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Scientific communication is challenging. The subject matter is complex and often requires a certain level of knowledge to understand it correctly; describing hazard ratios, interpreting Kaplan Meier curves and explaining confounding factors is different from talking about a new car or clothing range. Processes, for example in clinical trials, are laborious and tedious and knowing how much of the detail to include and exclude requires judgement. Conclusions are rarely clear cut making communicating statistical risk and probability tough, especially to non-statisticians and non-scientists such as journalists. Communicating Clearly about Science and Medicine looks at these and many more challenges, then introduces powerful techniques for overcoming them. It will help you develop and deliver impactful presentations on medical and scientific data and tell a clear, compelling story based on your research findings. It will show you how to develop clear messages and themes, while adhering to the advice attributed to Einstein: 'Make things as simple as possible...but no simpler.' John Clare illustrates how to communicate clearly the risks and benefits contained in a complex data set, and balance the hope and the hype. He explains how to avoid the 'miracle cure' or 'killer drug' headlines which are so common and teaches you how to combine the accuracy of peer-to-peer reviewed science with the narrative skills of journalism.
Science and technology are embedded in virtually every aspect of modern life. As a result, people face an increasing need to integrate information from science with their personal values and other considerations as they make important life decisions about medical care, the safety of foods, what to do about climate change, and many other issues. Communicating science effectively, however, is a complex task and an acquired skill. Moreover, the approaches to communicating science that will be most effective for specific audiences and circumstances are not obvious. Fortunately, there is an expanding science base from diverse disciplines that can support science communicators in making these determinations. Communicating Science Effectively offers a research agenda for science communicators and researchers seeking to apply this research and fill gaps in knowledge about how to communicate effectively about science, focusing in particular on issues that are contentious in the public sphere. To inform this research agenda, this publication identifies important influences â€" psychological, economic, political, social, cultural, and media-related â€" on how science related to such issues is understood, perceived, and used.
Scientific and Medical Communication: A Guide for Effective Practice prepares readers to effectively communicate in professional scientific communities. The material in this book is firmly grounded in more than 500 published research findings and editorials by scientific writers, authors, and journal editors. Thus, this text provides the broadest and most comprehensive analysis of scientific writing. In addition, carefully selected and thoroughly annotated examples from the scientific and medical literature demonstrate the recommendations covered in the text. These real-world examples were carefully selected so that the scientific content can be understood by those without a detailed background in any particular scientific or medical field—thus clearly illustrating the content organization and writing style. This text will prepare individuals to write and edit scientific manuscripts, conference abstracts, posters, and press releases according to journal and professional standards. Readers will also learn to conduct effective searches of the scientific and medical literature, as well as proper citation practices.
When the COVID- 19 pandemic occurred, all the main communication systems of medical research have undergone an epochal change. Many online journals and magazines have tried to publish inherent works of this specific problem as soon as possible, soliciting and preferring them to others, thus changing the system of free acceptance of scientific works once. Moreover, the way to communicate these works has no longer occurred through standard Scientific Congresses but with other systems, websites/streaming and webinars or virtual conferences. Now there is something systematic missing, which foresees that this may last in the future, in the post COVID-19 era (AC): the communication system of the medical sciences will be different from now on. There will be far fewer classical-style conferences like the ones so popular before COVID-19 outbreak (BC) but there will be more webinars, in streaming and virtual conferences. This new book fits well in this period, creating a bridge between those who do research, how it is communicated, what are the classic communication methods and what is all the necessary background to communicate with new tools. The book idea is based on the legacy left by Michael Faraday, the famous American chemist, who sensed how communicating what happens in science can make the difference between the success and failure of the research itself: “A lecturer should appear easy and collected, undaunted and unconcerned” “Lecturers which really teach will never be popular; lecturers which are popular will never really teach “ Michael Faraday, "Advice to lecturers", 1848 The volume approach is multidisciplinary and written by top experts in the field of communication and education. It will be a useful tool for scientists in this moment of epochal change in medical communication.
