families spoken of in this work, for the interest manifested in copying my reminiscences, and letters from correspondents, relative to my book. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Windham Press is committed to bringing the lost cultural heritage of ages past into the 21st century through high-quality reproductions of original, classic printed works at affordable prices. This book has been carefully crafted to utilize the original images of antique books rather than error-prone OCR text. This also preserves the work of the original typesetters of these classics, unknown craftsmen who laid out the text, often by hand, of each and every page you will read. Their subtle art involving judgment and interaction with the text is in many ways superior and more human than the mechanical methods utilized today, and gave each book a unique, hand-crafted feel in its text that connected the reader organically to the art of bindery and book-making. We think these benefits are worth the occasional imperfection resulting from the age of these books at the time of scanning, and their vintage feel provides a connection to the past that goes beyond the mere words of the text.
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