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The Roman Catholic papacy has long been a thorny issue dividing the ecumenical church. In this book several outstanding Lutheran and Catholic theologians, known collectively as the Group of Farfa Sabina, present the results of their five-year dialogue, showing how the papal (Petrine) ministry might actually serve to unify the worldwide communion of churches. Offering biblical, historical, and canonical analyses of key Vatican texts, this volume opens up paths to new and surprising Lutheran-Catholic convergences. The volume as a whole reflects the mutual commitment of Farfa Sabina members to shaping declarations of intent into effective realities.
This collection of papers has its origin in the encyclical letter "Ut unum sint (no. 95) and the request of Pope John Paul II to study the question of the Petrine ministry with other Christians with a view to "seeking--"together, of course--"the forms in which this ministry may accomplish a service of love recognized by all concerned." After the promulgation of the encyclical in 1995, the theme of the Petrine ministry in its implications for dialogue with the other churches and ecclesial communities resonated throughout the ecumenical community and in studies, conferences and courses at institutes and research centers, focusing on the theological and historical aspects of the issue. The symposium presented here, organized by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, is aimed at furthering study of the role of the Bishop of Rome in the perspective of the search for Christian unity. Catholic experts and delegates representing a range of Orthodox churches took part in the closed-door symposium at which eight speakers presented papers, dealing with each theme from the Catholic and Orthodox points of view.
The Church of St Thomas Christians is the Apostolic Church founded through the apostolic ministry of St Thomas, the Apostle. Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church came into existence as a result of the colonial presence of the Europeans. Petrine ministry is the most important unresolved problem in the ecumenical dialogue.
This is the product of the official German Catholic-Lutheran Dialogue and the first major Lutheran-Catholic ecumenical statement since the ground-breking Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification in 1999. It focuses on the ecclesiastical issues that the Joint Declaration identified as the remaining obstacles to Lutheran-Catholic communion. The metaphor of the Church as the Communion of Saints serves as a framework for addressing ecumenical issues such as sacraments, ministry, the role of the Church in salvation, and the papacy.
The Primacy and Infallibility of the Pope have long stood as roadblocks to fellowship between the Roman Catholic Church and other church bodies. Now, however, as many churches strive for greater ecumenical rapprochement and ecclesial unity, scholars from a variety of Christian traditions have been exploring together the possibility that church unity may indeed be well served by the ministry of St. Peter. How Can the Petrine Ministry Be a Service to the Unity of the Universal Church? assembles twenty-one forward-looking essays on the papal office by an assortment of theologians, canonists, ecumenists, ecclesiologists, sociologists, and Scripture experts from diverse backgrounds, including Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist, and Reformed. They examine the conditions under which the papacy might one day be re-received by Christian church bodies worldwide - not as an autocratic monarchy but, rather, as the unifying agency for a diverse yet cohesive universal church. This book provides a rare glimpse into a high-level discussion that should be appreciated by anyone interested in the future of the "one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church." Book jacket.
John Paul II's encyclical "On Commitment to Ecumenism" inspired these essays originally presented at a symposium in Rome.
Three churches have recently produced liturgies for 'extended communion'. This is the distribution of previously consecrated elements at a public service by lay people or a deacon in the absence of a priest. This development began in the Roman Catholic Church with the Vatican 'Directory on Sunday Worship in the absence of a priest' in 1988. The Methodist Church produced a service of Extended Communion in 1999, and the Church of England authorized 'Public Worship with Communion by Extension' in 2001. In this book Phillip Tovey examines these churches to discover the reasons for the production of these services and their theological rationale. An in-depth examination of case studies draws conclusions highly relevant to the wider church.
This is a book of wisdom and insight that explains how providential are the trials through which the Catholic Church is now passing. The need of the Papal Primacy to ensure Christian unity; the true meaning of the Priesthood as a sacrament and not a mere ministry; the necessity of the Eucharist as the Sacrifice of the Savior now offering Himself on our altars; the role of the Bishops as successors of the Apostles, united with the successor of St. Peter, the Bishop of Rome; the value of suffering in union with Christ crucified; the indispensable service of the laity in the apostolate - all these themes receive from Cardinal Ratzinger new clarity and depth. Learn more about Pope Benedict! Visit the
Examines the implications of the consensus reached by the AnglicanRoman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) on universal primacy for the further development of the Catholic Church’s doctrines of papal primacy, in order that a reformed and renewed Petrine ministry may be received by all Christians .
The central document of the Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium was promulgated by Pope Paul VI on November 21, 1964. This document is "the keystone" of the Councils whole Magisterium. It focuses on the whole Church as a communion of charity. With it, according to John Paul II, the Second Vatican Council wished to shed light on the Churchs reality: a wonderful but complex reality consisting of human and divine elements, visible and invisible.