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Should educators pay students? Should they make them wear sunglasses, regulate their clothing, allow them to bring animals into classrooms, discourage them from playing videogames, or transform their schools into gymnasiums? These are some of the suggestions that Cockeyed Education examines. This book enables readers to differentiate substantive from cockeyed suggestionsfor improving schools.. It directs them to the suggestions that scholastic experts, politicians, and members of the public have made. Additionally, it introduces them to the case method. It helps them apply this analytical technique to events that range from early Chicago schooling to the 2009 economic stimulus package.
Parents have questions for school administrators. They want to know how they hire teachers, erect facilities, select learning materials, protect students, allocate budgets, use data, make forecasts, measure progress, and compete with for-profit schools. This book examines the questions they pose, the answers they elicit, the allies they attract, the adversaries they arouse, and the improvements they prod.
Parents had reasons to be alarmed about school technology. They had been warned that these abuses could influence their children’s academic progress, motivation, communication, creativity, critical thinking, job preparedness, and even their safety at school. They had been told that it was linked to controversial instruction, faulty testing, inadequate textbooks, and invasive spyware. Upset by these claims, the parents had numerous questions. This book identifies their questions, the groups to which they directed them, the answers they elicited, and the educational changes they prompted.
Lopsided Schools introduces readers to the case method and helps the reader to use the case method to examine the scholastic challenges that critics posed from World War I to the present. Some critics have stirred up educators with threats to reduce their budgets or fire them. Others upset them with disconcerting questions. Should parents demand that their children learn speed reading? Should teachers emphasize vocational activities? Should principals train their own successors? Should superintendents award bonuses to teachers? Should employers hire the graduates with the highest scores on standardized tests? Should politicians assume greater responsibility for schooling? Should journalists publicize information about lopsided schools? This book examines these and the numerous other questions that critics posed.
Parents want teachers to explain how they instruct children. They become annoyed when the teachers are silent or surly. Parents counter with explicit, common sense questions: how do teachers arouse interest, design curricula, reinforce discipline, assign grades, designate textbooks, and select technology? This book examines the parents' questions, the answers they elicited, the allies they attracted, and the improvements they initiated.
This book focuses on the questions that parents recently have posed about textbooks.
Early and recent school reformers demanded greater funding. They insisted that they needed it to protect children, the economy, and the nation. This book uses the case method to analyze the budgets that they proposed, the rhetoric that they employed, and the resistance that they encountered.
Parents asked educators about their children’s learning. Frustrated when they were ignored, they asked politicians to put pressure on the educators. They were then surprised when the politicians provided personal advice about the optimal way to nurture learning. They were even more surprised when the politicans prescribed changes to instruction, curriculum, textbooks, technology, school safety, teacher retention, student behavior, school funding, and even the menus for school cafeterias. More frustrated than ever, they intensified their barrage of common sense questions.
Parents had questions about the tests their children took at school. They considered them to be common sense questions. They posed them to the businesspeople, publishers, and politicians who championed tests. They also posed them to the school administrators, teachers, and union leaders who criticized them. This book examines the questions the parents posed, the answers they elicited, and the changes they prodded.
THE STORY: Set in a seedy hotel of a black neighborhood in a Midwestern city, the play introduces a series of finely drawn representative characters: a pimp who sends his girl out on the street to earn money for his drugs; the light-skinned dancer