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Nullane de tantis gregibus tibi digna videtur? rara avis in terra nigroque simillima cygno. Juvenal Sat. VI 161, 165. 1966-JNC visits AN at CornelI. An idea emerges. 1968-JNC is at V. c. L.A. for the Logic Year. The Los Angeles ma- script appears. 1970-AN visits JNC at Monash. 1971-The Australian manuscript appears. 1972-JNC visits AN at Cornell. Here is the result. We gratefully acknowledge support from Cornell Vniversity, Vni versity of California at Los Angeles, Monash Vniversity and National Science Foundation Grants GP 14363, 22719 and 28169. We are deeply indebted to the many people who have helped uso Amongst the mathe maticians, we are particularly grateful to J.C.E. Dekker, John Myhill, Erik Ellentuck, Peter AczeI, Chris Ash, Charlotte ehell, Ed Eisenberg, Dave Gillam, Bill Gross, Alan Hamilton, Louise Hay, Georg Kreisel, Phil Lavori, Ray Liggett, Al Manaster, Michael D. Morley, Joe Rosen stein, Graham Sainsbury, Bob Soare and Michael Venning. Last, but by no means least, we thank Anne-Marie Vandenberg, Esther Monroe, Arletta Havlik, Dolores Pendell, and Cathy Stevens and the girls of the Mathematics Department of VCLA in 1968 for hours and hours of excellent typing. Thanksgiving November 1972 J.N. Crossley Ithaca, New Y ork Anil Nerode Contents O. Introduction ... 1 Part 1. Categories and Functors 3 1. Categories ... 3 2. Morphism Combinatorial Functors 3 3. Combinatorial Functors ... 18 Part H. Model Theory . . 18 4. Countable Atomic Models 18 5. Copying . 22 6. Dimension ... 26 Part III.
A so-called "effective" algorithm may require arbitrarily large finite amounts of time and space resources, and hence may not be practical in the real world. A "feasible" algorithm is one which only requires a limited amount of space and/or time for execution; the general idea is that a feasible algorithm is one which may be practical on today's or at least tomorrow's computers. There is no definitive analogue of Church's thesis giving a mathematical definition of feasibility; however, the most widely studied mathematical model of feasible computability is polynomial-time computability. Feasible Mathematics includes both the study of feasible computation from a mathematical and logical point of view and the reworking of traditional mathematics from the point of view of feasible computation. The diversity of Feasible Mathematics is illustrated by the. contents of this volume which includes papers on weak fragments of arithmetic, on higher type functionals, on bounded linear logic, on sub recursive definitions of complexity classes, on finite model theory, on models of feasible computation for real numbers, on vector spaces and on recursion theory. The vVorkshop on Feasible Mathematics was sponsored by the Mathematical Sciences Institute and was held at Cornell University, June 26-28, 1989.
This research monograph integrates ideas from category theory, algebra and combinatorics. It is organized in three parts. Part I belongs to the realm of category theory. It reviews some of the foundational work of Benabou, Eilenberg, Kelly and Mac Lane on monoidal categories and of Joyal and Street on braided monoidal categories, and proceeds to study higher monoidal categories and higher monoidal functors. Special attention is devoted to the notion of a bilax monoidal functor which plays a central role in this work. Combinatorics and geometry are the theme of Part II. Joyal's species constitute a good framework for the study of algebraic structures associated to combinatorial objects. This part discusses the category of species focusing particularly on the Hopf monoids therein. The notion of a Hopf monoid in species parallels that of a Hopf algebra and reflects the manner in which combinatorial structures compose and decompose. Numerous examples of Hopf monoids are given in the text. These are constructed from combinatorial and geometric data and inspired by ideas of Rota and Tits' theory of Coxeter complexes. Part III is of an algebraic nature and shows how ideas in Parts I and II lead to a unified approach to Hopf algebras. The main step is the construction of Fock functors from species to graded vector spaces. These functors are bilax monoidal and thus translate Hopf monoids in species to graded Hopf algebras. This functorial construction of Hopf algebras encompasses both quantum groups and the Hopf algebras of recent prominence in the combinatorics literature. The monograph opens a vast new area of research. It is written with clarity and sufficient detail to make it accessible to advanced graduate students.
