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The purpose of this qualitative study analyzed mixed-issue campus disturbance events at three similar public universities located in the Midwest region of the United States. Using a case study research design, the analysis draws from interviews conducted with campus police officers employed at the selected institutions assigned to work one or more disturbances during the last decade. A related purpose analyzed the element of space/location and territoriality where these disturbances occurred, including an assessment of the value and meaning of space to the police and how police use space to achieve public order maintenance objectives. As the primary social control agent, the police--through their interface with crowd participants--can influence positive or negative relationships that subsequently impact disturbance outcomes. This study will support law enforcement officials in higher education with planning, developing and responding proactively to disturbances using public order policing strategies suitable for campus communities. Special emphasis is placed on the elaborated social identity model and the negotiated management model to explain police and crowd behaviors. Of value to crowd management practitioners is the critical need to interface crowd theory with practical public order policing techniques to develop an effective response.
Published in 1998. This research is based on observations made of 33 crowd events between February 1992 - February 1995. These took place in Turkey, England and Wales and all of which involved a large police deployment. In addition, informal interviews were conducted in both countries, involving key figures in areas of police public order training and practice. Further, visits were made to training sites and public order units, to familiarise the researcher with public order policing in both countries. Finally, the researcher has attended three major public order courses organised for the senior members of British police forces. This research analyzes the underlying assumptions contained within the existing theories in the field and attempts to adjudicate on the validity of both classical and modern contributions to the understanding of the field. The research concludes that any public order policing, regardless of the political system it serves, will tend to be relatively paramilitary and oppressive. Civilian public order policing practices need to take account of an approach which appreciates a wide combination of levels of understanding as represented by Combined Factors Approach. Finally, it is argued that the more public order policy reflects the potential level of understanding promoted by the CFA the less emphasis on paramilitary techniques will be deployed as tactics of last resort.
Successful public order management is critical to upholding democracy and maintaining the rule of law. Negative police-public interactions during assemblies can impact the safety and well-being of citizens and officers, as well as local and international perceptions of police legitimacy. As observed during events across the world, including assemblies in the U.S., Myanmar, Belarus, Russia, and elsewhere, police mismanagement of mass demonstrations often instigates crowd violence and other harmful behaviors. The causes of violence at assemblies are complex and multi-faceted. Failure to understand crowd dynamics that lead to violence limits police effectiveness and contributes to poor officer decision-making. This book offers an international review of public order management experiences and effective practices. Practical examples, grounded in multi-disciplinary theory and science, offer a roadmap to improve police response and increase safety at assemblies in democratic countries. The diverse content, perspectives, and lessons learned presented in this volume will serve as a useful guide for all people working in the field of public order management, including police officials, policymakers, and researchers. This edited volume was written by and for practitioners, pracademics, and academics to review the complex and demanding task of policing public order.
The patrolman has the most difficult, complex, and least understood task in the police department. Much less is known of him than of his better publicized colleague, the detective. In this important and timely book, James Q. Wilson describes the patrolman and the problems he faces that arise out of constraints imposed by law, politics, public opinion, and the expectations of superiors. The study considers how the uniformed officer in eight communities deals with such common offenses as assault, theft, drunkenness, vice, traffic, and disorderly conduct. Six of the communities are in New York State: Albany, Amsterdam, Brighton, Nassau County, Newburgh, and Syracuse. The others are Highland Park, Illinois, and Oakland, California. Enforcing laws dealing with common offenses is especially difficult because it raises the question of administrative discretion. Murder, in the eyes of the police, is unambiguously wrong, and murderers are accordingly arrested; but in cases such as street-corner scuffles or speeding motorists, the patrolman must decide whether to intervene (should the scuffle be stopped? should the motorist be pulled over?) and, if he does, just how to intervene (by arrest? a warning? an interrogation?). In most large organizations, the lowest-ranking members perform the more routinized tasks and the means of accomplishing these tasks are decided by superiors, but in a police department the lowest-ranking officer--the patrolman--is almost solely responsible for enforcing those laws which are the least precise, the most ambiguous. Three ways or "styles" of policing--the watchman, the legalistic, and the service styles--are analyzed and their relation to local politics is explored. In the final chapter, Mr. Wilson discusses if and how the patrolman's behavior can be changed and examines some current proposals for reorganizing police departments. He observes that the ability of the patrolman to do his job well may determine our success in managing social conflict and our prospects for maintaining a proper balance between liberty and order. Table of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. THE PATROLMAN The Maintenance of Order Justice as a Constraint Some Organizational Consequences 3. THE POLICE ADMINISTRATOR Managing Discretion Critical Events 4. POLICE DISCRETION The Determinants of Discretion The Eight Communities The Uses of Discretion 5. THE WATCHMAN STYLE The Organizational Context Some Consequences 6. THE LEGALISTIC STYLE The Organizational Context Some Consequences 7. THE SERVICE STYLE The Organizational Context Some Consequences 8. POLITICS AND THE POLICE Politics and the Watchman Style Politics and the Service Style Politics and the Legalistic Style Some Findings from National Data 9. CONCLUSIONS AND POLICY IMPLICATIONS Reviews of this book: [This book] is a departure from the traditional treatise...and