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This thesis focuses on the development, refinement, and application of dual- echelon single-shot ultrafast spectroscopy to the study of coherent nuclear motion in condensed phase systems. The general principles of the single-shot method are described, and particular emphasis is given to the general applicability and shortcomings of this technique and the extraction of data from raw laboratory images. Coupled to the single-shot system is a synchronously pumped dual-beam noncollinear optical parametric amplifier which was developed to provide independently tunable pump and probe beams in the visible and UV regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The second part of the thesis concerns the application of this technique to the study of atomic motions in liquids and solids. Single-shot nonresonant impulsive stimulated Raman scattering (ISRS) measurements in m-iodoanisole and bismuth germanate reveal the existence of transient coherent behavior. High-field resonant excitation of the semimetals bismuth, antimony and tellurium, as well as the semiconductor germanium telluride, reveals dramatic lattice anharmoniticity as a function of pump fluence. Finally, ultrafast photodissociation of the triiodide ion both in solution and in the solid state gives considerable insight regarding the role of the local environment in mediating chemical reaction dynamics.
Bringing together contributions from leading experts in the field, this book reviews laser processing concepts that allow the structuring of material beyond optical limits, and methods that facilitate direct observation of the underlying mechanisms by exploring direct structuring and self-organization phenomena. The capacity to nanostructure material using ultrafast lasers lays the groundwork for the next generation of flexible and precise material processing tools. Rapid access to scales of 100 nm and below in two and three dimensions becomes a factor of paramount importance to engineer materials and to design innovative functions. To reflect the dynamic nature of the field at all levels from basic science to applications, the book is divided into three parts, Fundamental Processes, Concepts of Extreme Nanostructuring, and Applications, each of which is comprehensively covered. This book will be a useful resource for graduate students and researchers in laser processing, materials engineering, and nanoscience.
This book presents the latest developments in Femtosecond Chemistry and Physics for the study of ultrafast photo-induced molecular processes. Molecular systems, from the simplest H2 molecule to polymers or biological macromolecules, constitute central objects of interest for Physics, Chemistry and Biology, and despite the broad range of phenomena that they exhibit, they share some common behaviors. One of the most significant of those is that many of the processes involving chemical transformation (nuclear reorganization, bond breaking, bond making) take place in an extraordinarily short time, in or around the femtosecond temporal scale (1 fs = 10-15 s). A number of experimental approaches - very particularly the developments in the generation and manipulation of ultrashort laser pulses - coupled with theoretical progress, provide the ultrafast scientist with powerful tools to understand matter and its interaction with light, at this spatial and temporal scale. This book is an attempt to reunite some of the state-of-the-art research that is being carried out in the field of ultrafast molecular science, from theoretical developments, through new phenomena induced by intense laser fields, to the latest techniques applied to the study of molecular dynamics.
Molecules are traditionally treated quantum mechanically using the Born-Oppenheimer formalism. In this formalism, different electronic states of the molecule are treated independently. However, most photo-initiated phenomena occurring in nature are driven by the couplings between different electronic states in both isolated molecules and molecular aggregates, and therefore occur beyond the Born-Oppenheimer formalism. These couplings are relevant in reactions relating to the perception of vision in the human eye, the oxidative damage and repair of DNA, the harvesting of light in photosynthesis, and the transfer of charge across large chains of molecules. While these reaction dynamics have traditionally been studied with visible and ultraviolet spectroscopy, attosecond XUV pulses formed through the process of high harmonic generation form a perfect tool for probing coupled electronic dynamics in molecules. In this thesis, I will present our work in using ultrafast, XUV spectroscopy to study these dynamics in molecules of increasing complexity. We begin by probing the relaxation dynamics of superexcited states in diatomic O2. These states can relax via two types of electronic couplings, either through autoionization or neutral dissociation. We find that our pump-probe scheme can disentangle the two relaxation mechanisms and independently measure their contributing lifetimes. Next, we present our work in observing a coherent electron hole wavepacket initiated by the ionization of polyatomic CO2 near a conical intersection. The electron-nuclear couplings near the conical intersection drive the electron hole between different orbital configurations. We find that we can not only measure the lifetime of quantum coherence in the electron hole wavepacket, but also control its evolution with a strong, infrared probing field. Finally, we propose an experiment to observe the migration of an electron hole across iodobenzene on the few-femtosecond timescale. We present experimental modifications made to the high harmonic generation set-up in order to probe this ultrafast and elusive charge migration. These results demonstrate the potential of ultrafast, XUV spectroscopy in probing the inner-workings of electronic couplings occurring in nature.
