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This book contains fifteen numbers of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha’s teaching. 116: Practical Advice for Meditators by Bhikkhu Khantipalo; 117–9: Nirvana, Nihilism and Satori — Douglas M. Burns; 120: The Kuþadanta Sutta: On True Sacrifice — Prof. T.W. Rhys Davids; 121–22: The Power of Mindfulness — Nyanaponika Thera; 123: The Significance of the Four Noble Truths — V. F. Gunaratna; 124–25: Buddhism in South India — Pandit Hisselle Dhammaratana Mahathera; 126: The Way of the Noble — T. H. Perera; 127: Aspects of Reality — Dr. G. P. Malalasekera; 128–29: Aspects of Buddhist Social Philosophy — K. N. Jayatilleke; 130–31: The Buddhist Monk's Discipline — Bhikkhu Khantipalo.
This book contains sixteen numbers of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha’s teaching. 248–9: The Buddha’s Words on Kamma—Nanamoli Thera 250: Concept and Meaning—C.F. Knight & Carlo Gragnani 251–3: The Roots of Good and Evil—Nyanaponika Thera 254–6: Life’s Highest Blessings—Dr. R. L. Soni 257: Meanderings of the Wheel of Dhamma—Nathan Katz 258: The Contemporary Relevance of Buddhist Philosophy—K. N. Jayatilleke 259–60: Nourishing the Roots—Bhikkhu Bodhi 261: Buddhism and Death—M. O’C. Walshe 262: Faith in the Buddha’s Teaching and Refuge in the Triple Gem—Soma Thera 263–4: Maha-Moggallana—Hellmuth Hecker
These Pariyatti Edition collected volumes of the renowned Wheel Publications (Wheel Series) deals with various aspects of the Buddha's teaching. This book contains numbers 116 to 1131 of the renowned Wheel Publications, originally published as small booklets, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha's teaching. The titles are:
Collected Wheel Publications Vol. 9 WH116 Practical Advice for Meditators - Bhikkhu Khantipalo WH117/119 Nirvana, Nihilism and Satori - Douglas M. Burns, MD WH120 On True Sacrifice - T.W. Rhys Davids WH121/122 The Power of Mindfulness - Nyanaponika Thera WH123 The Significance of the Four Noble Truths - V.F. Gunaratna WH124/125 Buddhism in South India - H. Dharmaratana Thera WH126 Way of the Noble - T.W Perera WH127 Aspects of Reality as Taught by Theravada Buddhism - G.P. Malalasekera WH128/129 Aspects of Buddhist Social Philosophy - K.N. Jayatilleke WH130/131 Buddhist Monk's Discipline - Bhikkhu Khantipalo
This book contains fifteen numbers of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha’s teaching. 132—134: Touching the Essence — Bhikkhu Dhammapala; 135: The Message of the Saints — V. F. Gunaratna; 136: The Problem of Sin — P. M. Rao; 137–138: The Buddhist Wheel Symbol — T. B. Karunaratne; 139: Prayer and Worship — Francis Story; 141–143: Survival and Karma in Buddhist Perspective — K.N. Jayatilleke; 144–146: Schopenhauer and Buddhism — Bhikkhu Nanajivako; 14–149: The Wheel of Birth and Death — Bhikkhu Khantipalo; 150–151: Brahmanism, Buddhism, and Hinduism — Lal Mani Joshi.
This book contains fourteen numbers of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha’s teaching. Wheel Publication No. 76: The Threefold Refuge by Nyanaponika Thera; 77–8: Essays and Poems by Dr. Paul Dahlke; 79: The Kandaraka and Potaliya Suttas by Narada Thera & Mahinda Bhikkhu; 80–1: Dialogues on the Dhamma by Francis Story; 82: The Discourse Collection by John D. Ireland; 83–4: With Robes and Bowl by Bhikkhu Khantipalo; 85–6: Buddhism in Thailand by Karuna Kusalasaya; 87: The Greater Discourse on Voidness by Nyanamoli Thera; 88–9: Buddhist Meditation and Depth Psychology by Douglas M. Burns.
This book contains 14 numbers of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha’s teaching. Wheel Publication No. 47: Buddhism and the God-Idea by Nyanaponika Thera; 48– 9: The Discourse on the Snake Simile by Nyanaponika Thera; 50: Knowledge and Conduct by O. H. de A. Wijesekera, K. N. Jayatilleke, & E. A. Burtt; 51: Taming the Mind by Nyanaponika Thera; 52–3: Pathways of Buddhist Thought by Nyanamoli Thera; 54: The Mirror of the Dhamma by Narada Thera & Bhikkhu Kassapa; 55: The Five Precepts by Paul Dahlke, Bhikkhu Silacara, L.R. Oates, G. Constant Lounsbery; 56: Ordination in Theravada Buddhism by Piyadassi Thera; 57–8: A Discourse to Knowers of Veda by T. W. Rhys Davids; 59: Stories of Old by Nyanaponika Thera, Nyanamoli Thera, & Soma Thera; 60: The Satipatthana Sutta and Its Application to Modern Life by V. F. Gunaratna.
This book contains fifteen numbers of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha’s teaching. Wheel Publication No. 216: The Buddhist Attitude to Other Religions by K. N. Jayatilleke; 217-220: An Analysis of the Pali Canon by Russell Webb; 221-224: Kamma and Its Fruit by Leonard A. Bullen, Nina van Gorkom,Bhikkhu Nanajivako, Nyanaponika Thera,Francis Story; 225: Buddhism and Sex by M. O'C. Walshe; 226-230: A Technique of Living by Leonard A. Bullen;
This book contains fourteen numbers of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha’s teaching. Wheel Publication No. 167–9: Rebirth Explained—V. F. Gunaratna; 170: Mudita—Nyanaponika Thera/Natasha Jackson/C.F. Knight/ L.R. Oates; 171–174: The Requisites of Enlightenment—Ledi Sayadaw; 175–176: Ethics in Buddhist Perspective—K. N. Jayatilleke; 177: The Girimananda Sutta—Bhikkhu Nanamoli; 178: The Significance of Vesak—K. N. Jayatilleke; 179: The Psychological Aspect of Buddhism—Piyadassi Thera; 180–181: Gods and the Universe in Buddhist Perspective—Francis Story