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This is an expanded version of the report by the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Beyond the Standard Model Working Group which was contributed to Particle Physics — Perspectives and Opportunities, a report of the Division of Particles and Fields Committee for Long Term Planning. One of the Working Group's primary goals was to study the phenomenology of electroweak symmetry breaking and attempt to quantify the “physics reach” of present and future colliders. Their investigations encompassed the Standard Model — with one doublet of Higgs scalars — and approaches to physics beyond the Standard Model. These include models of low-energy supersymmetry, dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking, and a variety of extensions of the Standard Model with new particles and interactions. The Working Group also considered signals of new physics in precision measurements arising from virtual processes and examined experimental issues associated with the study of electroweak symmetry breaking and the search for new physics at present and future hadron and lepton colliders.This volume represents an important contribution to the efforts being made to advance the frontiers of particle physics.
Exploring the phenomenology of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, LHC Physics focuses on the first years of data collected at the LHC as well as the experimental and theoretical tools involved. It discusses a broad spectrum of experimental and theoretical activity in particle physics, from the searches for the Higgs boson and physics beyond the Standard Model to studies of quantum chromodynamics, the B-physics sector, and the properties of dense hadronic matter in heavy-ion collisions. Covering the topics in a pedagogical manner, the book introduces the theoretical and phenomenological framework of hadron collisions and presents the current theoretical models of frontier physics. It offers overviews of the main detector components, the initial calibration procedures, and search strategies. The authors also provide explicit examples of physics analyses drawn from the recently shut down Tevatron. In the coming years, or perhaps even sooner, the LHC experiments may reveal the Higgs boson and offer insight beyond the Standard Model. Written by some of the most prominent and active researchers in particle physics, this volume equips new physicists with the theory and tools needed to understand the various LHC experiments and prepares them to make future contributions to the field.
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), located at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, is the world's largest and highest energy and highest intensity particle accelerator. Here is a timely book with several perspectives on the hoped-for discoveries from the LHC.This book provides an overview on the techniques that will be crucial for finding new physics at the LHC, as well as perspectives on the importance and implications of the discoveries. Among the accomplished contributors to this book are leaders and visionaries in the field of particle physics beyond the Standard Model, including two Nobel Laureates (Steven Weinberg and Frank Wilczek), and presumably some future Nobel Laureates, plus top younger theorists and experimenters. With its blend of popular and technical contents, the book will have wide appeal, not only to physical scientists but also to those in related fields.
In this dissertation, we revisit the prospects of a strongly interacting theory for the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Sector of the Standard Model, after the discovery of a Higgs-like boson at 125GeV. As the LHC constrains new phenomena near the Higgs mass, it is natural to assume that the new scale is of order 1TeV. This mass gap might indicate strongly interacting new physics. This work is of quite general validity and model independence. With only a few parameters at the Lagrangian level, multiple channels (possibly with new physics resonances) are describable, and many BSM theories can be treated. It will be of interest to postgraduate students and researchers, and is accessible to newcomers in the field. Many calculations are given in full detail and there are ample graphical illustrations.
The high energy electron-positron linear collider is expected to provide crucial clues to many of the fundamental questions of our time: What is the nature of electroweak symmetry breaking? Does a Standard Model Higgs boson exist, or does nature take the route of supersymmetry, technicolor or extra dimensions, or none of the foregoing? This invaluable book is a collection of articles written by experts on many of the most important topics which the linear collider will focus on. It is aimed primarily at graduate students but will undoubtedly be useful also to any active researcher on the physics of the next generation linear collider.