This comprehensive handbook gives a fully updated guide to lasers and laser technologies, including the complete range of their technical applications. This third volume covers modern applications in engineering and technology, including all new and updated case studies spanning telecommunications and data storage to medicine, optical measurement, defense and security, nanomaterials processing and characterization. Key Features: • Offers a complete update of the original, bestselling work, including many brand-new chapters. • Deepens the introduction to fundamentals, from laser design and fabrication to host matrices for solid-state lasers, energy level diagrams, hosting materials, dopant energy levels, and lasers based on nonlinear effects. • Covers new laser types, including quantum cascade lasers, silicon-based lasers, titanium sapphire lasers, terahertz lasers, bismuth-doped fiber lasers, and diode-pumped alkali lasers. • Discusses the latest applications, e.g., lasers in microscopy, high-speed imaging, attosecond metrology, 3D printing, optical atomic clocks, time-resolved spectroscopy, polarization and profile measurements, pulse measurements, and laser-induced fluorescence detection. • Adds new sections on laser materials processing, laser spectroscopy, lasers in imaging, lasers in environmental sciences, and lasers in communications. This handbook is the ideal companion for scientists, engineers, and students working with lasers, including those in optics, electrical engineering, physics, chemistry, biomedicine, and other relevant areas.
Laser ablation describes the interaction of intense optical fields with matter, in which atoms are selectively driven off by thermal or nonthermal mechanisms. The field of laser ablation physics is advancing so rapidly that its principal results are seen only in specialized journals and conferences. This is the first book that combines the most recent results in this rapidly advancing field with authoritative treatment of laser ablation and its applications, including the physics of high-power laser-matter interaction. Many practical applications exist, ranging from inertial confinement fusion to propulsion of aerostats for pollution monitoring to laser ignition of hypersonic engines to laser cleaning nanoscale contaminants in high-volume computer hard drive manufacture to direct observation of the electronic or dissociative states in atoms and molecules, to studying the properties of materials during 200kbar shocks developed in 200fs. Selecting topics which are representative of such a broad field is difficult. Laser Ablation and its Applications emphasizes the wide range of these topics rather than - as is so often the case in advanced science – focusing on one specialty or discipline. The book is divided into four sections: theory and modeling, ultrafast interactions, material processing and laser-matter interaction in novel regimes. The latter range from MALDI to ICF, SNOM’s and femtosecond nanosurgery to laser space propulsion. The book arose from the SPIE series of High Power Laser Ablation Symposia which began in 1998. It is intended for a graduate course in laser interactions with plasmas and materials, but it should be accessible to anyone with a graduate degree in physics or engineering. It is also intended as a major reference work to familiarize scientists just entering the field with laser ablation and its applications.
Since the early 20th century, X-ray and electron scattering has provided a powerful means by which the location of atoms can be identified in gas-phase molecules and condensed matter with sub-atomic spatial resolution. Scattering techniques can also provide valuable observables of the fundamental properties of electrons in matter such as an electron’s spin and its energy. In recent years, significant technological developments in both X-ray and electron scattering have paved the way to time-resolved analogues capable of capturing real-time snapshots of transient structures undergoing a photochemical reaction. Structural Dynamics with X-ray and Electron Scattering is a two-part book that firstly introduces the fundamental background to scattering theory and photochemical phenomena of interest. The second part discusses the latest advances and research results from the application of ultrafast scattering techniques to imaging the structure and dynamics of gas-phase molecules and condensed matter. This book aims to provide a unifying platform for X-ray and electron scattering.
The timely volume describes recent discoveries and method developments that have revolutionized Structural Biology with the advent of X-ray Free Electron Lasers. It provides, for the first time, a comprehensive examination of this cutting-edge technology. It discusses of-the-moment topics such as growth and detection of nanocrystals, Sample Delivery Techniques for serial femtosecond crystallography, data collection methods at XFELs, and more. This book aims to provide the readers with an overview of the new methods that have been recently developed as well as a prospective on new methods under development. It highlights the most important and novel Structural Discoveries made recently with XFELS, contextualized with a big-picture discussion of future developments.