actually does take a large and long-awaited step toward revitalizing an exciting and important but inexcusably weak area of political science. --The American Political Science Review Reviews of this book: This book "must unquestionably become an indispensable study of politics in the American city. It is based on enormous and detailed research ... The material is presented in a controlled and disciplined no-nonsense style. --New York Review of Books Reviews of this book: This is surely one of the most informative books about the police ever written .... Varieties of Police Behavior is a rich, sophisticated book by an author unusually able to tackle the comprehensiveness and interdependence of the issues which affect police performance, and his analysis and conclusions have much to teach. --Times Literary Supplement It is, without doubt, the finest book on the American police ever written, and Professor Wilson is one of our best-known scholars of urban affairs...Rich...full to the brim with increasing details and shrewd insight. Anyone who wants to have an informed opinion about the policeman's relations to law and order ought to read it. --Irving Kristol
Collective violence has played an important role throughout American history, though we have typically denied it. But it is not enough to repress violence or to suppress our knowledge of it. We must understand the phenomenon, and to do this, we must learn what violent groups are trying to say. Th at some choose violence tells us something about the perpetrators, inevitably, about ourselves and the society we have built. This collection of provocative contributions addresses theory and research on violence as a group phenomenon. The editors were co-directors of research for the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence in the 1960s, and many of the contributors to this volume were involved in that research. Collective Violence distills their findings as well as takes a later, harder look at the forms, sources, and meanings of riots and rebellion. Short and Wolfgang consider the political implications of collective violence, especially as it has appeared in the United States. Th e book includes essays on theory, comparative analyses based on anthropological and historical data, studies of the role of police and other social control agents, and summarizes discussions of U.S. public policy. The contributions range from anthropologists' descriptions of collective violence in primitive societies to general statements about the nature of collective violence. Collective Violence is intended for use in a wide range of courses in sociology, anthropology and political science. In addition its fi ndings will interest anyone wishing insight into the nature of group violence in American society.
In this book David Mansley argues that the frequency with which violence intrudes on to the streets is related to both how society is governed and how it is policed. With the help of an innovative methodology, he quantifies and tests three variables – collective violence, democracy and protest policing – using protests in Great Britain in 1999–2011, for his sampling frame. The result is the design of new tools of measurement and a harvest of new data, including previously unpublished details of banning orders and riot damages, that enable us to reflect, with the benefit of broad sociological perspective, on the causes of contemporary violent events. Mansley’s explanation of the trends he identifies draws from the work of the best thinkers on violence – especially Charles Tilly, Thomas Hobbes and Norbert Elias. He shows how the style of protest policing and the depth of democracy, both of which function under the direction of the political economy, are crucial to the state’s credentials as the monopoly supplier of legitimate violence. His discussion touches on such current topics as the institution of police commissioners, the privatisation of policing duties, and the decline in homicide. This cultured study, which includes an engaging review of the existing scholarship on violence, is essential material for undergraduate and postgraduate students reading criminology, sociology or political theory.
Many times, the police are the first to respond to an individual in crisis; even those involving mentally ill. While we see evidence of positive change, there are still shortcomings when it comes to criminal justice response in the behavioral health system. There is a lack of access, availability, continuity, coordination, and responsiveness. But we see accomplishments to changes in attitudes and behaviors, through such programs like Crisis Intervention Specialist Training, CIT Training and Mental Health First Aid which have been well received. Changing Times: Transforming Culture and Behaviors for Law Enforcement proposes a shift to divert those in a behavioral health crisis away from incarceration and into treatment, as well as invites Law Enforcement intervention away from the criminal justice system and into treatment. The authors successfully blend the theoretical with hands-on experience throughout the book, enabling the reader to understand the influences of Law Enforcement’s tradition and other forces that drive attitudes, culture and behavior and how to bring change. The additional and difficult task ahead is to bring about systemic change in culture and a concurrent change in attitudes and behaviors. Changing Times proves to be the reliable and accessible reference for those intent on bringing change to the vital effort of diversion.
Modern, high-quality republication of a sociological and social psychology classic. New preface by the author and extensive new Foreword by MIT's Gary Marx. An authorized and quality edition--not just scanned and forgotten like most such reprints today--this book is part of the Classics of the Social Sciences Series by Quid Pro Books. Quality ebook formatting includes linked notes, legible tables, and active TOC. The book's original page numbers from its first printing are embedded for continuity of citations and a class syllabus.
David Millers expanded third edition makes it the definitive source on collective behavior and collective action. Up-to-date and meticulously researched, this popular volume continues to provide a systematic overview of theory and research. Each topic is meaningfully linked to the appropriate theories of collective behavior (mass hysteria, emergent-norm, and value-added perspectives) and collective action (social-behavioral interactionist, resource mobilization, and value-added perspectives). Rumor, mass hysteria, fads and fashion, UFOs, sports, migrations, disasters, riots, protest, and social movements are among the topics presented in a unique side-by-side presentation of the two disciplines. In an engaging, accessible style, Miller offers detailed discussion of classic sociological studies interspersed with intriguing modern-day examples that students will enjoy reading. His thorough topical treatment effectively reduces the need for outside readings.