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Several project teams from NASA, ESA and other organizations have investigated the possibility of establishing a colony in orbit. They found that the Moon and near-Earth asteroids have enough materials available, that solar energy is readily available in large quantities. The advantages of this system are its proximity to the Earth and its lower escape velocity, which facilitates the exchange of goods and services.
Emigrating Beyond Earth puts space colonization into the context of human evolution. Rather than focusing on the technologies and strategies needed to colonize space, the authors examine the human and societal reasons for space colonization. They make space colonization seems like a natural step by demonstrating that if will continue the human species' 4 million-year-old legacy of adaptation to difficult new environments. The authors present many examples from the history of human expansion into new environments, including two amazing tales of human colonization - the prehistoric settlement of the upper Arctic around 5,000 years ago and the colonization of the Pacific islands around 3,000 years ago - which show that space exploration is no more about rockets and robots that Arctic exploration was about boating!
This expanded third edition features a new preface, introduction, and collection of essays by space researchers.
Designing & Building Space Colonies-A Blueprint for the Future One of the greatest adventures in the future of humanity will be to construct, work, and live in space based structures. In this book we look at the history of ideas for living in space, proposed space colony designs, and technology. The details of current life support technology on the International Space Station is reviewed, and what technologies will be required for development of large scale space colonies. What other things in terms of financing and materials availability will be needed also. Finally, we conclude with some recommendations to get us ready to build these colonies.
Is there life in space? Within the solar system, which we can reach and are now beginning to explore, the answer may be: Nothing but spores and bacteria. Perhaps the answer is: Nothing. Beyond our region of space the answer may yet be: Civilizations and cultures of greatness and magnificence untold. But we have not yet learned to detect them or to communicate with them. As this has become apparent there has been a reaction against many of the more utopian hopes associated with space flight. Less than fifteen years ago John Kennedy could commit the nation to explore "this new ocean," with widespread hope that we were entering a new Age of Discovery. Today it is fashionable to believe that our problems can find solution only on earth and there is nothing in space which can aid us in any way. This is not so. If we cannot find planets fit for us to live on, or if Mars is not up to our fondest hopes - very well. We can take our own life into space. We can build colonies in space, as pleasant as we want and productive enough to markedly improve humanity's future prospects. And, we can begin to do this anytime we please.
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" ... Concise explanations and descriptions - easily read and readily understood - of what we know of the chain of events and processes that connect the Sun to the Earth, with special emphasis on space weather and Sun-Climate."--Dear Reader.
What will it take to make humanity a spacefaring species? The usual: good reasons and good planning. Christopher Wanjek explores the practical motivations for striking out into the far reaches of the solar system and the realities of the challenge. And he introduces us to the scientists and entrepreneurs who are already tackling that challenge.