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Volume One contains the following: Considerations addressed to the Archbishop of Dublin and the Clergy who signed the petition to the House of Commons for Protection. Considerations on the Nature and Unity of the Church of Christ. The Notion of a Clergyman, dispensationally the sin against the Holy Ghost. Thoughts on the Present Position of the Home Mission. Christian Liberty of Preaching and Teaching the Lord Jesus Christ Parochial Arrangement Destructive of God's Order in the Church The Character of Office in the Present Dispensation On the Apostasy - What is Succession a Succession of? The Apostasy of the Successive Dispensations On Lay Preaching On the Formation of Churches Some further development of the principles set forth in the pamphlet, entitled "On the Formation of Churches" etc. On Ministry: its nature, source, power, and responsibility. Remarks on the state of the Church in answer to the pamphlet of Mr. Rochat, etc. Remarks on the pamphlet of Mr. F. Olivier entitled, "An Essay on the Kingdom of God etc." Thoughts on Romans 11, and on the responsibility of the Church in reference to a pamphlet of Mr. F. Olivier etc. On Discipline A Letter on Separation Separation from Evil - God's Principle of Unity Grace, the Power of Unity and of Gathering
Letter on the Divine Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, On the Work of Christ; Remarks on "Christianity and Modern Progress" by the Rev. A. Raleigh, D.D. Dr. Colenso and the Pentateuch Scripture: the place it has in this day. What do I learn from Scripture? Either in Adam or in Christ? Evangelical Protestantism and the Biblical studies of M. Godet. On the Putting Away of Sin Review of R. Pearsall Smith on "Holiness through Faith." Letter on Mr. J.P.S.'s "Holiness through Faith." The Effect Spiritually of "Holiness through Faith." Brief remarks on "An Address for the Promotion of Scriptural Holiness." Dr. Bonar on Christ's work Review of Dr. Bonar's work entitled "The Rent Veil." Cleansing and Deliverance Cleansing by Water: and what it is to walk in the light. "Higher Holiness" Scriptural Unity and Union Short Introduction to Romans Summary of the Epistle to the Romans Thoughts on Romans, Colossians, Ephesians. Judgment-seat of God and of Christ Letter on Original Sin Death for a Christian:
On the Presence and Action of the Holy Ghost in the Church Operations of the Spirit of God The Doctrine of the Church of England at the time of the Reformation etc. The Covenants Remarks on Light and Conscience The Resurrection, the Fundamental Truth of the Gospel. The Doctrine of the Wesleyans on Perfection, Remarks on the Presence of the Holy Ghost in the Christian. A few remarks connected with the Presence and Operation of the Spirit of God in the Body, the Church. A letter to the Saints in London as to the presence of the Holy Ghost in the Church. What is the Church?
Volume 33 contains the following: On the Gospel of John: 1 2 3 4 5 On the Epistle to the Romans: 1 2 3 Review of "Lectures on the Second Advent," and "The Apocalypse Unfulfilled." Reply to an article in the "Zionsbote" upon "Darbyism" A letter on a pamphlet by Mr. F. Olivier, entitled, "The Body of Christ, and a Misunderstanding on the Subject." Is the "One Body" the ground of gathering? New Lump Christ and Sanctification On Everlasting Punishment "The Eternity of Evil." Letter on Immortality and Everlasting Punishment The Deity of Christ and what constitutes Christianity; Development Letters on the Revised New Testament Letter on the Parables of the Thirteenth of Matthew A note on the Parables of the Treasure and the Net Romans 7 and 8 Romans 9 Note on the application of the types of the Red Sea and Jordan.
Fragments The Cross Power in the Midst of Evil Leviticus: 1 2 Atonement Smiting Cleansing Faith not Sight The Person of the Lord The Old Testament The Sabbath of the Old Testament Numbers The Mystery Deuteronomy The Red Sea and Jordan Joshua Baptism The Table of the Lord The Joys of Christ Ministry Promise and Grace Fragments The Humiliation of Christ Judges Ruth Lange's "Life of Christ" Prophetic Map 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Job Life and Eternal Life The Ways of God The World The Wisdom of God Fragments Testimony The Kingdom of the Father The Christian Position Death to Nature Review of Leckey's Rationalism Life in John 3 Repentance The Lord's Coming and the Church Reply to Baboo Keshub Chunder Sen The Son of Man Righteousness and Intercession The Government of God Peace Walking Worthy Memory Consciousness The Headship of Christ The Psalms
Volume 28 contains the following: Notes on the Epistle to the Hebrews All of One Hebrews 2 "What is man?" Hebrews 2:5-18 Perfection Hebrews 6 Christ's Work and its consequences Hebrews 9 and 10 Christ's Coming, Faith's Crowning Hebrews 9:27, 28 Faith Hebrews 11 Burning and Eating the Sacrifices Hebrews 13:7-19 Obedience: the Saint's Liberty Hebrews 13:17-25 Brief Exposition of the Epistle of James Notes on the Epistle of James Reading on 1 Peter 1 and 2 Sanctified, Purged, and Kept 1 Peter 1:1-9 Our Pilgrimage, Priesthood, and Suffering 1 Peter 2 Are you brought to God? 1 Peter 3:10-18 Grace and Government 2 Peter 1 Partaker of the Divine Nature 2 Peter 1:4 Notes on the First Epistle of John Notes on the Second Epistle of John Notes on the Third Epistle of John Fellowship with the Father and the Son The Positiveness of Life in Christ The Love of God, the Love of Saints, and Overcoming the World. The Three Who are Witnessing: "The Spirit, and the water, and the blood." Notes on the First Epistle of John Epistle of Jude On the Apocalypse Outline of the Revelation
Have we a revelation from God? 1 2 The Distinct Character of the Several Writings of the New Testament Inspiration and Revelation The Question and the Crisis Union in Incarnation, the root error of modern theology. Christological Pantheism The Atonement Propitiation and Substitution The Way of Holiness Forgiveness and Liberty On the delusion of Death to Nature, and the misuse of Laodicea. Gethsemane The Gospel and the Church according to Scripture: