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This book contains the proceedings of the 2nd Cologne Ath roscle rosis Conference (CAC) which was devoted to lipids, in particular lipoproteins. The object of the conference series, organised by A. Nattermann & Cie. GmbH, Cologne, is to provide an overview of various fields either directly related to or associated with the process of atherosclerosis. Having considered the associated field of inflammation in the first conference, the 2nd CAC dealt with a subject intimately related to the atherosclerotic process per see The recent demonstration in an extensive clinical study of a close link between high plasma cholesterol and coronary mortality has awakened both the medical and the lay communities to the importance of research into lipoprotein biochemistry and physiology. This can only be good news since more intensive research into lipoprotein functions is vital for future therapy of atherosclerosis and other lipid disorders. The status of research on lipoproteins is reflected in the contributions to this book, which are of an interdisciplinary nature, including both reviews and shorter research reports by acknowledged experts in the field. Special thanks are due to Margret Leffin for her organisational and secretarial assistance at all stages and to Dr. D. Bowyer and Prof. W. Stoffel for their advice and assist ance with the programme. Cologne, July 1984 Michael J . Parnham Lipoprotein Synthesis and Receptor Interactions 17 AAS 16: 2nd Cologne Atherosclerosis Conference 1984 (c) 1984 Birkhiiuser Verlag Basel APOLIPOPROTEIN GENES, DNA POLYMORPHISMS AND HYPERLIPIDEMIA c. c. Shoulders and F. E."
First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.
The benzodiazepines are among the most widely-used of drugs. However, in many countries their popularity is waning as prescribers become more aware of problems with unwanted effects and with rebound and withdrawal syndromes. The earlier benzodiazepines were long-acting, and it was thought that their shorter-acting successors would have important advantages. Other developments include partial agonists and partial inverse agonists, compounds acting on the benzodiazepine-GABA macro molecular site although not as a typical benzodiazepine, and anxiolytic agents acting on 5-HT pathways directly. I shall review the problems of unwanted effects and dependence, mainly from an epidemiological view point, and then relate the pharmacological properties of the newer com pounds to possible differences in their clinical profile of adverse effects. Adverse behavioural effects Benzodiazepines are used, inter alia, as anxiolytics and hyp notics. The latter use exploits the sedative actions which occur at higher than anxiolytic doses. The sedation should disappear by the time the patient wakes up. Hypnotics are thus unique in that their wanted effect and unwanted effect are identical - sedation - but separated in time by about 8 hours.