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An in-depth look at California's remarkable 21st century turnaround, focusing on the role played by the state government under Jerry Brown. In the most economically important state in the country—and the 7th largest economy in the world—a political revolution of historic importance has occurred which has not been sufficiently covered by the media. In the state where the Reagan Revolution was born, there has recently occurred a remarkable progressive revolution under the leadership of another governor, four-term Democrat Jerry Brown. Over the past several decades, as it has evolved from a red state to solid blue, California has boldly reinvigorated the notion that government is not a dirty word but rather an instrument for uniting people and improving their lives. From raising taxes on those with annual incomes over $250,000, to shifting money toward the schools in low-income communities, from seeking environmental alliances with other countries to limit climate change, to the rejection of militaristic solutions to illegal immigration, California has been a laboratory of innovation. Californians have rejected the "race to the bottom" right-wing philosophy that catapulted conservative politics in recent years. That model of endorsing privatization, deregulation, reductions in government spending, and a tax system that disproportionately favors the wealthy, is exemplified by conservative governors and rejected by the pragmatic liberal Jerry Brown. In California Comeback, award-winning journalist Narda Zacchino, who has covered California politics for over three decades, clearly lays out the history of California's initial experiments with progressivism under Brown, its swing to the right under Reagan, near financial collapse under Schwarzenegger, and recent return to stability—bulwarked but the progressive policies made possible by the second coming of Jerry Brown. This progressive mindset, forged in the crucible of the tumultuous last half century, is California's true contribution not only to the country, but to the world.
America seems to be on a downward slide. Our government spends too much, our economy creates too little, and we aren't preparing our children to compete in a global marketplace. Yet our politicians—Republican and Democrat alike—just don't get it. While once-great cities fall into decay, Washington thrives, living off the hard work and tax dollars of the private sector. It's time for an American comeback—and it starts with innovation. Throughout its history, America's great innovators have been the drivers of our unsurpassed economic success. American innovation transformed a country of ragtag farmers into the epicenter of the world's technological progress. Innovation creates jobs, markets, and new industries where none existed before. Most importantly, innovation moves us forward as a nation, pushing us to succeed and strive for a better tomorrow. In short, innovation is the American Dream. In The Comeback, Gary Shapiro shows us how to return innovation to its rightful place at the center of America's economic policy. The Comeback is a new blueprint for America's success.
A guide to the decline of the American empire for individuals, families and communities
Your ultimate guide to overcoming losses and injuries and achieving greatness—on and off the field. Leading sports psychologist Jim Afremow, author of The Champion’s Mind, knows what makes good athletes great, especially when they come back to win after facing devastating injuries, tough obstacles, or seemingly insurmountable odds. Making a comeback isn’t just about raw talent or athletic ability—it’s the mental game that counts most. In the new paperback edition of The Champion’s Comeback, he offers winning strategies for athletes of any age or skill level to get mentally psyched for competition, quickly rebound after a loss, and overcome injuries (and the fear of re-injury). Afremow explores the psychology of commitment and shows you how to develop the core confidence of repeat champions. Featuring unique tips and advice, including guided imagery scripts, easy-to-follow mental training exercises, and motivating stories of famous “comeback” athletes, The Champion’s Comeback is the ultimate athlete’s handbook, encouraging you to not only stay in the game but also achieve greatness, no matter what.
Charles R. Morris’s The Trillion Dollar Meltdown (2008) was the first book to warn of the impending financial crash in all its horrific scale and speed. Now, with Comeback, Morris reveals that the United States is on the brink of a strong recovery that could last for twenty years or more. The great economic boom times in American history have come because of fortuitous discoveries. Natural resources (coal first, then oil) fueled vast economic and industrial expansions, which in turn helped create and supply new markets. The last genuine economic game changer was the technology boom of the 1990s, which gave the U.S. a global competitive advantage for a while based on electronics and silicon. One of the first writers and analysts in the U.S. to predict that the tech boom would lead to a period of sustained economic growth was Charles Morris. In defiance of the recessionary times (in 1990), he saw the coming boom. Now, in 2013, he sees the threshold of another. This time the gift is natural gas. The amount and distribution of gas in American shale is so vast that it has the potential to transform the manufacturing economy, creating jobs across the country, and requiring a new infrastructure that will benefit the nation as a whole. Because of fracking, jobs that once would have been outsourced abroad will return home, America can become a net exporter of energy, and cheap energy will provide the opportunity for innovation and competition. In light of this new opportunity, and other complementary developments Morris explores in this book, the U.S. ought to be approaching the future with a robust self-confidence it has not experienced in a while. But we could fumble it away. The gold-rush style of shale boom companies does not make them good neighbors. A counter-reaction could put their industry, and the new era of national prosperity, at risk. We also have a political system that has the capacity to spoil the benefits of this huge boon. If the wealth locked in the continental shelf is not shared for the general economic good, but is instead exploited in short-term profiteering, then many of the opportunities that exist will be choked off by a few very rich corporations. Managing the great bonus of the vast store of cheap energy is going to become a defining political challenge in the years ahead. At the threshold of a thrilling opportunity, Morris is a brilliantly perceptive guide.