Beyond Higgs / W.A. Bardeen -- Is N = 8 supergravity ultraviolet finite? / Z. Bern -- Extremal black holes and attractors / S. Ferrara -- Exotic mesons / L. Maiani -- The entropic principle and the landscape in SUSY gauge theories / H. Ooguri -- Warped dimensions / L. Randall -- Unitarity in the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism for gravity / C. 'tHooft -- AdS/CFT and light-front QCD / S.J. Brodsky -- Physics of the light quarks / H. Leutwyler -- BFKL equation and anomalous dimensions in N = 4 SUSY / L.N. Lipatov -- The color glass condensate and the glasma / L. McLerran -- Highlights from CERN / R. Aymar -- Highlights from Gran Sasso / E. Coccia -- Highlights from the CNGS & OPERA / Y. Declais -- Highlights from RHIC / B. Jacak -- Highlights from fermilab / P.J. Oddone -- Problems with three neutrinos / A. Bettini -- Double beta decay / E. Fiorini -- Rare decays in the 3rd family / M. Giorgi -- Cosmology and the unexpected / E.W. Kolb -- Complexity at the fundamental level : consequences for LHC / A. Zichichi -- Vertexing and flavour tagging at the international linear collider / E. Devetak -- The standard model Higgs search at the tevatron / W. Fisher -- Effective potentials in de Sitter background and application to the MSSM / B. Garbrecht -- Tuning the vertex detector simulation of H1 / M. Kramer -- Numerical calculation of electron g-2 at 4 loops in QED / S. Laporta -- Spinors and unitarity-cuts / P. Mastrolia -- Exploring the physics frontier with v[symbol]'s and v[symbol]'s in MINOS / J.P. Ochoa-Ricoux -- Modified dispersion relations and trans-planckian physics / M. Rinaldi -- A large TPC prototype for the international linear collider / P. Schade -- Lepton flavour violation : hints on the SUSY seesaw / A.M. Teixeira -- Background simulations for the international linear collider / A. Vogel -- A hadronic calorimeter for the international linear collider / N. Wattimena
The Large Hadron Collider, a 7 {circle_plus} 7 TeV proton-proton collider under construction at CERN (the European Laboratory for Particle Physics in Geneva), will take experiments squarely into a new energy domain where mysteries of the electroweak interaction will be unveiled. What marks the 1-TeV scale as an important target? Why is understanding how the electroweak symmetry is hidden important to our conception of the world around us? What expectations do we have for the agent that hides the electroweak symmetry? Why do particle physicists anticipate a great harvest of discoveries within reach of the LHC?
The book discusses the recent experimental results obtained at the LHC that involve electroweak bosons. The results are placed into an appropriate theoretical and historical context. The work pays special attention to the rising subject of hadronically decaying bosons with high boosts, documenting the state-of-the-art identification techniques and highlighting typical results. The text is not limited to electroweak physics in the strict sense, but also discusses the use of electroweak vector-bosons as tool in the study of other subjects in particle physics, such as determinations of the proton structure or the search for new exotic particles. The book is particularly well suited for graduate students, starting their thesis work on topics that involve electroweak bosons, as the book provides a comprehensive description of phenomena observable at current accelerators as well as a summary of the most relevant experimental techniques.
An introduction to the world of quarks and leptons, and of their interactions governed by fundamental symmetries of nature, as well as an introduction to the connection that exists between worlds of the infinitesimally small and the infinitely large.The book begins with a simple presentation of the theoretical framework, the so-called Standard Model, which evolved gradually since the 1960s. The key experiments establishing it as the theory of elementary particle physics, but also its missing pieces and conceptual weaknesses are introduced. The book proceeds with the extraordinary story of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN — the largest purely scientific project ever realized. Conception, design and construction by worldwide collaborations of the detectors of size and complexity without precedent in scientific history are discussed. The book then offers the reader a state-of-the art (2020) appreciation of the depth and breadth of the physics exploration performed by the LHC experiments: the study of new forms of matter, the understanding of symmetry-breaking phenomena at the fundamental level, the exciting searches for new physics such as dark matter, additional space dimensions, new symmetries, and more. The adventure of the LHC culminated in the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 (Nobel Prize in Physics in 2013). The last chapter of this book describes the plans for the LHC during the next 15 years of exploitation and improvement, and the possible evolution of the field and future collider projects under consideration.The authors are researchers from CERN, CEA and CNRS (France), and deeply engaged in the LHC program: D Denegri in the CMS experiment, C Guyot, A Hoecker and L Roos in the ATLAS experiment. Some of them are involved since the inception of the project. They give a lively and accessible inside view of this amazing scientific and human adventure.