The twenty-six papers in this volume reflect the wide and still expanding range of Anil Nerode's work. A conference on Logical Methods was held in honor of Nerode's sixtieth birthday (4 June 1992) at the Mathematical Sciences Institute, Cornell University, 1-3 June 1992. Some of the conference papers are here, but others are from students, co-workers and other colleagues. The intention of the conference was to look forward, and to see the directions currently being pursued, in the development of work by, or with, Nerode. Here is a brief summary of the contents of this book. We give a retrospective view of Nerode's work. A number of specific areas are readily discerned: recursive equivalence types, recursive algebra and model theory, the theory of Turing degrees and r.e. sets, polynomial-time computability and computer science. Nerode began with automata theory and has also taken a keen interest in the history of mathematics. All these areas are represented. The one area missing is Nerode's applied mathematical work relating to the environment. Kozen's paper builds on Nerode's early work on automata. Recursive equivalence types are covered by Dekker and Barback, the latter using directly a fundamental metatheorem of Nerode. Recursive algebra is treated by Ge & Richards (group representations). Recursive model theory is the subject of papers by Hird, Moses, and Khoussainov & Dadajanov, while a combinatorial problem in recursive model theory is discussed in Cherlin & Martin's paper. Cenzer presents a paper on recursive dynamics.
Recursive Model Theory
Contains the proceedings of the AMS Summer Research Conference on Axiomatic Set Theory, held in Boulder, Colorado, June 19-25, 1983. This work covers the various areas of set theory, including constructibility, forcing, combinatorics and descriptive set theory.
Eva Picardi (1948-2017) was one of the most influential Italian analytic philosophers of her generation. She taught for forty years at the University of Bologna, raising three generations of students. This volume presents a selection of Picardi's essays on Frege's philosophy of logic, language, and psychology. Together, these papers provide a close look at the milieu within which Frege operated, and serve to highlight the relevance of his work for contemporary debates, particularly in the philosophy of language. One strand in Picardi's work on Frege concerns understanding and contextualizing Frege's anti-psychologism. Picardi contends that Frege was motivated by semantic considerations, much more so than by adherence to Kantian transcendentalism. Furthermore, Picardi draws on her deep knowledge of German, and the fact that she was a native speaker of Italian, to reconstruct the intricacies of Frege's relationship with other logicians of his time-both in Germany, like Kerry and Sigwart, and in Italy, like Peano and his school. Picardi's work shows how the historical and the theoretical (typically treated as separate in contemporary analytic philosophy, even in competition), complement and enrich one another.
X 1 O S R Cher lecteur, J'entre bien tard dans la sphere etroite des ecrivains au double alphabet, moi qui, il y a plus de quarante ans deja, avais accueilli sur mes terres un general epris de mathematiques. JI m'avait parle de ses projets grandioses en promettant d'ailleurs de m'envoyer ses ouvrages de geometrie. Je suis entiche de geometrie et c'est d'elle dontje voudrais vous parler, oh! certes pas de toute la geometrie, mais de celle que fait l'artisan qui taille, burine, amene, gauchit, peaufine les formes. Mon interet pour le probleme dont je veux vous entretenir ici, je le dois a un ami ebeniste. En effet comme je rendais un jour visite il cet ami, je le trouvai dans son atelier affaire a un tour. Il se retourna bientot, puis, rayonnant, me tendit une sorte de toupie et me dit: {laquo}Monsieur Besse, vous qui calculez les formes avec vos grimoires, que pensez-vous de ceci?)) Je le regardai interloque. Il poursuivit: {laquo}Regardez! Si vous prenez ce collier de laine et si vous le maintenez fermement avec un doigt place n'importe ou sur la toupie, eh bien! la toupie passera toujours juste en son interieur, sans laisser le moindre espace.)) Je rentrai chez moi, fort etonne, car sa toupie etait loin d'etre une boule. Je me mis alors au travail ...