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With this book Immanuel Velikovsky first presented the revolutionary results of his 10-year-long interdisciplinary research to the public, founded modern catastrophism - based on eyewitness reports by our ancestors - shook the doctrine of uniformity of geology as well as Darwin's theory of evolution, put our view of the history of our solar system, of the Earth and of humanity on a completely new basis - and caused an uproar that is still going on today. Worlds in Collision - written in a brilliant, easily understandable and entertaining style and full to the brim with precise information - can be considered one of the most important and most challenging books in the history of science. Not without reason was this book found open on Einstein's desk after his death. For all those who have ever wondered about the evolution of the earth, the history of mankind, traditions, religions, mythology or just the world as it is today, Worlds in Collision is an absolute MUST-READ!
An Episcopal priest maintains that "earth becomes the womb of heaven so that God may be born in the manger of human experience". This book blesses the earthy and calls the church to cease being so lofty and pious. It encourages us to remove the wall that designates a church building as holy and the local bar as secular. Serving as a clergyman for over 45 years, Charles Colwell has seen first hand how the Christian walk can be a bumpy trail and how those bumps become places of great blessing. Doubt becomes merely another facet of faith, not its opposite, and is to be honored. Even our most desperate moments have a way of readying us for a discovery of God's power in our weakness as the gift of God's radical grace transforms us from broken people into empowered pilgrims on the road requiring us to challenge our myopic views of those of other faiths. "Collision of Worlds" separates what is essential rock from what is shifting sand as the author fearlessly addresses: dogmatism, the interpretation of scripture, the gay issue, hell-and, believe it or not the presence of ghosts. This book is fresh, daring, and offers a challenge to believers as well as those who may be sitting on the fence.
"Mexico of five centuries ago was witness to one of the most momentous encounters between human societies, when a group of Spaniards led by Hernando Cortâes joined forces with tens of thousands of Mesoamerican allies to topple the mighty Aztec empire. It served as a template for the forging of much of Latin America and began the globalized world we inhabit today. This violent encounter and the new colonial order it created, a New Spain, was millennia in the making, with independent cultural developments on both sides of the Atlantic and their fateful entanglement during the pivotal Aztec-Spanish war of 1519-1521. Collision of World examines the deep history of this encounter with an archaeological lens-one that considers depth in the richly layered cultures of Mexico and Spain, like the depths that archaeologists reveal through excavation to chart early layers of human history. It offers a unique perspective on the encounter through its temporal depth and focus on the physical world of places and things, their similarities and differences in trans-Atlantic perspective, and their interweaving in an encounter characterized by conquest and colonialism, but also active agency and resilience on the part of Native peoples"--
"This exhibition was organized to help celebrate the sesquicentennial of the San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI)"--Acknowledgements.
Bringing together an outstanding group of thinkers, Worlds in Collision is the essential book for understanding the debate about the future of global order in the wake of international terrorism and the war in Afghanistan. For years to come, if not decades, the 'war on terrorism' will be the defining paradigm in the struggle for global order. When the victim of such horrific terror attacks happens to be the world's only superpower, the agenda is set for the future global order. This book, offering a comprehensive and provocative collection of viewpoints from leading intellectuals from a number of countries, will help readers understand the ways in which our worlds collided on September 11, 2001. Not only does it comprehensively address the first phase of the war against international terrorism, the book also looks at the wider regional and global ramifications. Worlds in Collision is ultimately about more than the war on terrorism, it concerns itself with the possibilities for re-shaping global order on the basis of new kinds of politics.
In this book, Immanuel Velikovsky, in his unmistakably clear and unique style, relates both the writing of and the reaction to the publication of his epochal work Worlds in Collision. Through authentic letters, we experience at first hand the beginning and unfolding of the Velikovsky Affair - from the boycotting of his publisher by leading American scientists and universities to the emotional and highly unscientific campaign to discredit the author and his work. We also get to read Velikovsky's rebuttals to the attacks and accusations, which were mostly denied publication by relevant journals and magazines. Especially today, with the power and societal influence of science at an all-time high, this book is of fundamental importance for our understanding of science and its practioners.
Earth in Upheaval - a very exactly investigated and easily understandable book - contains material that completely revolutionizes our view of the history of the earth. In this epochal book, Immanuel Velikovsky, one of the great scientists of modern times, puts the complete histories of our Earth and of humanity on a new basis.
Papers from the 1989 San Francisco Art Institute symposium.
She is an outgoing girl. Her Muslim family is thousands of miles away, and her destiny is in her hands. He is a fun loving Westerner. They meet and take the plunge. Soon, the love-nest sinks under the blasting current of fronting waves. Two cultures, two ways of life.