THE CON50LE is a comprehensive yet conversational account of 50 years of home video gaming history, leaving no rarely sighted system unturned and providing a chronological account of the evolution of the biggest entertainment medium in the world. From the earliest consoles of the 1970s to the cutting-edge machines of the here and now, a line is drawn from one man’s eureka moment to the multi-billion-dollar global industry of today. All the well-known names and massive-selling consoles are here: the Nintendo Entertainment System, the SEGA Mega Drive, the Atari 2600, the Xbox 360, the PlayStation 2. But there’s plenty of room for hardware that many a gamer won’t have heard of before, from Japan-only releases and home computer conversions to ill-advised experiments with VHS and all manner of micro-console magic. Learn about the creators and their inspirations, the games that made the biggest consoles’ eternal reputations, and the failures and flops along the way. Even the consoles that came and went without notable commercial success left a mark, an imprint, on this compelling history – and THE CON50LE unravels it, explains it, one fascinating machine at a time.
On the field of life, we all experience setbacksbad decisions, job loss, divorce, health problems. Even countries around the world have experienced an economic setback due to the recession. Though we all experience setbacks, no one wants to take a step back. The good news is that a comeback is possible for anyone. Rick McDaniel will show you causes for your setbacks and lessons you can learn from them. He will help you to get ready for your comeback and guide you to the components and steps needed to make it happen. Along the way, he will share many inspiring stories of comebacks. Too many people allow their setback to be a step back. McDaniel will teach you setbacks do not control your life. If you have experienced a setback and are ready for your comeback, then this is for you.
Myth: “My kids will suffer if I work full time.” Reality: Your kids will be fine. In fact, the example you set by going back to work may leave them better off. Myth: “No company will want me since I don’t have the skills I used to have.” Reality: Don’t sell yourself short. You have unique skills and experiences that every company needs. What you don’t have, you can learn. Myth: “Getting back to work is impossible.” Reality: Millions of women have made the comeback. You can, too. Karyn never intended to work full time again after leaving to raise her two children. But seven years later, when a divorce seemed imminent, she went job-hunting -- only to find that getting back was as daunting as climbing Mt. Everest. With no resume, no current contacts, and no transferable skills for the jobs she was applying to, Karyn didn’t even know where to start. Countless women face situations like this every day, with little or no guidance. They’re told to “lean in” and lobby for more sympathetic workplaces, but none of that solves the immediate practical problem: “I need a job. Now.” Fortunately, career expert and Fox Business anchor Cheryl Casone has written a comprehensive guide to making the comeback. After interviewing hundreds of women who are willing to share both their successes and their mistakes, Casone offers a one-stop shop for moms at every stage of the process. This is the perfect book if you’re…. • Pregnant and wondering how to take an extended maternity leave without losing your contacts and momentum. • Trying to stay connected and relevant in your field while you’re away. • Planning the timing of your comeback • Thinking about what to say in interviews about the gaps in your resume. • Looking for creative alternatives if your former career just isn’t possible anymore. • Struggling with prejudice against working moms. The many real-life stories in this book (including Karyn’s) prove that with a smart strategy and some determination, almost any mom can make a successful comeback. In the process she can improve her standard of living, her self-esteem, and probably also the well-being of her kids. As Casone writes, “No matter who you are, no matter why change comes into your life, I hope this book will help you to do what my mom did: to stare that change in the face and say with confidence, ‘Bring it!’”