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Law and Practice of the Common Commercial Policy provides a comprehensive analysis of the salient features of the European Union’s trade law and policy since the Treaty of Lisbon: legislation, case law, treaty making and institutional practice.
Since the beginning of the process of European integration the EU Common Commercial Policy (CCP) has been one of the most dynamic political fields. The EU has achieved a leading role among the economic superpowers and is regarded as a single economic area in which the EU speaks also on behalf of its Member States for most aspects of external economic politics. This volume analyzes the implications of the Treaty of Lisbon for the Common Commercial Policy of the EU. The Lisbon Treaty has declared all matters concerning external commercial policy as exclusive competences of the EU. Which consequences does this have for the Member States of the EU? With regard to institutional modifications, the Lisbon Treaty has significantly strengthened the role of the European Parliament and has substantially changed the role of the ‘High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy’ (HR). Further topics of this volume are the new normative framework of the CCP, inter alia the linkage of the CCP to the general objectives for the EU’s external actions and its dependence on secondary legislation, as well as investment policy now being part of the CCP.
Présentation de l'éditeur : "Law and Practice of the Common Commercial Policy provides a critical analysis of the European Union (EU)'s trade law and policy since the Treaty of Lisbon. In particular, it analyses the salient changes brought by the Treaty of Lisbon to the Common Commercial Policy (CCP), focussing on the relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ), EU free trade agreements, investment protection, trade defence, institutional developments and the nexus between the CCP and other EU policies. The volume brings together a group of distinguished authors, including former and current members of the ECJ, practitioners, officials from EU institutions and Member States and leading scholars in the area of EU trade and external relations law."
The first 16 months of the EU's common commercial policy (CCP) in the post-Lisbon period provide indicative insights into how the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of Ministers interpret their respective roles under the new legal framework introduced by the Lisbon Treaty. This paper analyses the amendments, the institutional capacities to respond to the reform challenges and the evolving institutional balance applying to Lisbon-era common commercial policy. Against this backdrop, the paper gives an overview of the changing dynamics of EU trade and investment policy in a context of enhanced politicization resulting from the European Parliament's involvement in the decision-making process. Particular importance is given to the question whether enhanced EP involvement in decision-making has the potential to lead to a scenario resembling the policy process in the United States, where congressional responsibility for trade and investment policy has resulted in the capture of the policy agenda by special interest groups and snail-paced policy progress (if any) in recent years. Accordingly, the paper scrutinizes the political preferences that the European Parliament is introducing into current European trade policy debates as well as the framework legislation and trade agreements. Finally, it is argued that parliamentary involvement in making common commercial policy has the potential to narrow the gap between European public political preferences and perceptions, on the one hand, and actual EU trade policies on the other, and to place EU trade and investment policies on a foundation of renewed public political support. In the author's view, however, it is imperative that such an achievement is based on well-informed, responsible, sustainable and clearly communicated policy proposals from the MEPs, who respond to and seek to balance the multiplicity of interests of CCP stakeholders in European civil society and respect the Unions international obligations.
Volume 8 of the EYIEL focuses on the external economic relations of the European Union as one of the most dynamic political fields in the process of European integration. The first part of this volume analyses the recent controversial questions of the external economic relations of the Union, dealing with the complexity of mixed agreements, transparency and legitimacy issues as well as recent proposals in relation to Investor-State-Dispute Settlement, the Trade Defence Instruments and the implications of the “Brexit” in this context. The second part of EYIEL 8 addresses ongoing bilateral and multilateral negotiations of the EU with China, Japan, Australia, Canada and Taiwan. Moreover, the third part deals with the EU in international organisations and institutions, in particular the recent institutional aspects of the EU-UN relationship, representation in the IMF as well as WTO jurisprudence involving the EU in 2015. The volume concludes with reviews of recent books in international economic law.
This comprehensive book provides a thorough analytical overview of the European Union’s existing law and policy in the field of international trade. Considering the history and context of the law’s evolution, it offers an adept examination of its common commercial policy competence through the years, starting with the Treaty of Rome up until the Treaty of Lisbon, as a background for understanding the EU’s present role in the World Trade Organization (WTO) framework.
Volume 11 of the EYIEL focuses on rights and obligations of business entities under international economic law. It deals with the responsibilities of business entities as well as their special status in various subfields of international law, including human rights, corruption, competition law, international investment law, civil liability and international security law. The contributions to this volume thus highlight the significance of international law for the regulation of business entities. In addition, EYIEL 11 addresses recent challenges, developments as well as events in European and international economic law such as the 2019 elections to the European Parliament, Brexit and the EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement. A series of essays reviewing new books on international trade and investment law completes the volume.
This article examines how the Common Commercial Policy in the post-Lisbon era impacts citizens' rights both within the EU and in the partner countries. The EU's aspiration to pursue a normative agenda through trade has further been reinforced by the Lisbon Treaty, both with regard to the objectives of external action and the reformed trade policy-making processes. Concurrently, however, the EU has refocused its trade strategy on growth and competitiveness, and strongly advocated the conclusion of 'new generation' free trade agreements. These agreements combine an ambitious 'WTO-plus' agenda with normative issues such as provisions on human rights, a social dimension and sustainable development. The result of this dual approach is a mixed 'constitutional balance': whereas constitutional rights and competitiveness have the potential to reinforce each other with positive synergy effects, they may also result in tensions and policy incoherencies.
? The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG This splendid book performs the heroic task of introducing readers to the large canvas of the commercial law of the European Union (EU). The EU began as an economic community of six nations but has grown into 27 member states, sharing a signi?cant political, social and legal cohesion and serving almost 500 million citizens. It generates approximately 30% of the nominal gross world product. The EU is a remarkable achievement of trans-national co-operation, given the history (including recent history) of national, racial, ethnic and religious hatred and con?ict preceding its creation. Although, as the book recounts, the institutions of the EU grew directly out of those of the European Economic Community, created in 1957 [1.20], the genesis of the EU can be traced to the sufferings of the Second World War and to the disclosure of the barbarous atrocities of the Holocaust. Out of the chaos and ruins of historical enmities and the shattered cities and peoples that survived those terrible events, arose an astonishing pan- European Movement.