Clinical Communication Skills for Medicine is an essential guide to the core skills for effective patient-centered communication. In the twenty years since this book was first published the teaching of these skills has developed and evolved. Today’s doctors fully appreciate the importance of communicating successfully and sensitively with people receiving health care and those close to them. This practical guide to developing communication skills will be of value to students throughout their careers. The order of the chapters reflects this development, from core skills to those required to respond effectively and compassionately in challenging situations. The text includes case examples, guidelines and opportunities to encourage the reader to stop and think. The contents of the book cover: The fundamental elements of clinical communication, including skills for effectively gathering and sharing information, discussing sensitive topics and breaking bad news. Shared decision making, reflecting the rapid changes in expectations of medical care and skills for supporting patients in making decisions which are right for them. Communicating with a patient’s family, children and young people, patients from different cultural backgrounds, communicating via an interpreter and communicating with patients who have a hearing impairment. Diversity in communication, including examples of communicating with patients who have a learning disability, transgender patients, and older adult patients. Communicating about medical error, emphasising the importance of doctors being honest in the face of difficult situations. This is a practical guide to learning and developing communication skills throughout medical training. The chapters range from the development of basic skills to those dealing with challenging and difficult situations.
As the first of its kind, this book provides a comprehensive approach to help public health practitioners in both the public and private sector to improve their ability to communicate with different audiences. From the news media to legislators, and from visual communication to electronic communication, every chapter provides practical, With real-world recommendations and examples on how to communicate public health information to nonscientific audiences more effectively. The knowledge and skills gleaned from this book will assist with planning and executing simple and complex communication activities commonly done by public health practitioners. "In order to compete in this increasingly competitive and complex environment, those of us in public health must make the science and art of communication as integral a part of our everyday activities as the science of epidemiology and disease control.
Do you have new and interesting – even outstanding – results that you wish to be recognized by your scientific colleagues, or understood by the public? Do you want to convey your ideas to policy decision makers? Communicating Science is the book to consult. Separate sections offer advice on reaching peers, the general public or decision makers. Each of these main parts includes two subsections, Guidelines and Genres, with entries arranged in alphabetical order. This book will be useful to anyone having to convert scientific data into an easily intelligible and interesting narrative.
Effective communication is at the heart of medical profession, whether it is patient-doctor communication, interpersonal communication, or communication with the scientific and research community. However, medical professionals are not adequately trained in these skills, and when it comes to presentations, the message is often lost due to inadequate preparation, ineffective slides, and a generally unconvincing performance by the presenter. This book addresses all aspects of the communication skills required by individuals entering medical school as well as professionals farther up the career ladder. Each chapter offers a quote or a statement that captures the essence of the text. Adopting a unique approach known an A, B, C, D and E (Assess Need, Brief, Contextualize, Describe and Evaluate) the book includes abundant illustrations, real-world case scenarios, anecdotes, tables, graphs and cartoons, as well as practical information, and tips on communicating effectively. As such it is a valuable resource for new and experienced clinicians, educators and researchers wanting to improve their communications skills.
Communication skills determine how the world perceives us - and how we perceive the world. Communication is at the heart of who we are and all that we do. As a clinician, your communication impacts how you take care of patients, work with colleagues, teach trainees, and engage audiences and the public. Communication encompasses all aspects of human skills, from listening and clearly articulating thoughts to an awareness of physical gestures, specific word choice, tone, and volume. Whether engaging with patients, peers, care teams, family members, residents, researchers, insurance agencies, management, or journalists, successful communication requires focusing on the importance of the relationship and the mission of each interaction. Today, due to the rise of digital technologies including electronic medical records, online forums, and video conferences, the content of information, the platform, and the audience are continuously changing and expanding for physicians. There is a great need in the physician community to learn how to facilitate the exchange of information, provide psychosocial support, partake in shared-decision making, translate complex information, and resolve controversies with sound science in a variety of settings. Addressing physicians at every level of training and practice, Physician Communication: Connecting with Patients, Peers, and the Public will enable providers to examine, analyse, and improve their skills in the art and science of communication. Divided into four sections: Face-to-face Communications; Digital Communications;Public Speaking; and Traditional Media, this book will help physicians navigate various situations using different methods and modes of communication.
Writing scientific papers and giving talks at meetings and conferences are essential parts of research scientists' work, and this short, straightforwardly written book will help workers in all scientific disciplines to present their results effectively. The first chapter is about writing a scientific paper and is a revision of a prize-winning essay. Later chapters discuss the preparation of typescripts, speaking at meetings and writing theses. There are also chapters addressed particularly to those scientists to whom English is a foreign language and to those in North America. The last chapter gives information about dictionaries, style books and other literature. The book draws on the author's wealth of experience in presenting his own work and in editing the work of others, and he draws his examples from a range of subjects.