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The Program in Indo-European Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles, sponsors an Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference. The Conference, held on campus every fall, welcomes participation by linguists, philologists, and others engaged in all aspects of Indo-European studies. Inhalt: - David W. Anthony: Ten Constraints that Limit the Late PIE Homeland to the Steppes - Dita Frantíkovková: Hittite Common-Gender āi-stems Revisited - Sander van Hes: The Ancient Greek Local Suffixes -θεν, -θε(ν), -θι, and -σε: Function and Origin - Valérie Jeffcott and Logan Neeson: The Proto-Indo-European Negative Polarity Item *kwené - Jesse Lundquist: The Source of Strength: ἀλκί, ἀλκι-, ἀναλκιδ-, and Related - Reuben Pitts: Long-Vowel Perfects and the Aorist-Perfect Merger in Italic - Alex Roy: Redundance and Recategorization in Indo-Iranian *námas- and Allies - Paolo Sabattini: Syllabification-Driven Changes in Mycenaean: The Case of Liquid Vocalization - Ryan Sandell: Towards a Prosodic History of Indic: A Parametric Analysis of the "Classical Sanskrit Stress Rule" - Pat Snidvongs: Rig Vedic √sac as a Semantic Transitivizer - Anthony D. Yates: The Unexceptional Stress of the "Endingless Locative" in Indo-European
This current volume contains 12 new papers on the subject of chaos in the physical sciences, which was initiated with the publication of the book Research Advances in Chaos Theory. It is clear the subject continues to attract a great deal of attention among scientists in the scientific community. This volume looks at such problems as chaos in nonlinear systems, in dynamical systems, quantum chaos, biological applications, and a few new emerging areas as well.
"This book concentrates on one particular and fast-growing application of mobile technologies: data acquisition for the tourism industry, providing travel agents, visitors, and hosts with the most advanced data mining methods, empirical research findings, and computational analysis techniques necessary to compete effectively in the global tourism industry"--Provided by publisher.
Terraced landscapes with agricultural terraces are cultural landscapes with a special value. They provide food and also have priceless scientific, cultural, historical. ecological, aesthetic, and even psychological, philosophical, and religious value. They form a unique agricultural and ecological system that can be found throughout the world. In some developed civilizations they were created in an organized manner over millennia, and in others they arose completely spontaneously as people adapted to natural conditions and improved their opportunities to make a living. They therefore reflect a harmony between man and nature, and in many cases also between people themselves. This volume presents them in pictures and words in all their diversity and attractiveness. After discussing the global and European dimensions of terraced landscapes and their agricultural terraces, the volume focuses on Slovenian terraced landscapes; they are discussed separately by landscape types and sample cases in the territory of selected settlements (pilot areas). The conclusion also draws attention to the exceptional value and appeal of non-agricultural terraced landscapes that have been shaped by nature and man. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Terasirane pokrajine, sestavljene iz kmetijskih teras, so kulturne pokrajine s posebno vrednostjo. Zagotavljajo hrano, imajo pa tudi neprecenljivo znanstveno, kulturno, zgodovinsko, ekološko, estetsko, celo psihološko, filozofsko in religiozno vrednost. So svojstven kmetijski in ekološki sistem po celem svetu. Ponekod so v razvitih civilizacijah organizirano nastajale skozi tisočletja, drugje pa povsem spontano, ko se je človek prilagajal naravnim razmeram in izboljševal svoje možnosti za preživetje. Zato se v njih zrcali sožitje med človekom in naravo, marsikje pa tudi med ljudmi. Knjiga jih v sliki in besedi predstavlja v vsej njihovi pestrosti in privlačnosti. Najprej so izpostavljene svetovne in evropske razsežnosti terasiranih pokrajin in njihovih kmetijskih teras, precej prostora pa namenja tudi slovenskim terasiranim pokrajinam, in sicer ločeno po pokrajinskih tipih in po vzorčnih primerih, ki obsegajo območja izbranih naselij. V sklepnem delu opozarja tudi na izjemnost in privlačnost nekmetijskih terasiranih pokrajin, ki sta jih oblikovala narava in človek.